Partnership staff guide

Online Registration
Process Guide
Partner Institution Staff
Ver. 11/11jec
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 3
E:VISION ........................................................................................................................ 4
DATA REQUIRED .......................................................................................................... 5
LOG IN TO E:VISION ..................................................................................................... 8
LOADING STUDENT DATA INTO E:VISION ............................................................... 10
AFTER DATA HAS BEEN UPLOADED ....................................................................... 15
STUDENT DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................... 20
STUDENT ID CARDS ................................................................................................... 21
USEFUL CONTACTS ................................................................................................... 22
This document should be read in conjunction with the following separate
Every student of Anglia Ruskin University is required to register at the start of their
course and then re-register on the anniversary of their start date or after any break in
study. Registration is the formal process of becoming a student of Anglia Ruskin
University. The information gathered in the registration process provides a record of
their registration on to an Anglia Ruskin University validated course of study and their
entitlement to access certain facilities of Anglia Ruskin University.
During the registration process they confirm or correct their personal and academic
details. The process also asks them to confirm compliance with the appropriate
University regulations. We hold this information on our central student database, called
SITS, and they complete the registration process online using our e:Vision Web student
As a partner of Anglia Ruskin University, you are required to ensure that all your
students studying with us register via e:Vision as soon as possible. We will send
you regular reports of unregistered students to help you identify those that have
not registered or re-registered.
Please be aware that unregistered students will not have access to all the
University facilities.
Students can register from anywhere in the world, from any PC with internet access.
e:Vision is the name of our web-based student records system and is the system that
the students will use to register with us. They will use e:Vision throughout their life with
Anglia Ruskin, to access information such as their module results, and through the
system they can maintain the contact details we hold for them, amending their address
or telephone numbers whenever appropriate.
It is also the system that staff use to view the data relating to their students. Please refer
to the document ‘’Student Management on e:Vision’’ (author: Jane Tinkler, Business
Relationship Manager (Student Data)) for details on how to view your student data.
Please Note: Staff at a partner institution cannot view any student data unless their
institution has signed the ‘Confidentiality and Data Sharing Agreement’ and they, as
an individual, have been authorised for access. Please contact Anglia Ruskin
University’s Office of the Secretary & Clerk for further information. (
Our records system needs to hold some key data for your students before we can
create an online registration task. You will provide this data by uploading .xls
spreadsheets on to e:Vision.
Data should not be sent to us unless you have obtained the consent (and explicit
consent in respect of Sensitive Personal Data*) from the students for you to send this
personal data to Anglia Ruskin University. Please ensure that this is in place.
For further information please refer to our Data Protection Policy at
*as defined in section 2 of the Data Protection Act 1998
Data required
Before we can create a registration task for your students we need to receive some key
data from yourselves.
This data must only be sent once the student has passed all your admissions criteria.
You will send this data to us on a spreadsheet – please see Appendix 1 for the sample
spreadsheet. Please do not add or delete any columns or change the headings. The
spreadsheet has to match the template in our system.
The data that we require is:
Field Name
Each Institution will have a separate 2 character code.
See Appendix 2 ‘MAS Course codes’ list for codes
This is the academic year i.e 2011/2
This is the month the course starts in
i.e. September = 09
This is the year of the course the student is entering, most would
be 1 but if a student is entering directly into year 2 of the course
you would enter 2.
You may have a course where you have more than one intake in
a year this is called an occurrence.
See Appendix 2 ‘MAS Course codes’ list to see the
occurrences that have been set up for each of your courses.
The field has a maximum of 40 characters
The field has a maximum of 30 characters
The field has a maximum of 30 characters
The field has a maximum of 30 characters
The first character from the 3 Forename fields above.
