Dr. Harold Kay
1. The lack of iodine in -----gland causes goiter
2. ADH stands for what? What does it do
3. Differentiate between type I and type 2 diabetes
4. Is hermaphroditism a type of sexual reproduction
5. How does insulin/glucagon work in the body
6. What is ligand binding
7. Must antibodies be complementary to antigens
8. What does a vaccine contain
9. When individuals are infected with HIV, what do they die from
10. What is secondary immune response
11. When is histamine released in the body
12. The central nervous system is divided into what
13. REM stands for what
14. What are examples of mechano receptors
15. What is the function of the acrosome that is located on the sperm cell?
16. When a woman urine is tested for infertility what hormone is being tested for
17. Why is the testes located outside the body
18. What is vasectomy
19. How do birth control pills function
20. After ovulation occurs what happens to the empty follicle.
21. What is an antigen
22. Which hormone stimulates the ovarian cycle?
23. When does luteinizing hormone peak
24. Most digestive enzymes are in what part of the body
25. Differentiate between gastrovascular cavity and alimentary canal
26. What is chemotaxis
27. Who proposed the binomial system of nomenclature
28. In humans most nutrient molecules are absorbed by what
29. What are the three primary germ layers
30. What do you understand by Capacitation
31. When do human females stop menstruation and ovulation
32. What are the 4 phases of sexual response cycle
33. What are the two principal modes of reproduction in animals
34. Give examples of local regulators
35. What are the three overlapping functions of the nervous system
36. Know homosporous/heterosporous sporophyte
37. Functional unit of the nervous system
38. What is estrous?
39. Examples of tropic hormones
40. Examples of gonadotropin
41. Endocrine system is made up of how many glands
42. The central nervous system is made up oft
43. What is the other name for flowering plants
44. What are stomata
45. What does SARS stand for
46. Two animals are of different species if they cannot do what
47. What is artificial selection
48. What is meant by ectotherm/endotherm
49. What is vasectomy
50. What is BMR/SMR
51. Know about Smooth/Skeletal/Cardiac muscles
52. Ligament/tendon
53. What is the substrate of salivary amylase
54. What is peristalsis
55. What are essential amino acids
56. The functional unit of kidney is what
57. What are the early views of embryonic development
58. Know examples of physical barriers to infection.
59. what are examples of specific and nonspecific mechanisms of disease control by
the body
60. what are the four physical processes of heat transfer
61. what do we mean by coitus interruptus
62. compare the penis and the clitoris
63. The discharge of soft uterine tissues and unfertilized eggs is called…..?
More Bio 1407 final exam review
1. Types of asexual reproduction.
2. what is menstruation
3. the least effective birth control method
4. how long does the menstrual cycle last
5. what are the different first lines of barrier
6. what are the four physical processes of heat exchange
7. what is nonspecific immune defense
8. t lymphocyte is also thymus lymphocyte
9. what is secondary immunity
10. what is naturally acquired passive immunity
11. what is oxytocin
12. Description of cardiac muscle.
13. what are BME/SMR
14. lease invasive procedure to evaluate fetal genetic disorder
15. description of skeletal muscle
16. what is vasectomy
17. what is arterial selection
18. definition of species
19. what do you understand by homosporous sporophyte
20. what does SAES stand for
21. what is local regulator
22. what is FSH
23. what is LH
24. what are angiosperms
25. what are the overlapping functions of the nervous system
26. cyclosporine A and FK506
27. what is estrous
28. what is preformation and epigenesist
29. examples of local regulator
30. functional unit of the nervous system
31. the four phases of sexual response cycle
32. what is menopause
33. what is taxonomy
34. what is capacitation
35. what are the three germ layers
36. gastrovascular cavity
37. condoms
38. chemotaxis
39. antigen
40. what is vasectomy
41. what are mechanic receptors
42. REM stands for what
43. what does a vaccine contain
44. what is type 1 diabetes
45. what are antibodies
46. know the complement system
47. What are essential nutrients e.g. amino acids.
48. differentiate between class 1 & class 2 MHC