How to understand and cooperate between US-China in CS Prof. Jinpeng HUAI administrative vice President of Beihang University Beijing, May 23, 2006 Contents • Huge requirement for Computer Science in China • How to understand and cooperate between US and China in CS China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 2 Huge requirement for CS in China Huge Demand from IT and its applications, such as e-Gov, e-Com., e-learing, e-Oly Game… Huge Demand for basic research China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 3 Increasing revenue of Software Products in China Data Resource from: CSIA, China, 2006 250 206.6 Billion YUAN 200 152.8 150 100 66 50 82 33 23.8 19.2 6.8 9.2 11.2 13.8 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 4 Overview of Software Industry in China Data Resource from: CSIA, China, 2004 China Software Market(Billion YUAN) 350 300 300 240.4 250 200 160 150 110 100 50 79.6 44 59.3 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 5 Such as huge Space for e-Gov • In China, there are 2861 counties (not include Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan) – their population is 1 Bill, and the GDP amounts to $500.4Bill, and 56% in China • The founding for e-Gov in the central Gov is over $7Bil, while in Local Gov will much more. • In the 5 year, if founding from the gov. is $2 Bil, its market will be 10 times, i.e. $20Bil, and the market in hardware and software will be $5 Bil, the Service will be $2 Bil. etc, • Now, we have set 18 Standards related XML and Web Service in e.Gov. China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 6 Main R&D Resources in China • 1. NSF of China, basic Research • 2. Ministry of Science and Tech. – 1) Hi-Tech Program, In March 1986, Mr. Deng Xiaoping suggested to start a national Hi-Tech Program ed, the biggest R&D program, – Main mission: enable industry with HiTech – 2) Key Basic Research Program China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 7 Main R&D Resources in China • 3. in industries, the national committee of Developing & reform, Min. of Infor. Industies, such as NGI • 4. MOE, China Academy of Sciences, other Ministries and industry departs • In addition to education, Universities play the leading role in R&D China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 8 CS in HE, China • More than 770 Univers have CS depts, including school of Software, CS is the most popular specialty • In the past 10 years, the student’s number over 200,000 and increases each year because of the huge demand China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 9 Challenges in CS, China • With the rapid developing in IT and education, we face to many challenges – How to provide better education program for students, such as PhD program – How to play a critical role in original creation and innovation – How to improve and evaluate our abilities – …… China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 10 Contents • Huge requirement for Computer Science in China • How to understand and cooperate between US and China in CS China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 11 Suggestions for the Cooperation • In China, we released the next fiveyear planning for R&D, which has been extensively focused and will play a great role. • In many aspects on education and R&D, we have common interesting • I suggest – set up a joint workgroup to promote the collaboration fruitfully and successfully China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 12 Suggestions for the Cooperation • The mission for the joint workgroup – Discuss some common interesting issues to promote the understanding, cooperation and innovation – Hold one US-China CS Summit each year, such as the 2nd Summit in US and 2008 in China. • Someday both of us hold a world-wide Summit. – Hold related seminars with some fixed topic in each year – Get more support from each government • 2.Set up a Virtual US-China CS Forum for Leadership through Internet China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 13 Suggestions for the Cooperation • 3.Some exchanging programs to be done – Discuss Education cooperation program – exchanging program for faculties and Students to each other , such as one term exchanging program supported by their government • 4.Joint R&D program by NSF and NSFC, MOST, such as supporting some R&D areas • 5.Universities to Universities China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 14 Question? Thanks! Increasing Software industries in China • From 2002 to 2005, increasing in software is 31.5% annually. By IDC, from 2002 to 2007, the increasing ratio in China will be held by 25.8% annually 。 • In 2005, the national software industry reach $250bil, its product and service come into possession of 60% in the domestic, the export reaches $5Bil. • China will invest $5 Bil in our own software tech. and products, so that we have the initiative for – Operating Sys, DBs, – middleware and their kernel tech. – Killer Applications China-US Summit in CS, BeiHang, Beijing, May 23, 2006 16