In the order of Forename1, Forename2, Forname3
(Surname is not included)
Home Address1
The field has a maximum of 50 characters
Home Address2
The field has a maximum of 50 characters
Home Address3
The field has a maximum of 50 characters
Enter the town
For UK address enter the County i.e. Essex
For Overseas Address enter Country i.e. Trinidad
Leave blank if the address is not in the UK
Format should be
Male = M
Female = F
Country of student’s permanent residence.
Please see Appendix 3 ‘Domicile codes’ list for codes
ResidentialCategory Please see Appendix 4 ‘Residential Category’ list for
appropriate codes
This is to show if the students Residential category is UK or EU
or Overseas
For students who have not had permanent residency in the
UK/EU for the last 3 years the code will be 9
Please see Appendix 5 ‘Highest Qualification codes’ list for
This should show the highest qualification that the student has
on entry to Anglia Ruskin. This may be a higher qualification
than that required for the Anglia Ruskin course, but the highest
qualification held is the one which should be recorded.
Please note: students who studied an Anglia Ruskin University Higher
Education degree course outside the UK should not be coded as 12 as this
code indicates that the degree was studied within the UK. It will cause a
validation error if during the registration task the student states that they have
not studied a course within the UK.
UK/EU students – if during your admission process the student
has been assessed as ELQ on a course which is not exempt,
and therefore no HEFCE funding will be received, you need to
enter Y in this field.
For all other students leave blank
Log in to e:Vision
Open a web browser, for example Internet Explorer
In the address bar enter the address
This will take you to the e:Vision log in screen
Enter your Anglia Ruskin User name and password details
(If your Institution has signed the ‘Confidentiality and Data Sharing Agreement’
document and you as an individual have been authorised for access you will have been
sent your User Name and password details by our ISMS (Information Systems and
Media Services) department.)
Click the Log-in button
 If an error occurs at the log-in stage, a red warning message will appear. If the
warning message indicates a problem with the username and password you have
entered, try entering these details again in case the details were entered incorrectly. If
the error occurs again please contact ISMS Customer Support at: or by telephoning 0845 196 4357, to report the problem.
You will not be able to proceed until you are able to log in to e-Vision.
Once you have logged into e-vision you will arrive at the Home screen.
 Once you have logged in successfully for the first time, you should ensure that you
change your password by going to
Loading student data into e:Vision
Once the student has passed all your admissions criteria you need to send us the data
by loading the spreadsheet, with all the fields completed, on to e:Vision.
You must not add additional students on to the end of a spreadsheet already uploaded .
A new spreadsheet must be competed each time.
Additionally if any changes are to be made to data already sent please do not change
on the original spreadsheet and re upload. Instead please email the changes to
Once you have logged
into e:Vision click on the
Partner Data page
Please note:
your e:Vision account
may not show all the
page choices that are
shown here.
Then click on the link ‘ Partner Data Upload (by Ins)
You will then see a screen with various information that we hold regarding your
Institution. Please keep the fields that are not greyed out up to date. If you make any
changes please click on the Store button.
Please click on button Upload Data
You are now in the screen where you will upload the data
Click on Add new DOC button
An additional section will appear at the bottom of the screen
In Document Type enter: PARTNER_STUS then click on Upload file button
Select the .xls spreadsheet from your system by using the Browse button
Give your file a Name and a description – this can be whatever you choose
Then click on Upload file button
The Related Records screen will come back up with a message that your file has been
successfully uploaded
The screen now shows the Name and Description and the link to the file. The link name
is the name you gave the .xls spreadsheet. Please make sure that the spreadsheets do
have slightly different names.
For example:
Trinidad 10-11 no.1 07/12/10
Trinidad 10-11 no.2 10/12/10
You have now finished the upload process. If you have another spreadsheet to upload
just press the Add new DOC button again and repeat the process.
Please then send an email to informing us that you have
uploaded a file and the file name.
After data has been uploaded
We will pick up the file and load it into our student record system (SITS).
