Secure Remote Authentication Using Biometrics

Secure Remote
Authentication Using
Jonathan Katz*
Portions of this work done with
Xavier Boyen, Yevgeniy Dodis,
Rafail Ostrovsky, Adam Smith
supported by NSF Trusted Computing grant #0310751
“Humans are incapable of securely storing highquality cryptographic secrets, and they have
unacceptable speed and accuracy…. (They are also
large [and] expensive to maintain…. But they are
sufficiently pervasive that we must design our
protocols around their limitations.)”
From: “Network Security: Private Communication in a
Public World,” by Kaufman, Perlman, and Speciner
Possible solutions?
• (Short) passwords?
• (Hardware) tokens?
• Biometrics
– Storage of high-entropy data “for free”
Problems with biometrics
• At least two important issues:
– Biometrics are not uniformly random
– Biometrics are not exactly reproducible
• Outside the scope of this talk
– Are biometrics private?
– Sufficiently-high entropy?
– Revocation?
Previous work I
• Davida-Frankel-Matt ’98; MonroseReiter-(Li)-Wetzel ’99, ’01
• Juels-Wattenberg ’99; FrykholmJuels ’01; Juels-Sudan ’02
Previous work II
• Dodis-Reyzin-Smith ’04
– Their framework and terminology
adopted here
• Boyen ’04
– Two main results
– One result information-theoretic;
second in RO model
• Can we use biometric data (coupled
with these techniques…) for remote
user authentication?
– E.g., authentication over an insecure,
adversarially-controlled network?
• Without requiring users to remember
additional info, or the use of
hardware tokens?
Does previous work, work?
• [DRS04] No!
– Assume “secure channel” btw/ user and server
– Security vs. passive eavesdropping only
• [Boyen04]
– Focus is on general solutions to different
– In general, techniques only seem to achieve
unidirectional authentication
– By focusing on the specific problem of interest,
can we do better?
Main results
• Short answer: Yes!
– By focusing specifically on remote
authentication, we can do better
– Two solutions…
• Compared to [Boyen04]:
Solution in standard model
Solutions tolerating more general errors
Achieve mutual authentication
Improved bounds on the entropy loss
First solution
• Generic, “plug-in” solution whenever
data from server may be tampered
– In particular, applies to remote
– Proven secure in RO model…
– Tolerates more general class of errors
than [Boyen04]
– Mutual authentication
Second solution
• Specific to the case of remote
authentication/key exchange
– Provably secure in standard model
– Lower entropy loss compared to
[Boyen04] and previous solution
• Can potentially be used for lower-entropy
biometrics and/or secrets (passwords?)
– Still tolerates more general errors and
allows mutual authentication (as before)
Some background…
Security model I
• Standard model for (key exchange) +
mutual authentication [BR93]
– Parties have associated set of instances
– Adversary can passively eavesdrop on
protocol executions
– Adversary can actively interfere with
messages sent between parties; can also
initiate messages of its own
Security model II
• Notion of “partnering”
– Informally, two instances are partnered
if they execute the protocol with no
interference from the adversary
– More formally (but omitting some
details), instances are partnered if they
have identical transcripts
Security model III
• (Mutual) authentication
– Instances accept if they are satisfied
they are speaking to the corresponding
partner (determined by the protocol)
– Adversary succeeds if there is an
accepting instance which is not
partnered with any other instance
Security model IV
• Quantify adversary’s success in terms
of its resources
– E.g., as a function of the number of
sessions initiated by the adversary
– “On-line” vs. “off-line” attacks
• This can give a measure of the
“effective key-length” of a solution
Recap of [DRS04]
• Use Hamming distance for simplicity…
• (m, m’, t)-secure sketch (SS, Rec):
– For all w, w’ with d(w,w’)  t:
Rec(w’, SS(w)) = w
(I.e., “recovery from error”)
– If W has min-entropy m, the average
min-entropy of W|SS(W) is m’
(I.e., “w still hard to guess”)
Recap of [DRS04]
• (m, l, t, )-fuzzy extractor (Ext, Rec):
– Ext(w) -> (R, P) s.t.
1. SD((R, P), (Ul,P))  
(I.e., R is “close to uniform”)
2. For all w’ s.t. d(w,w’)  t, Rec(w’, P) = R
(I.e., “recovery from error”)
• [DRS04] assumes that P is reliably
transmitted to the user
– E.g., “in-person” authentication to your
laptop computer
• No guarantees if P is corrupted
• Main focus is reusability of biometric
data (e.g., with multiple servers)
– Somewhat tangential to our concern here
• Also defines a notion of security for
fuzzy extractors when P may be
• (Ignoring reusability aspect…)
• w* chosen; (R, P) = Ext((w*)) for
some ; adversary gets P
• Adversary submits P1, …  P and 1, …;
gets back R1 = Rec(1(w*), P1), …
• “Secure” if adv. can’t distinguish R
from random (except w/ small prob.)
