THE SENATE PATHWAY APPROVAL REPORT (Core Provision) A confirmed report of the event held on 18 June 2009 to consider the approval of the following pathways: BSc (Hons) Midwifery Faculty of Health & Social Care Delivery of Pathways at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (Fulbourn) & Chelmsford Quality Assurance Division SECTION A – OUTCOME SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This was a joint approval event with the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC). 1.2 The purpose of the event was to consider the approval of the BSc (Hons) Midwifery. 1.3 The pathway will be located in the Child & Family Health programme, Child & Family Health Department in the Faculty of Health & Social Care. 2. CONCLUSIONS 2.1 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval of the following pathway: BSc (Hons) Midwifery Approval, once confirmed, will be for 5 years in line with the NMC’s approval period, and will be subject to Anglia Ruskin’s and the NMC’s continuing quality assurance procedures. The mode of attendance for the pathway will be full time – 156 weeks. 2.2 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval of seven new modules for delivery. The full titles of all new modules are provided in section D of this report. 2.3 Conditions Approval is subject to the following conditions which were set by the Panel. A copy of the response must be lodged with the Executive Officer by the date(s) detailed below: 2.3.1 2.3.2 Details of Condition Deadline Response to be considered by The Proposal Team shall review and resubmit the PSF and MDFs to ensure amendments are made in line with the Technical Report and the discussions held at the Approval Event. 30 June 2009 Chair, Executive Officer & Technical Officer 9 July 2009 NMC Reviewer Chair & Executive Officer The Proposal Team shall produce a revised Document One which should be amended as indicated during the event, to clarify and to include specific reference to the following issues: correctly reflect Standard 17 of the new NMC Standards 2009; supernumerary status during clinical placement; the timetable throughout the three years; the operation of the Fine Grading Tool; students experience of 24 hour care; the 20% practice for teaching staff requirement; how the 12 week rule will be achieved; and Quality Assurance Division 2 30 June 2009 9 July 2009 NMC Reviewer Confirmed amend the reference on the Fine Grading Tool to University of Bradford. This should be accompanied by a table identifying where additions/amendments have been made. 2.4 Recommendations The following recommendations for quality enhancement were made by the Panel. A copy of the responses to the recommendations listed below must be lodged with the Executive Officer. The Faculty Board for the Faculty of Health & Social Care will consider the responses at its meeting of 13 October 2009: 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 Details of Recommendation As part of the Faculty of Health & Social Care’s normal internal processes for the on-going monitoring of its curriculum, it is recommended that the pathway be re-evaluated with a view to increasing the representation of practice in the award. Deadline 16 July 2009 It is recommended that the Proposal Team continues to seek the appointment of Practice Educators in Cambridge. 16 July 2009 Issues Referred to the Senate (or appropriate standing committee) The Panel did not identify any institution-wide issues requiring the attention of the Senate or the appropriate standing committee of the Senate. Quality Assurance Division 3 Confirmed SECTION B – DETAIL OF DISCUSSION AND PANEL CONCLUSIONS 3 RATIONALE 3.1 The existing BSc (Hons) Midwifery pathway was last updated in 2007 but due to the planned introduction of fine grading of practice by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), effective from September 2009, the pathway required re-validating. Accordingly, the pathway was amended to accommodate this requirement and, at the same time, the Proposal Team took the opportunity to review and further developed the curriculum. 4 CURRICULUM DESIGN, CONTENT AND DELIVERY 4.1 The Panel asked whether there was an under 18s policy, given that the NMC had removed the minimum age. The Proposal Team advised that the entry requirements for the pathway includes A Levels and that to date all candidates had been 18 years and above. Should any under 18s apply, in addition to needing to meet the entry requirements the necessary risk assessment procedure would be followed. 