THE SENATE PATHWAY APPROVAL REPORT (Franchised Provision) A confirmed report of the event held on 4th November 2008 to consider the franchise of the following pathways: BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Graphic & Web Design BA (Hons) Interior Design Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences Delivery of Pathways at Limkokwing Institute of Creative Technology (Limkokwing Borneo) in Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia Quality Assurance Division SECTION A – OUTCOME SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of the event was to consider the franchise of the BA (Hons) Graphic Design, BA (Hons) Graphic and Web Design and BA (Hons) Interior Design pathways for delivery at Limkokwing Institute of Creative Technology, (Limkokwing Borneo) in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. 1.2 The pathways will be located in the Art, Design and Media programme within the Cambridge School of Art in the Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences. 1.3 In addition to the 3+0 franchise detailed above the Panel was also required to consider the direct entry of LICT students to Level 2 of each pathway on completion of relevant LICT Diploma pathways [see paragraph 2.2 below]. 2 CONCLUSIONS 2.1 The Panel recommends to the Senate the franchise of the following pathways to be delivered on a 3+0 basis: from February 2009: BA (Hons) Graphic Design; BA (Hons) Graphic & Web Design from September 2009 2.2 BA (Hons) Interior Design (subject to Malaysian Qualification Authority approval) The Panel approved a maximum of two annual student intakes to the above Anglia Ruskin pathways (in September and February) with the first student intake limited to Level 1 study in February 2009 or September 2009, as appropriate. The mode of attendance for each pathway will be full-time. Minimum and maximum student numbers for each intake to each pathway will be 15 and 30 respectively. The Panel agreed that the direct entry of LICT students, who have successfully completed named LICT Diplomas, to Level 2 of the above pathways shall be permitted with effect from either September 2009 (for the pathways in Graphic Design and Graphic and Web Design) or September 2010 (for the pathway in Interior Design), subject to the submission of pathway tariff proposals for consideration by the Accreditation Subcommittee [see condition 2.4.4 below]. 2.3 Approval, once confirmed, will be for an indefinite period, subject to Anglia Ruskin’s continuing quality assurance procedures. Quality Assurance Division 2 Confirmed 2.4 Conditions Approval is subject to the following conditions which were set by the Panel. A copy of the response must be lodged with the Executive Officer by the date(s) detailed below: 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 Details of Condition Deadline Response to be considered by The Proposal Team [Anglia Ruskin and LICT] shall clarify the subject-specific staff development strategy and associated pedagogical support to be provided for LICT staff in advance of initial delivery of the pathways in February/September 2009 and throughout the first year of delivery. The strategy should explicitly address the following: when and how staff development and support will be provided by senior staff from the Cyberjaya Campus; how LICT staff will be provided with the opportunity to develop the critical evaluation and analytical skills necessary to deliver degrees in Art & Design, particularly modules at Level 3; the opportunities that will be provided to enable LICT staff to develop their understanding of the link between theory and practice as embedded within the learning and teaching strategies of each pathway the expertise required to deliver 60 credit modules at all levels with particular reference to formative assessment and the need for clearly defined stages of delivery for such modules (See Paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 below); The Proposal Team [LICT] shall ensure that all staff involved in delivery of the pathways are available to attend a staff development workshop, hosted by Limkokwing Borneo and facilitated by Anglia Ruskin senior staff (including the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) and Director, Academic Office) in week beginning 5 January 2009 prior to first delivery of the pathways (See Paragraph 7.4 below); The Proposal Team [Anglia Ruskin and LICT] shall provide revised versions of the following documents, appropriately contextualised for delivery at LICT, clarifying the modules to be delivered at each level and an agreed sequence for module delivery at all levels for the annual February intake taking into account detailed discussion of this issue during the Pathway Approval event: Pathway Specification Forms (PSFs) for each pathway, to include a separate structure diagram for LICT delivery; Any Module Definition Forms (MDFs) 8th December 2008 Chair and Executive Officer 8th December 2008 Chair and Executive Officer 8th December 2008 Chair and Executive Officer Quality Assurance Division 3 Confirmed 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 2.5 amended for delivery at LICT; Student Handbooks for each pathway (See Paragraphs 5.5 and 9.1 below); The Proposal Team [Anglia Ruskin and LICT] shall submit pathway tariff proposals, for consideration by the Accreditation Subcommittee, to facilitate the direct entry of students from named