Error model
• We assume here that d(w*, i(w*))  t
– I.e., errors occurring in practice are
always at most the error-correcting
capability of the scheme
• Under this assumption, [Boyen04]
disallows Pi = P in adversary’s queries
• Construction in [Boyen04] achieves
security assuming errors are “dataindependent”
– I.e., constant shifts
• Construction analyzed in RO model
Application to remote
Essentially as suggested in [Boyen04]:
User (w)
Server (P, PK)
P, nonce
(R,P) = Ext(w*)
= Rec(P,
RR ->
(SK, PK)
R -> (SK, PK)
 = SignSK(nonce)
• Intuition:
– If adversary forwards P, then user is
signing using his “real” secret key
• Using a secure signature scheme
– If adversary forwards P’  P:
• User computes some R’ and a signature w.r.t.
(key derived from) R’
• But even R’ itself would not help adversary
learn R!
• Unidirectional authentication only
– No authentication of server to user
• The definition of [Boyen04]
(seemingly) cannot be used to achieve
mutual authentication
– Nothing in the definition guarantees
that adversary can’t send some P’ and
thereby guess R’
New constructions
Construction I
• Modular replacement for any protocol
based on fuzzy extractors, when P may be
• Idea: ensure that for any P’  P, the user
will reject
– Adversary “forced” to forward real P
• Sealed (fuzzy) extractor
– Allow Rec to return “reject”
Error model
• Defined by a sequence of random
variables (W0, W1, …) over some
probability space  such that for all
, i we have d(W0(), Wi())  t
• More general model than [Boyen04]
– Allows data-dependent errors
• May be too strong…
Security definition
• User has w0; computes (R,P)<-Ext(w0);
adversary given P
• Adversary submits P1, …, Pn  P
• Adversary succeeds if i s.t.
Rec(wi, Pi)  “reject”
Application to remote
User (w)
R = Rec(P, w)
c1 = FR(n1)
P, n1
c1, n2
Server (P, R)
c2 = FR(n2)
(Or run authenticated Diffie-Hellman)
• If adversary forwards P’  P, user
simply rejects
• If adversary forwards P, then user
and server are simply running auth.
protocol of [BR93]
Constructing sealed
• First construct secure sketch
– Definition similar to that of sealed
– Construction is in the RO model
• Then apply standard extractors (as in
– This conversion is unconditional
Constructing sealed
• Let (SS’, Rec’) be any secure sketch
• Define (SS, Rec) as follows:
h = H(w,s’)
if (h=H(w,s’) and
output (s’,h)
d(w,w’)  t)
output w
else “reject”
• h “certifies” the recovered value w
– But because of the RO model, it does not
leak (much) information about w
– Also, because of RO model, impossible to
generate “forged” h without making
(explicitly) a certain query to the RO
• Adversary doesn’t make this query (except
with small probability) since min-entropy of
recovered w is still “high enough”
• “Entropy loss” of w occurs in
essentially three ways
– From public part s’ of underlying sketch,
and application of (standard) extractor
• Bounded in [DRS04]
– Due to the error model itself
• Inherent if we are using this strong model
– From the sealed extractor construction
• Roughly a loss of (log Volt,n) bits
Construction II
• Specific to remote authentication
• Idea: “bootstrap” using auth. protocol
that can handle non-uniform shared
– “Problem” of non-uniformity goes away
– All we are left with is the issue of errorcorrection
• Use a password-only authentication
(and key exchange) protocol (PAK)!
• These were designed for use with
“short” passwords…
• …But no reason to limit their use to
this application
Brief introduction/review
• Problem:
– Two parties share a password from a
(constant-size) dictionary D
– If D is “small” (or has low min-entropy),
an adversary can always use an on-line
attack to “break” the protocol
– Can we construct a protocol where this
is the best an adversary can do?
• Specifically, let Q denote the number
of “on-line” attacks
– Arbitrarily-many “off-line” attacks are
• Then adversary’s probability of
success should be at most Q/D
– Or Q/2min-entropy(D)
• Can view PAK protocols in the
following, intuitive way:
– Each on-line attack by the adversary
represents a single “guess” of the actual
– This is the best an adversary can do!
• [Bellovin-Merrit]…
• [BPR,BMP] – definitions, constructions
in random oracle/ideal cipher models
• [GL] – construction in standard model
• [KOY] – efficient construction in
standard model, assuming public
Application to remote
User (w)
w = Rec(s, w)
Run PAK using
“password” (s,w*)
Server (s, w*)
• Even if adversary changes s, the value
w’ recovered by the user still has
“high enough” min-entropy
• By security of PAK protocol,
adversary reduced to guessing this w’
• Using a secure sketch is enough
– Do not need fuzzy extractor
• PAK protocol doesn’t need uniform secrets!
– Save 2log(1/) bits of entropy
• This approach works even when
residual min-entropy is small
– Can potentially apply even to mis-typed
• Two approaches for using biometric data
for remote authentication
– “Drop-in” solution in RO model
– Solution specific to remote authentication in
standard model
• Compared to previous work:
Solutions tolerating more general errors
Achieve mutual authentication
Improved bounds on the entropy loss
Solution in standard model