4.2 The appropriateness of the title for the recently revised Infant Nutrition module was questioned as it was noted that it had a predominantly breastfeeding focus, as did the accompanying reading list. The Proposal Team explained that the module did include a half day on nutrition and that artificial milk was covered, hence the title. The Proposal Team agreed that the reading list would be reviewed with this in mind. 4.3 The Panel was satisfied that in addition to the use of the drug calculation software package Authentic World, students would be appropriately assessed in practice, on a specified number of occasions, in respect of this skill before being signed-off by their mentor. 4.4 The Panel enquired as to how the 12-week rule, as set out in NMC Standard 15 Assessment Strategy, would be achieved. The Panel was advised that any student who fails would be required to re-submit on week 8 and if they failed again would be discontinued. This was duly noted. 4.5 The Panel sought clarification regarding how and when the grading of practice would be implemented as it was not clearly documented. A satisfactory overview was given and the Panel was also provided with a handout prepared for mentors on the subject which, it was noted, had been well received. 4.6 Proposal Team was asked to articulate on the 20% of their teaching hours in practice which they were able to do so to the Panel’s satisfaction. 5 ASSESSMENT STRATEGY 5.1 The Proposal Team acknowledged that the reference on the Clinical Grading for Practice Grading Tool grid should be amended to read ‘adapted from the University of Bradford Common Assessment Tool’. 5.2 In response to a point raised on the Checklist of Issues for a clear representation of the hours in each year and the split between practice and theory, the Proposal Team provided the Panel with a copy of the proposed timetable. Although this provided the necessary detail for the Panel purposes, it was agreed that a brief written summary in respect of the timetable should be added to Document One. (Condition 2.3.2). Quality Assurance Division 4 Confirmed 5.3 The Proposal Team confirmed that with the exception of those students nearing the end of the existing pathway, all students would be switched to the new pathway at the next appropriate point. It was noted that this had been discussed with the students who considered the switch to grading of practice approach would be of benefit to them. 6 STAFFING, LEARNING RESOURCES AND STUDENT SUPPORT 6.1 The Panel met with a total of seven students from Cambridge and Chelmsford who were from differing years on the existing pathway. The students were very positive about their experiences to date considering themselves to be well supported in both placement and by Anglia Ruskin, knowing who to approach in a given situation. It was noted that there are currently no Practice Educators in place in Cambridge although it was confirmed later by the Proposal Team that requests continue to be made to the local Health Authority for this to be remedied. (Recommendation 2.4.2) Other areas discussed included: the student experience; 24-hour care experience; accessibility to sign-off mentors; the student voice; the students views on transferring to the re-approved pathway (grading of practice); practice skills; and involvement with the development of the pathway. The students had a slight concern in respect of the handing-in of assignments which they felt might benefit from being more spread out as dealing with more that one assignment could be quite stressful. Nonetheless this, they did appreciate that the current approach was designed to give the student as much time as possible before hand-in date. The comment was duly noted. Those students present were highly complimentary about Student Services who, in their opinion, provided an invaluable service and, as such, should be more widely and frequently publicised. 6.2 The Panel asked whether there would be any increase in the commissioned numbers for the pathway and it was noted that 2009/10 would roll on from 2008/09 but for 2010/11 it was not yet known. However, it was noted that the shortened 79-week BSc (Hons)/Post Grad Dip pathways, which the SHA has commissioned over two academic years, might continue. 7 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ENHANCEMENT 7.1 The Panel was satisfied with the information provided within the proposal documentation in respect of quality assurance and enhancements. 8 NATIONAL, PROFESSIONAL AND STATUTORY BODY REQUIREMENTS 8.1 This was a joint approval event with the NMC and their representative attended as a member of the Panel. 