Application for At-Large Membership

Street Address ____________________________________________Phone __________
City, State, Zip Code_______________________________________________________
EMAIL address __________________________________________________________
College ________________________ CHECK ONE: Graduate ___ Undergraduate ____
1. Why would you like to be a member of SACUB?
2. What are some of your concerns related to the University budget?
3. How do you think SACUB can address these concerns?
4. What experiences do you have that qualify you to serve on SACUB?
Please read the attached information about SACUB and the requirements for members
before you submit this application. The attachment should be signed acknowledging
your commitment to SACUB. Applications may be submitted at any time to Deborah
Weinstein, 600 University Pavilion, mail location 0638 or by e-mail to
Deborah.Weinstein@UC.EDU. Questions? Call 513 556-6049.
Student Advisory Committee on the University Budget (SACUB)
This committee was formed in 1987 and allows for formal representative student
involvement in the University budget planning and review processes. It is meant to be
representative of the rich diversity of the total student population. SACUB does not
allocate funds to any unit or group. SACUB does review university budgets and makes
recommendations at times for increases in general fee funded units which are paid for by
tuition increases approved by the university’s Board of Trustees. SACUB is an advisory
committee. Its recommendations are forwarded to the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Those directly involving fees that are a part of a student’s tuition and fees (if approved at
the VP level) are forwarded to the Board of Trustees for final approval as part of the
annual budget plan for UC.
There are 27 members of SACUB including 5 at-large seats. Membership on SACUB
carries the responsibility for regular attendance at our biweekly meetings. Currently the
group meets every other Monday during Fall and Spring semesters from 5-7 PM.
Members who fail to attend two or more meetings per quarter without prior notification
to the Vice Chair will be replaced. If a student group fails to appoint a representative,
that seat becomes an at-large seat for that academic year. Thus, there are often more than
5 at-large seats available.
I have read and I understand the philosophy of SACUB and the membership
Signature and Date