LICT Diploma pathways to Level 2 of the appropriate Anglia Ruskin pathway with effect from the dates set out in para 2.2 above (See Paragraph 5.8 below); The Proposal Team [LICT] shall provide electronic final versions of all staff CVs, using the agreed Anglia Ruskin CV format, and tables showing the final allocation of staff to modules for each pathway for inclusion in the Register of Teaching Staff (See paragraph 7.3 below); The Proposal Team [LICT] shall provide evidence to demonstrate the equivalence of International House or SPM Distinction Level English Language to IELTS Level 6.0 in order to permit entry to the pathways for students with such qualifications (See Paragraph 5.7 below); LICT shall continue to invest in the enhancement of the Limkokwing Borneo campus to develop further a visible and tangible higher education learning environment, to include the following: significant expansion of the library stock and digital library for Design subjects; development of design studios including the provision of additional Macintosh computers in the design studios commensurate with the build up of student numbers over time; improvement of the communication interface with students (e.g. installation of information screens and/or notice boards) (See Paragraph 7.8 below). 8th December 2008 Chair and Executive Officer 8th December 2008 Chair and Executive Officer 8th December 2008 Chair and Executive Officer 8th December 2008 Chair and Executive Officer Recommendations The following recommendations for quality enhancement were made by the Panel. A copy of the responses to the recommendations listed below must be lodged with the Executive Officer. The Faculty Board for the Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences will consider the responses at its meeting of 4th March 2009: 2.5.1 Details of Recommendation The Panel recommends that the Proposal Team further develop the Student Handbooks for each pathway, taking account of the following: clarification of the separate roles of the mentor and personal tutor; how the Student Adviser role will function at LICT; the need for assessment information to be more explicit in Student Handbooks (See Paragraph 7.6 below); Quality Assurance Division 4 Deadline 4th February 2008 Confirmed 2.5.2 2.6 The Panel recommends that the LICT staff seek to identify student representatives to serve on Course Committee meetings at the earliest possible opportunity (See Paragraph 7.7 below). 4th February 2008 Issues Referred to the Senate (or appropriate standing committee) The Panel did not identify any institution-wide issues as requiring the attention of the Senate or the appropriate standing committee of the Senate. 2.7 Commendation The Panel identified the following point on which it wished to commend the Proposal Team: The provision of a mentoring programme for all students at LICT, as outlined in the proposal documentation. Quality Assurance Division 5 Confirmed SECTION B – DETAIL OF DISCUSSION AND PANEL CONCLUSIONS 3 RATIONALE 3.1 Following Institutional Approval in late January 2008, Limkokwing Institute of Creative Technology based in Kuching, Sarawak (hereafter referred to as LICT) has sought to develop HE provision in the areas of graphic design, graphic and web design and interior design with the Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences (ALSS). Through such franchise arrangements ALSS seeks to expand its international education provision at a location whose HE market is growing but is, as yet, not served by a European provider. 3.2 Although the development of LICT as an HE institution is in its infancy, the operation and management of the proposed pathways will be crucially underpinned by Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) at Cyberjaya whose experience of international collaboration is extensive. In addition, LICT has significant experience of delivering Diploma level pathways in a variety of Design subjects closely related to the Anglia Ruskin pathways for which franchise approval is sought. 4 MEETING WITH THE SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM 4.1 The Chair explained the purpose of the event was to approve the three pathways listed in paragraph 1.1 above for franchised delivery by LICT with two annual intakes commencing February 2009 and September 2009. The Panel sought clarification on the proposed start dates for each of the three pathways to be franchised to Kuching. The Proposal Team confirmed that Malaysian Qualification Authority (MQA) approval had been granted for the delivery of BA (Hons) Graphic Design and BA (Hons) Graphic and Web Design at Kuching and that recruitment to those pathways was planned for February 2009. MQA approval had been sought for introduction of the BA (Hons) Interior Design in September 2009. 