Securing Future Wireless Networks: Challenges and Strategies Pandurang Kamat Wade Trappe Talk Overview Security has been one of the great detractors for wireless technologies (and the Internet, too!) We have a chance to consider security as we redesign the network Think about the questions: – Should security be considered separately from the network? – What benefits are there if we integrate security into the network? – Should we reevaluate the definition of security? – How private do we really want our lives? This talk will not focus on classical “Internet Security” but on “Wireless Security” Through the Looking Glass, the Wireless World Key properties and differentiators that make wireless desirable – Ubiquity – Mobility – Resource adaptability – Portability – Affordability – Platform heterogeneity Megarray XC2V6000 ConnectorFPGA 244 Configurable I/O pins TMS320C6701 100BaseT Ethernet MPC8260 Reevaluating the Security Paradigm System (CIA) Paradigm Algorithmic Paradigm Data Confidentiality These paradigms have been the traditional Confidentiality frameworks for security on conventional Data Integrity networks, but what can we do Authentication differently for wireless systems? Integrity Availability Non-repudiation Reevaluating the Security Paradigm, pg. 2 Confidentiality Availability Non Repudiation Integrity Wireless is easy to sniff. RF energy radiates, and wireless The value of Wireless a wireless hardware/equipment network its encryption need We stillisneed services entities within the radio coverage promise of ubiquitous to be safe availability. from modification. and key management. pattern may serve as witnesses for the freshness Data/control infoKey should not beis an issue. Weactions still need traditional security methods. of the transmitter. Wireless networks arebefore easy to modified orbreak! during transit. Privacy But the wireless has additional problems The Location pervasiveness is world aPerpetual new of the form wireless connectivity of information can mean andshould newby modalities for networks provided not wireless mean constant systems thatsolutions! surveillance! justthat will anyone facilitate canWith new participate! services. snoopingLocation one can monitor Example: information Rogue mobility needs APs and to behandoffs trusted. resources between (e.g. power and Wireless networks. spectrum) must be managed. Intrusion Detection Greedy Location user behavior will cause resource management Services to malfunction. Resource Management Drill Down: Specific Challenges and Some Strategies Availability Attack: Radio Interference @#$%%$#@& … Hi Hello … Alice and Bob are attacked by malicious Mr. X. A story for the problem of wireless denial of service attack we focus on. – Alice and Bob two communicating nodes, A and B. – Mr. X an adversarial interferer X. – Mr. X’s insane behavior the jamming style DoS. – People and nodes in wireless network both communicate via shared medium. … Bob Alice Mr. X AP1 D X1 A B AP0 Jamming style DoS Attack: – Behavior that prevents other nodes from using the channel to communicate by occupying the channel that they are communicating on X0 C A B C AP2 D E H X F I K G J L Availability: Jamming Detection/Defense Detection: – Challenge is to discriminate between legitimate causes of poor connectivity and jamming Motivation from “The Art of War” by Sun Tze: PDR VS. SS Jammed Region SS(dBm) – “He who cannot defeat his enemy should retreat.” Defense Strategies: – Spectral Evasion (Channel Surfing) – Spatial Evasion Latency and synchronicity is an issue as you move to many node networks! SDRs will allow more advanced forms of spectral evasion. PDR % 1.5 Packet Delivery Rate Channel Surfing Experiment 1 0.5 Jammer turned on Change channel 0 Trial Number (Time) Intrusion Detection: Wireless Spoofing Many wireless security threats are possible because it is easy to spoof legitimate devices (ioctl/ipconfig) Example – Attacker armed with a laptop having 2 wireless cards. – One card monitors all TCP traffic on the AP channel – Second card sends back TCP replies to select TCP requests (e.g. all requests for a particular web page). These are sent as if appearing from the server the user was connecting to. – At the MAC layer the attacker spoofs AP by injecting custom 802.11x frames with AP’s source MAC address. Results: – The user session is hijacked. – Requested service is DoSed. – Easy to launch flooding DoS attacks at higher-layer buffers Internet MAC: x.y.z.w Late! MAC: x.y.z.w Intrusion Detection : Spoofing Defense Spoofing can be addressed through authentication services – Traditional authentication services employ cryptographic solutions (e.g. MACs, signatures) – Light-weight alternatives can reduce the load on buffers into cryptographic functions A lesson learned from 802.11: – 802.11 has several fields controlled by firmware, which are hard for an attacker to bypass – The 12bit sequence # field is increased monotonically by 1 for each packet – Monotonicity provides a rule whose violation is easy to detect The sequence number was not intended to be a security field, but it can be! We may introduce filters that check monotonic conditions (or more generic rules) Wireless Localization Security Location information will facilitate new computing services – Location-based file access control Problem: Localization methods are not secure! Traditional cryptography and network security can address cryptographic attacks (Is this beacon really from the AP?) Is cryptography alone enough? No! Localization algorithms depend on measurements that are susceptible to attack!! Distance is measured using the relationship between received signal strength and distance Adversary may affect the receive signal power by: – Alter transmit power of nodes – Remove direct path by introducing obstacles – Introduce absorbing or attenuating material – Introduce ambient channel noise Power Received Attacks on Signal Strength r 1 r 2 d1 Absorbing Material d2 Distance Defenses for Wireless Localization • Don’t rely entirely on traditional security! • Two-tier approach to defending wireless localization… Add Security and Robustness! Attacks S E C U R I T Y R A O L B G U O S R T I T A H L M G Add Authentication, Entity Verification, Etc… Questions ?