Network Coding Theory: Consolidation and Extensions

Network Coding Theory:
Consolidation and Extensions
Raymond Yeung
Joint work with
Bob Li, Ning Cai and Zhen Zhan
 Single-Source Network Coding
Global and Local Descriptions of a Network
Linear Multicast, Broadcast, and Dispersion
Static codes
 Multi-Source Network Coding
Fundamental Limits of Linear Codes
Based on an upcoming paper to appear in
Foundation and Trends in Communications and
Information Theory (Editor: Sergio Verdu).
Single-Source Network Coding
 Network is acyclic.
 The message x, a -dimensional row vector
in F, is generated at the source node.
 A symbol in F can be sent on each channel.
Global Description
 The symbol sent on channel e is a function of
the message, called the global encoding
mapping for channel e.
 For any node v, the global encoding
mappings have to satisfy the local constraints,
i.e., the local encoding mapping for every
node v is well defined.
A Globally Linear Network Code
 A code is globally linear if all the global encoding
mappings are linear (and all the local constraints
 A globally linear code is the most general linear code
that can possibly be defined.
 The global encoding mapping for channel e is
characterized by a column vector fe, s.t. the symbol
sent on e is x fe.
 It can be proved that if a code is globally linear, then
it is also locally linearly, i.e., all local encoding
mappings are linear.
Global Description vs Local Description
 Since the local encoding mapping at a node v
is linear, it follows that
for any e Out(v), fe is a linear combination of
fe’, e’  In(v).
 Global description (Li-Yeung-Cai).
 These linear combination forms the local
encoding kernel.
 Local description (Koetter-Medard)
Global Description = Local Description
 The global description and the local
description are the two sides of a coin:
They are equivalent.
Both can describe the most general form of a
(block) linear network code!
Generic Network Code
 Definition (LYC)
A linear network code is said to be generic if:
For every set of channels {e1, e2, … , en},
where n   and ej  Out(vj), the vectors fe1,
fe2, … , fen are linearly independent provided
{fd: d  In(vj)}  {fek: k  j} for 1  j  n.
 The idea: Whenever a collection of vectors
can possibly be linear independent, they are.
Special Cases of a Generic
Network Code
Generic network code
 Linear dispersion
 Linear Broadcast
 Linear Multicast
Each notion is strictly weaker than
the previous notion!
Linear Multicast
 For each node v, if maxflow(v)  , then the
message x can be recovered.
Linear Broadcast
 For every node v,
If maxflow(v)  , the message x can be
If maxflow(v) < , maxflow(v) dimensions of
the message x can be recovered.
 Linear Broadcast  Linear Multicast
Linear Dispersion
 For every collection of nodes P,
If maxflow(P)  , the message x can be received.
If maxflow(P) < , maxflow(P) dimensions of the
message x can be recovered.
 Linear Dispersion  Linear Broadcast
 Linear Mulicast (Generic network code implies all)
 For a linear dispersion, a new comer who wants to
receive the message x can do so by accessing a
collection of nodes P such that maxflow(P)  , where
each individual node u in P may have maxflow(u) < .
Code Constructions
 A generic network code exists for all
sufficiently large F and can be constructed by
the LYC algorithm.
 A linear dispersion, a linear broadcast, and a
linear multicast can potentially be constructed
with decreasing complexity since they satisfy
a set of properties of decreasing strength.
 In particular, a polynomial time algorithm for
constructing a linear multicast has been
reported independently by Sanders et al. and
Jaggi et al.
Static Codes
 Static linear multicast was introduced by KM
which finds applications in robust network
 Static versions of linear broadcast and linear
dispersion can be defined accordingly.
 The LYC algorithm can be modified for
constructing a static generic network code.
 This means that the static versions of a linear
dispersion, a linear broadcast, and a linear
multicast can all be constructed.
Multi-Source Network Coding
 A network is given.
 Independent information sources of rates
 = (1, 2, …, S)
are generated at possibly different nodes, and each
source is to be multicast to a specific sets of nodes.
 The set of all achievable rates is called the
achievable information rate region R.
 If all the sources are multicast to the same set of
nodes, then it reduces to a single-source network
coding problem, otherwise it does not.
 A multi-source network coding problem
cannot be decomposed into single-source
network coding problems even when all the
information sources are generated at the
same node (Yeung 95).