4.2 The Panel heard that a comprehensive marketing strategy had already commenced to develop recruitment to the Anglia Ruskin pathways in Kuching. The Panel was able to view proofs of marketing brochures for the pathways and learned that a budget of 0.5 million Malaysian Ringgit had been allocated to other marketing activities such as advertising and radio broadcasts. Areas such as Sabah, Brunei and Kalimantan would be targeted via education roadshows and presentations to develop recruitment locally. The Panel enquired as to the connection between LICT and the local community and whether students could be recruited locally. The Proposal Team responded that 100 scholarships were being offered to the indigenous population of Sarawak with 48 already taken up. The Panel welcomed the additional information provided and the marketing and recruitment strategy outlined by the Team. 4.3 The Panel was interested to learn how the Proposal Team envisaged the campus developing in light of the previous approval of Anglia Ruskin pathways in business and computing and the proposed delivery of design pathways at the campus. The Proposal Team explained that design had been a major specialist area at LICT for seventeen years and that the institution wished to develop an identity for art and design provision with students subsequently able to apply their learning in industry. It was noted that there were approximately 500 students on campus at present which LICT hoped to increase to 1000 by the end of 2009, with approximately 60% studying design pathways and the remaining 40% split evenly between business and computing pathways. The Panel thanked the Proposal Team for the new information outlining the vision for LICT. 4.3 The Panel enquired whether a maximum and minimum student cohort had been considered. The Proposal Team explained that there had been strong expressions of interest in BA (Hons) Graphic Design and BA (Hons) Graphic and Web Design from current Diploma students who were keen to continue their studies at LICT on completion of their Quality Assurance Division 6 Confirmed Diplomas in February 2009. The Team was therefore hopeful that a minimum cohort of 15 could be achieved for each pathway but informed the Panel that it would be prepared to commence delivery of the pathways with a minimum cohort of 10 in the first instance and to build on recruitment to meet a minimum cohort size of 15 for future intakes. The Panel was broadly satisfied by the explanation provided and acknowledged that some flexibility may be necessary in terms of the size of the first cohort but determined that for future recruitment a minimum cohort size of 15 must be achieved for each pathway and a maximum cohort size of 30 [see paragraph 2.2 above]. 5 CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DELIVERY 5.1 The Panel was interested to learn about the learning and teaching methods the Proposal Team intended to use to embed and integrate theory and critical evaluation within the curriculum. The Team explained that the Major Project undertaken by students at Level 3 would be central to the integration of theory and practice as it required students to complete a substantial and sustained project whilst evidencing their understanding of theoretical concepts. In addition, all students were required to complete the Research Project module in Semester 1 of Level 3. The Panel learnt that the Research Project module required students to produce a written critical reflection of their practical work which would further develop their theoretical awareness and critical evaluation skills prior to commencing their Major Project in Semester 2. The Panel welcomed this approach but sought further clarification as to how the Team proposed to integrate theory and critical evaluation within the learning and teaching methods at Levels 2 and 3. The Team informed the Panel that current Graphic Design Diploma students at LICT were required to undertake a research process for each module, developing a project from inception to completion with supporting evidence of research submitted with the completed project. Students were also required to reflect on their completed project work. The Panel thanked the Proposal Team for the information provided. Whilst the Panel appreciated that LICT staff were experienced in delivering Design courses at Diploma Level some concern was expressed in relation to staff understanding of the learning and teaching strategies articulated in the PSFs of the three pathways for which approval was sought. The Panel therefore determined to set a condition which required clarification of the subject-specific staff development strategy and associated pedagogical support to be provided to LICT staff in advance of initial delivery of the pathways in February or September 2009 [See Condition 2.4.1 above]. 5.2 The Panel focussed on the 60 credit module Design Process and enquired how the Proposal Team intended to deliver a module containing such a substantial volume of credit, including aspects such as formative assessment and Personal Development Planning (PDP). The Team explained that tutorials, discussion groups and theoretical classes would form the basis of the module, and also address PDP, with students encouraged to engage in research based on the content of the module, with work subsequently evaluated and critiqued at the end of the semester. The Proposal Team Leader further informed the Panel that formative assessment was free form and would depend on the decision of the Module Leader on the phasing of assessment. The Panel learnt that Module Leaders at Anglia Ruskin would generally look to schedule assessed tasks at four to five week intervals and provide feedback on each task which would subsequently comprise the students’ final portfolio on completion of the module. The Proposal Team Leader confirmed that information on the structure and sequencing of modules, and in particular the 60 credit modules, would be shared with LICT staff. The Panel welcomed the approach outlined by the Proposal Team