ANNUAL MONITORING OF RESEARCH STUDENTS Report from Convener (independent of the supervisory team) following meeting with research degree student and their supervisory team Please complete the report form below and e-mail it to all participants of the meeting and the appropriate Faculty Research Degrees Sub Committee Secretary and Faculty Research Administrator, as set out below, within 5 working days of the meeting. For students in ALSS – Sara Donner-Langstone For students in HSC&E – Antoinette Mortley For students in LAIBS – Antoinette Mortley For students in S&T – Helen Van Damme ( ( ( ( Faculty Research Administrators are listed below: For students in ALSS – Helen Jones For students in HSC&E – Vicky Stevenson For students in LAIBS – Sandra Di Eleonora For students in S&T – Julie Lane / Sue Short ( ( ( ( NAME OF STUDENT: STAGE OF RESEARCH DEGREE: START DATE: NAMES OF SUPERVISORY TEAM: FACULTY: ATTENDEES AT THE MEETING: 1. Frequency and Adequacy of Supervisory meetings Please comment on whether the frequency of supervisory meetings is adequate and the extent to which the student has met with the supervisory team as a whole, in relation to the expectations of first supervisors document. July 2012 2. Skills Diagnostic, Personal Development Plan (PDP) and Research Training Please comment on the extent to which the Skills Diagnostic identified any research skills gaps and the training required. Please comment on the extent to which the student has used the PDP to record the research skills training which they have undertaken during the year. Where a student who is not a member of staff is undertaking teaching, please comment on the number of hours of teaching undertaken, the training completed prior to undertaking the teaching and the ongoing support being provided. Are there any other training needs which are not being met? Please indicate below any compulsory research training appropriate to the stage of their research which the student has still to complete: 3. Progress against timescales Please comment on the extent to which the student is making satisfactory progress against the required timescales as set out in the Research Degrees Regulations (see below) and the extent to which they have submitted draft sections of their thesis. For candidates who have received Confirmation of Candidate approval, please check whether their examiners have been formally appointed. Timescales Research Proposal Approval:PhD/MD(res)/MPhil - 1 month MProf / Prof Doc (part-time) - 24 months MProf / Prof Doc (full-time stage 1) – 12 months Confirmation of Candidature Full-Time PhD - 2 yrs after registration Approval (RD4): Part-Tme PhD - 4 yrs after registration Prof Doc - 18 months after Research Proposal approval Timescales for Completion: MPhil Full-time Part-time July 2012 Minimum Maximum 18 months 30 months 36 months 48 months PhD / MD(res) Full-time Part-time Professional Doctorate - Part-time - Part-time (following full-time Stage 1) 24 months 36 months 60 months 72 months 36 months 72 months 32 months 60 months PG Diploma in Professional Research - Part-time - Full-time 16 months 30 months 12 months 18 months Professional Masters - Part-time - Part-time (following full-time Stage 1) 30 months 48 months 26 months 36 months 4. Objectives and timescales for next academic year Please ensure that objectives are set together with a realistic timetable of work for completing tasks against specific dates. 5. Any Issues to be brought to the attention of the Faculty Research Degrees Subcommittee (FRDSC) Please use this section to bring to the attention of the FRDSC the student’s achievements during the year and/or any concerns about the students progress or any other issues. Name of Convener: …………………………………………. Date of meeting: ………………….…… July 2012