 Special multi-source network coding
problems have been shown to be
decomposable (Roche, Hau, Yeung, Zhang
An Example of Indecomposability
(with Wireless Application)
Independent sources need to be coded jointly
Characterization of the Information
Rate region R
 Inner and outer bounds on R acyclic networks
can be expressed in term of the region of all
entropy functions of random variables (Yeung
97, Yeung-Zhang 99, Song et al. 03).
 A computable outer bound on R, called RLP,
has also been obtained.
 Only existence proofs by random coding are
available  no code construction.
The region Γ*
 Let Γ* be the set of all entropy functions of a
collection of random variables labeled by the
information sources and the channels.
Outer Bound Rout
If an information rate tuple  is achievable, then there
exists h  closure(Γ*) which satisfies a set of
constraints denoted by C which specifies
the independence of the information sources
2. the rate tuple
3. local constraints of the code
4. the channel capacity constraints
5. the multicast requirements.
C is a collection of hyperplanes in the Eucledian space.
Linear Codes for Multiple Sources
 The global description for a linear network
code can be generalized to multiple sources.
 Each channel is characterized by a column
vector of an appropriate dimension.
 The existence of a linear code is nothing but
the existence of a collections of vectors
satisfying the set of constraints C.
The Region *
 Let * be the set of all rank functions for a
collection of -dimensional column vectors
labeled by the information sources and the
channels over some finite field F, where
  1.
Linear Codes vs Nonlinear Codes
Linear codes  Rlinear
An information rate tuple  is linearly
achievable iff there exists h  closure(*)
which satisfies the set of constraints C.
Note: Rlinear includes all rate tuples that are inferior to some rate tuples
achievable by mixing linear codes.
Nonlinear codes  outer bound Rout
If an information rate tuple  is achievable, then
there exists h  closure(Γ*) which satisfies
the set of constraints C.
Similarity between Rank and Entropy
 The rank function satisfies
1. 0  rank(A).
2. rank(A)  rank(B) if A  B.
3. rank(A) + rank(B)  rank(AB) + rank(A B).
4. rank(A)  |A|.
 The entropy function in general satisfies
1. 0  H(A).
2. H(A)  H (B) if A  B.
3. H(A) + H (B)  H (AB) + H (A B).
1 - 3 are called the polymatroidal axioms.
The Bridge from Rank to Entropy
Theorem 1:
Let F be a finite field, Y be an -dimensional
random row vector that distributes uniformly
on F, and A be an   l matrix. Let Z = Y·A.
Then H(Z) = rank(A) log |F|.
Using this theorem, it can be shown that
*  Γ*.
A Gap between * and Γ*
 In addition to the polymatroidal axioms, the rank
function also satisfies the Ingleton inequality:
r(A13)+ r(A14)+ r(A23)+ r(A24)+ r(A34)
 r(A3)+ r(A4)+ r(A12)+ r(A134)+ r(A234)
 The Ingleton inequality is satisfied by algebraic
structures as general as Abelian groups.
 The corresponding inequality is not satisfied by the
entropy function (Zhang-Yeung 99), so there is a gap
between * and Γ*.
 This gap between * and Γ* suggests that nonlinear
codes may actually perform better for some multisource problems.
Vector Linear Codes
 Vector Linear Codes (Riis, Lehman2, Medard, Effros,
Ho, Karger, Koetter)
It can be regarded as a linear code over a network
obtained by expanding all the capacities by an integer
It has been shown that some multi-source problems do
not have linear solutions but have vector linear
 Question 1: Are these vector linear solutions better
than all mixtures of linear solutions?
Question 2: Do these vector linear solutions exceed
the Ingleton inequality? (If so, the answer to Q1 is
Codes Beyond Fields
 Dougherty, Frieling and Zeger have recently
shown that there exist a multi-source problem
that has no linear solution even in the more
general algebraic context of modules, which
includes all finite rings and Abelian groups.
 Question 1: Is the nonlinear solution given by
DFZ better than all mixtures of linear
Question 2: Does the nonlinear solution given
by DFZ exceed the Ingleton inequality? (If so,
the answer to Q1 is yes.)
Ingleton Inequality Classification
 Codes abide by the Ingleton inequality
 Linear codes, module codes
 Codes not necessarily abide by the Ingleton
Vector linear codes (abide by the Ingleton
inequality in an extended space)
 Codes not abide by the Ingleton inequality
 Non-Abelian group codes are asymptotically
as good as all nonlinear codes (Chan,
submitted to ISIT 2005).
Thank You