but emphasised the importance of developing the expertise of LICT staff to expedite the effective delivery of 60 credit modules at all levels. The Panel therefore decided to set a condition to ensure the development of LICT staff expertise in the delivery of 60 credit modules and determined that this aspect be explicitly addressed in the staff development strategy outlined in paragraph 5.1 above [See Condition 2.4.1 above]. Quality Assurance Division 7 Confirmed 5.3 The Panel enquired about the availability of work experience opportunities for students at LICT and how such opportunities and collaboration with the design industry would be embedded in the learning and teaching strategies. The Proposal Team responded that Limkokwing offered an internship programme to provide opportunities for students to engage with the relevant industry. Industry contacts, including interior and graphic designers, would be available at certain times to review work and provide guest lectures. The Panel further enquired whether students at LICT would be required to undertake additional modules and industry related projects alongside the Anglia Ruskin degree. The Team confirmed that industry based projects were built into the existing projects Diploma Level students were required to complete for assessment. The Panel welcomed the links with industry outlined by the Team but emphasised that students undertaking the pathway at any delivery point should have the same experience. The Panel added that it was important for LICT staff to consider carefully any additional expectations placed on students beyond the Anglia Ruskin curriculum to ensure that they were not overburdened when compared with their counterparts at Anglia Ruskin or other partner institutions. 5.4 The Panel queried the proposed structure of delivery as outlined in the documentation and asked the Proposal Team to clarify the order in which the modules would be delivered at LICT for the annual February intake. The Proposal Team Leader informed the Panel that initial discussions with the Vice President (Academic Management), Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, had resulted in an agreement that LICT would, in February 2009, commence delivery of Level 1 of BA (Hons) Graphic Design and BA (Hons) Graphic and Web Design. As the pathways were not available for a February intake at Anglia Ruskin it had been agreed, that LICT would deliver the 15 credit modules in reverse order, starting with the Semester 2 modules, to correspond with delivery at Anglia Ruskin and promote efficiency. The Proposal Team Leader further informed the Panel that subsequent discussions had led to a change to this decision whereby LICT would now deliver the pathways in the same order as outlined in their respective PSF structure diagrams with students taking 15 credit modules in the same order, though not in the same semester, as their counterparts at Anglia Ruskin. The Panel was satisfied by the explanation provided but determined that revised versions of each PSF, including a separate structure diagram for LICT delivery, must be provided to clarify the modules to be delivered at each level and an agreed sequence for module delivery at all levels for the annual February intake [See Condition 2.4.3 above]. The Panel also approved a maximum of two annual student intakes to the Anglia Ruskin pathways [see paragraph 2.1 above] (in September and February) with the first student intake limited to Level 1 study in February 2009 or September 2009, as appropriate. 5.5 The Panel noted inaccuracies in the proposal documentation in terms of the details of the designate modules to be offered at LICT, particularly the critical studies designate modules due to be offered in Semester 2 of Level 2. The Proposal Team explained that only four of the critical studies designate modules were currently offered at Anglia Ruskin of which it had been agreed that Limkokwing Borneo would only offer two initially. These two modules would be AC215031S Issues in Contemporary Design and AC215036S Contemporary Film and Video. While thanking the Proposal Team for this clarification the Panel decided to set as a condition the provision of revised versions of each PSF to clarify the modules to be delivered at each level, along with any MDFs amended for LICT delivery [See Condition 2.4.3 above]. 5.6 The Panel noted an inaccuracy in the structure diagram for BA (Hons) Graphic Design, namely that the module AC115013S Introduction to Type Media was incorrectly titled as Introduction to Typography. The Proposal Team agreed to amend the PSF to correct the inaccuracy. 