Grammar 4 practice test 3.doc

Level IV Practice Grammar Test #3
Units 12, 13, 14, & 15
Part I.
Listening. Write complete logical answers to the questions the your
teacher reads as in the example.
Teacher: What's your name
Student: My name's Jose.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________
Part II.
Listening. Listen to the following sentences. After each sentence, write a
question that asks for more information as in the example.
Teacher: My brother has to work tonight.
Student: What kind of work does he do?
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________
Part III.
Adjective Clauses. Underline the adjective clause and correct any errors
you find in them, including punctuation, by marking the correction above
the mistake.
One of my favorite activities is reading. In general, I like all kinds of books who
range from anthropology which is the study of man's origins to the zodiac. I usually read
for a couple of hours a day where is the same amount of time that other people watch
television. Of course, I have my favorite kind of book. I like historical novels whose
instruct you at the same time. With some o these novels when tend to be long you may
already be more or less familiar with the story, but with others you can learn a segment
of history that is completely unknown to you.
Part IV.
Combining Adjective Clauses. Combine the following pairs of sentences,
making the second sentence (b) into an adjective clause. Punctuation
1. (a) That teacher taught me algebra. (b) I remember her very well.
2. (a) New Harmony, Indiana is a very interesting town.
(b) I went there on my last vacation.
3. (a) Those people are our friends.
(b) Their daughter got married last Saturday.
Part V.
Gerunds and Infinitives. Complete each sentence with the correct form of
the verb in parentheses.
1. Were you (try) _________ to get into a car accident?
2. I ride my motorcycle to work every day. When you are (go) ___________ to school,
how do you get there?
3. What you are (suggest) ____________ is that I stop riding the bus?
4. I tried (get) ___________ him to stop smoking, but he never listens to me.
5. I want (go) ___________ to the county fair!
6. Where do you want (go) __________? I was thinking about (drive) _________ there.
7. I love (ride) ________________ my bicycle to work.
8. I need (buy) ________________ a new watch. Mine just fell apart.
9. Have you ever tried (surf) _____________ in the Gulf of Mexico?
10. The bus is always very crowded and late. When I am (ride) ___________ the bus,
people often try (take) ___________ my seat, but I tell them to go away.
Part VI.
Make, have, and get. Write a sentence using the correct causative verb
based on the scenario.
1. The teacher gave the students no choice but to do their homework.
2. Jacob was able to persuade the flight attendant to give him an extra pillow.
3. Mr. Johnson asked me to pick up his laundry from the cleaner's.
Part VII.
Adjective Phrases. Change the adjective clauses to adjective phrases.
1. People who used older software translation would often find inaccurate but amusing
2. Many current translation programs still have certain limitations, which make them
less than perfect tools.
3. Usually, in the translation process, the original test goes through a preliminary step
that is called a pretranslation.
Part VIII. Noun Clause Completion. Complete the following sentences with
appropriate noun clauses. Punctuate the end of the sentences correctly.
1. Do you remember ______________________________________________________
2. My mother told me _____________________________________________________
3. Bill wanted to know ____________________________________________________
Part IX.
Noun Clauses. Change the following questions to noun clauses. Begin your
answer with "I don't know . . . ."
1. Where is Linda from?
2. Is Janet taking French this semester?
3. What time does the basketball game begin?
Part X.
Quoted Speech. Punctuate the following quoted speech. Capitalize words
as necessary by writing a capital letter above the error.
1. why haven't you cleaned the garage asked my wife you were supposed to do it two
weeks ago.
3. stop hitting me the little boy told his older brother I am going to tell on you
4. why do we always have to eat at the same restaurant the girl asked her boyfriend I
really want to try someplace new
Part XI.
Reported Speech. Change the following sentences from quoted speech to
reported speech.
1. Bob said, "Susan knows the answer."
2. The president asked, "Did you vote for me?"
3. The man said, "Park your car over there."
4. The doctor asked me, "How much do you weigh?"
Part XII.
Error Analysis. Each sentence contains one error. Find the error and
correct it.
1. The city in where I was born is famous in my country.
2. I met a woman who she is a famous scientist.
3. My friend told to me that she was going to get married next week.
4. Say me the answer to Question #3, please.
5. The dog, who is sitting facing the back window, loved traveling in fast cars.