8.2 The NMC Reviewer supported the approval of the pathway subject to the Proposal Team providing additional documentation/clarification in respect of the conditions set. (Condition 2.3.1 & 2.3.2) Quality Assurance Division 5 Confirmed 9 DOCUMENTATION 9.1 The Panel commended the Proposal Team on the excellent documentation. However, in the case of Document One, the Panel considered that the Proposal Team needed to be more explicit regarding a number of key areas such as, the 12 week rule, the 20% teaching requirement; supernumerary; and the implementation of grading of practice. It was also noted that new NMC Standards 17 refers to competency and not proficiency and that this should be reflected appropriately. The Panel made it a condition of the event that the necessary changes are made and that a revised Document One provided. (Condition 2.3.2) 9.2 The Proposal Team was advised that the Technical Report would be distributed with the Outcome Report and would list the technical and other changes required to the PSF and MDFs, in addition those discussed at the event. It was noted that these would need to be submitted electronically to the Technical Officer. (Condition 2.3.1) 9.3 The appropriateness of the wording in the Student Handbook regarding pregnancy which referred to the need for the student to have this confirmed by medical staff was raised, as it was not considered to be in keeping with the ethos of the pathway. The Proposal Team shared this view and although it was based on the University’s template, agreed to change the wording. 10 CONFIRMATION OF STANDARDS OF AWARDS 10.1 The Panel confirmed that the proposed BA (Hons) Midwifery pathway satisfied the University’s Academic Regulations with regard to the definitions and academic standards of Anglia Ruskin awards and, hence, the QAA’s Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. DRAFT UNCONFIRMED CONFIRMED FILE REF OFFICE FILE REF Quality Assurance Division 6 11 August 2009 1 September 2009 date report agreed as confirmed Confirmed SECTION C – DETAILS OF PANEL MEMBERSHIP AND PROPOSAL TEAM Internal Panel Members: Jonathan Knowles (Chair) Principal Lecturer Ashcroft International Business School Penny English Principal Lecturer Faculty of Arts, Law & Social Sciences External Panel Members: Nursing & Midwifery Council Reviewers: Nicky Clark Midwifery Lecturer University of Hull Jan Stosiek Academic Midwife Teacher Bournemouth University Executive Officer: Sara Elliott Faculty Quality Assurance Officer Quality Assurance Division, Academic Office Technical Officer: Helen Sismey Academic Regulations Assistant, Academic Office Members of Proposal Team: Anne Trotter Head of Department: Child & Family Health Faculty of Health & Social Care Chris Roostan Lead Midwife for Education, Department of Child & Family Health Louise Jenkins Midwifery Lecturer Department of Child & Family Health Wendy Tilbury Lecturer Midwifery Department of Child & Family Health Trudy Stevens Senior Lecturer Department of Child & Family Health Fran Galloway Lecturer Department of Child & Family Health Marie Rider Senior Lecturer Department of Child & Family Health Quality Assurance Division 7 Confirmed Martina Donaghy Lecturer Department of Child & Family Health Crispina Stanley Midwifery Practice Educator Department of Child & Family Health Kate Palmer Practice Educator Department of Child & Family Health Rebecca Mackle Librarian Academic Services Division Alison Williams SHA PEF Jacquie Featherstone Midwifery manager - Harlow Maternity Students: 2nd Year Student, Chelmsford 3rd Year Students (x4) - Chelmsford 2nd Year Students (x2) – Cambridge Quality Assurance Division 8 Confirmed SECTION D – OUTCOME DATA Programme Department Faculty Collaborative Partner New/amended Awards Approved (nb intended awards Child & Family Health Child & Family Health Faculty of Health & Social Care N/A Title(s) of Named Pathway(s) Attendance mode and duration only, not intermediate awards) BSc (Hons) Full time – 156 weeks Midwifery Validating body (if not Anglia Ruskin University) Professional body accreditation Proposal Team Leader Month and Year of the first intake Standard intake points Maximum and minimum student numbers Date of first Conferment of Award(s) Any additional/specialised wording to appear on transcript and/or award certificate Date of next scheduled Periodic Review Awards and Titles to be deleted (with month/year of last regular conferment) Nursing & Midwifery Council Chris Roostan September 2009 110 per year NEW MODULES APPROVED DM145001S DM145002S DM230079S DM230080S DM230081S DM230084S DM330087S Essence of Midwifery Practice Birth and Beyond Nurturing Women and Families Through Health Education Women and Families: enhancing wellbeing through a Public Health Perspective Medical Challenges in Midwifery Obstetric Complexities in Midwifery Assessing the Health of the Newborn Quality Assurance Division 9 Confirmed