Houston Community College COURSE DESCRIPTION: Travel & Tourism TRVM2335 Travel Automation II (3 credits) COREQUISITES: None PREREQUISITE: TRVM 1306 COURSE GOALS: Given a computer and the instructor’s demonstration, at the completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Sign in and out, request work areas, and display work areas with 100% accuracy. Search within HELP and scroll within HELP menu. Locate information in Amadeus Information System(AIS). Use the encode, decode, and calculator functions. Complete sign-in and sign-out and conversion functions. Display and availability. Interpret an availability. Scroll in an availability display. Modify and availability display. Display a dual-city pair availability. Interpret a dual-city pair availability and modify the display. Modify an availability display using shortcut entries. Display a Direct Access display. Add name fields in a Passenger Name Record(PNR). Sell from Availability. Use both long and short selling entries. Interpret a PNR. Create passenger associations. Enter phone contact, ticketing and received from elements. Create confidential and general remarks. Enter mailing and/or billing addresses. End and ignore a PNR. Retrieve PNRs. Request seats. Read a seat map. Assign seats. Display fares. Add an SSR. Complete an evaluation in a given time frame Complete a CBT lesson on queues Define queues Retrieve a Genie screen Scrolling in a Genie screen Retrieve fare by passenger type Retrieve a Genie screen index GK a flight segment Retrieve a profile GK flight status Set goals for the future INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Shouping Liu (713)718-6072 office (832)668-6828 cell By email: shouping.liu@hccs.edu or trvmhcc@yahoo.com TEXTBOOK INFORMATION: Amadeus Format Guide LAB REQUIREMENTS: Eight(8) hours of lab work per week is required. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Students who require reasonable accommodations for disabilities are encouraged to call (713)718-6164 to make necessary arrangement. Faculty are only authorized to provide accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirement. NOTICE: Students who repeat a course for a third or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor/counselor about opportunities for tutoring/other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades. ATTENDANCE AND WITHDRAWAL POLICY: 1. Attendance: A. Students are expected to attend all classes (see college catalog for attendance policy). B. Students are responsible for all work missed during an absence, and it is the student's responsibility to consult with instructors for make-up assignments. C. If a student misses one class(12.5%, including lecture and laboratory time), he/she may be withdrawn from the course by the instructor. This policy will be strictly enforced for veterans. D. Students are expected to be quiet and attentive during the class, no cellular phone is allowed during the class. E. No drink or food is allowed in the computer lab. 2. Withdrawal: It is the responsibility of the student to officially drop or withdraw from a course. Failure to officially withdraw may result in the student receiving a grade of “F” in the course. A Student may officially withdraw in any of the following ways: A: B. Complete an official withdrawal form at the campus he or she is attending or any other HCCS campus. Send a letter requesting withdrawal to: Registrar Houston Community College Systems P. O. Box 667517 Houston, TX 77266-7517 COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING POLICY: A. Tests-student’s performance will be evaluated through fill in the blank, multiple choice questions and also formats on CRS. To evaluate the student achievement for the stated objectives he/she will complete four weekly tests and a comprehensive final exam. A. Grade: A = 90 – 100 B = 80 -- 89 C = 70 -- 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 59 or below A. Final Evaluation Criteria: Attendance/Participation/Lab Practice Practice/Homework One exam Comprehensive Final exam 20% 30% 25% 25% TESTING: Exam One: First month material Final Exam: All material covered in class MAKE-UP POLICY: Only under special circumstances which student could not control and with the instructor's approval make-up exam will be given. PROJECTS, ASSIGNMENTS, PROTFOLIOS, SERVICE LEARNING, INTERNSHIPS, ETC.: To be announced in class. COURSE CONTENT: This computer course trains students to make travel reservation on Amadeus System. The basic concepts will be covered through lecture/discussion. Because the course emphasizes on hand-on practice, most of the class time will be taken up using computers to teach the stated objectives. COURSE CALENDAR WITH ASSIGNMENT: Week 1: 02/18/2016 Introduction, course syllabi & review all basic PNR formats Week 2: 02/25/2016 Fare quote(FQD) & PNR pricing(FXX) Week 3: 03/03/2016 Modify/Cancel availability and other PNR elements Week 4: 03/10/2016 Special Request(SR) & Optional Services(OS) Week 5: 03/17/2016 Spring Break week (03/14/2016 – 03/19/2016) Week 6: 03/24/2016 Optional elements & review for exam 1 Week 7: 03/31/2016 Exam 1 Week 8: 04/07/2016 Car Availability Search (CA) & Car Sell(CS) Week 9: 04/14/2016 Hotel availability search (HA) & Hotel Sell (HS) Week 10: 04/21/2016 Company Profile & Traveler Profile Week 11: 04/28/2016 Other optional elements Week 12: 05/05/2016 Review for final exam Week 13: 05/12/2016 Final Examination * All assignments are to be completed before the beginning of the next class *Last day for administrative/student withdrawals – April 5, 2016 Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that institutions have policies and procedures that protect students’ rights with regard to sex/gender discrimination. Information regarding these rights are on the HCC website under Students-Antidiscrimination. Students who are pregnant and require accommodations should contact any of the ADA Counselors for assistance. It is important that every student understands and conforms to respectful behavior while at HCC. Sexual misconduct is not condoned and will be addressed promptly. Know your rights and how to avoid these difficult situations. Log in to: www.edurisksolutions.org . Sign in using your HCC student e-mail account, then go to the button at the top right that says Login and enter your student number.