Once we have loaded the file:
1. You will be able to see your students on e:Vision
A view will be available that will give you the following information:
The students unique Anglia Ruskin Student Identification number (SID)
Students name
Course Code ( This code is not the same as the code you entered on the
spreadsheet which was an admissions course code)
Mode of Attendance
Registration status
o P = Pending (student has not yet registered)
o C = Current (student has registered)
Other statuses that may appear later on a student’s record:
o PR = Pending rolled forward (the students record has been rolled
forward ready for the student to re-register on to their course i.e for
the 2nd year)
o W = Withdrawn
o I = Intermitting
To view the students SID and registration status click on ‘View/Manage Student Details’
Add criteria or to call up all students leave all fields except for academic year blank.
Click on the Search button
All the students who meet the criteria you selected will show
To get the list that
will show the
course code and
registration status
select SCE –
Enrolment from
‘Show results by
entity’ list
Once you have selected SCE – Enrolment the list will come up
You can export this list (in the exported list the full forenames will appear)
First select the students you want to export by ticking the box on the left of the SID. To
select all the students on the list tick the box on the left of the ‘SCJ Code’ header
Then select the SRL: PRTNR_SCE_EX (PRTNR_SCE_EXPOR) then click on the Run
Select a Notification method to have the list sent as a file to either your email address
or put in your e-vision In Tray which is found on your Home page
Click Ok
Click Ok
The file will appear in either your email box or e-vision In Tray depending on your
Notification selection
2. An online registration task will appear on the students e:Vision account.
Instructions on how the students complete the online registration task is contained in
the document Online registration Student Guide - Partner vNov 2010
Student documentation
For a new student to be able to log into e:Vision you will need to inform them of their:
User name = as shown on the export report
(this should now be used instead of their Anglia Ruskin Student Identification number
(SID) although it will still accept the SID for initial login)
Initial password = date of birth (in the format DDMMYY)
To obtain your students User name please click on ‘Export My Student Details’
This will bring up a list of your students and their User Name which can be exported. If
you save it as an Excel spreadsheet you can filter etc.
The User name is the last set of characters
0123456|TEST|ALICIA|||BAUGGEBUFTR3|1|A|BA (Hons) General
You will also need to make sure you provide them with instructions on how complete the
online registration task.
We have provided you with 2 documents:
1. Online Registration Instructions which tells the student how to access e:Vision
and where to find the registration task.
2. Online Registration Guide which takes the student through the registration task
screen by screen.
Student ID Cards
The Student Identification card (SID card) is produced by the iCentre and has the
students photograph and Student ID number (SID) on the front. This is a credit card
sized card and the SID number is unique to the student.
Not only is it identification and proof that the student is registered for an award at Anglia
Ruskin, it is also required for your students to obtain access to the on-line library.
It is therefore very important that your students are encouraged to look after this card. If
they do lose it, a duplicate must be obtained from the iCentre for which the student will
have to pay a replacement charge of £5.00.
How do I request an SID card for my students?
You need to submit a passport photograph (head/shoulder photograph) via email to:
1. A list of student details and the essential student ID numbers will be available on
2. The electronic photograph file should be saved as the surname and student ID
number (i.e. FRANKLIN-0765099) and then uploaded to an email as an
attachment and email to:
3. Please state in the subject line:
Campus of study/Course subject (i.e. Trinidad/Business)
4. Upon students registering on e:Vision and becoming a current student the ID
cards will be posted to a designated staff member at your Institution.
5. Any problems please contact Donna Franklin (iCentre Manager, Chelmsford
Campus) or telephone 0845 196 3832
Useful Contacts
Problems getting into e:Vision
Phone: 0845 196 4357
Complete the On line query form on the e:Vision log on page
Phone:0845 186 600/6601
Queries with the Registration task
Phone: 0845 186 5988/4444
Phone: 0845 186 5954
Queries regarding Student Cards
Phone: 0845 196 3832
Should contact their Institution who will make the inquiry on their behalf