5.7 The Panel was interested to learn about the mechanisms used by LICT to test the English Language competency of international students wishing to undertake an Anglia Ruskin degree. The Panel drew the attention of the Proposal Team to the requirement in Anglia Quality Assurance Division 8 Confirmed Ruskin’s Academic Regulations for international applicants to demonstrate proficiency in English language to IELTS level 6.0. The Proposal Team explained to the Panel that students who had achieved Distinction Level in the SPM English language, a Malaysian state education qualification, would be eligible to enter directly to Diploma pathways at Limkokwing and it was therefore hoped that this arrangement would also apply to the Anglia Ruskin degree pathways. The Team also confirmed that students could be tested to ensure that their English language competency met the Anglia Ruskin requirement of IELTS level 6.0. The Proposal Team further informed the Panel that students who did not demonstrate the required IELTS level would be entered onto the International House English programme until they reached the appropriate standard to commence the relevant Anglia Ruskin pathway. The Panel noted the additional information provided by the Proposal Team but was unclear whether SPM Distinction Level and International House English language qualifications were equivalent to IELTS Level 6.0, resulting from unfamiliarity with such qualifications. The Panel therefore decided to set as a condition the requirement that the Proposal Team [LICT] provide evidence to demonstrate the equivalence of both the SPM Distinction Level and International House English language qualifications to IELTS Level 6.0 before students with such qualifications could be permitted to enrol on the pathways [See Condition 2.4.6 above]. 5.8 The Panel discussed with the Proposal Team the issue of direct entry to Level 2 of the Anglia Ruskin pathways for students who had successfully completed named Limkokwing Diplomas and the timescale for the commencement of such an arrangement. The Proposal Team informed the Panel that there were a number of students who had recently completed the Diploma in Graphic Design who were keen to progress onto Level 2 of the Anglia Ruskin degree in February 2009. For that reason it was hoped that a direct entry arrangement could be formalised and agreed to allow students to enter Level 2 of BA (Hons) Graphic Design from that date. The Panel noted the view outlined by the Proposal Team but expressed concern with regard to the practicality of delivering both Level 1 and 2 of the pathways from February 2009. The Panel felt this to be a significant issue, particularly in light of the gaps in staffing evidenced by the staffing allocation to modules presented in the Proposal Documents. The Panel therefore determined that it would be prudent to delay the direct entry of students to Level 2 of BA (Hons) Graphic Design and BA (Hons) Graphic and Web Design until September 2009 and BA (Hons) Interior Design until September 2010 [see paragraph 2.2 above] to allow sufficient time for LICT staff to become familiar with delivering the pathways and to guard against a currently small staff team becoming overstretched by managing two cohorts simultaneously. In order for the direct entry arrangement to be formally recognised the Panel set as a condition the submission of pathway tariff proposals, for consideration by the Accreditation Subcommittee, for each pathway [See Condition 2.4.4 above]. 6 ASSESSMENT STRATEGY 6.1 With regard to support for LICT staff overseeing the Major Project module the Panel enquired as to how it would operate. The Proposal Team Leader explained that following discussions with colleagues at LICT it had been agreed that the Cambridge School of Art would oversee the Major Project proposals produced by students at LICT. Additionally, where a Major Project was a collaborative venture involving a number of students the identification of a student’s individual contribution would be overseen by Anglia Ruskin tutors. The Panel thanked the Proposal Team for the additional clarification and emphasised the importance of staff development and support for LICT tutors prior to the first delivery of the Major Project module. 6.2 The Panel enquired how the Proposal Team intended to ensure that work produced by students at LICT was of the same standard as that produced by students at Anglia Ruskin. The Proposal Team Leader explained that the setting of standards was demonstrated in Quality Assurance Division 9 Confirmed the PSF, Student Handbooks and Module Guides. It was also confirmed that the application of academic standards would be addressed through staff development at LICT prior to the commencement of the pathways and that samples of work could also be provided to staff for guidance. The Panel was reassured by the response provided and agreed that benchmarking of student work would be beneficial. The Panel also noted that support from staff at the Cyberjaya Campus would greatly assist staff at LICT due to their experience of delivering franchise degree programmes and the standards of student work produced on such programmes. 7 STAFFING, LEARNING RESOURCES AND STUDENT SUPPORT 7.1 The Panel sought further clarification as to the expected input of staff from the Cyberjaya Campus in the teaching of modules at LICT. The Proposal Team confirmed that all modules for the three Anglia Ruskin pathways would be taught by LICT staff based in Kuching. In addition the Vice President (Faculty Development) confirmed that staff from the Cyberjaya Campus would visit LICT to support staff and would talk to Module Leaders via Skype on a weekly basis. The Panel was reassured by the additional clarification provided by the Proposal Team. 7.2 The Panel noted that there was a considerable amount of work required prior to the commencement of the pathways in February and September 2009 and sought reassurance from the Proposal Team as to the commitment and engagement of LICT staff to the introduction of the pathways. The Proposal Team confirmed that staff were excited by the opportunity to deliver a British degree and the additional experience that delivering a 3+0 franchise would provide. The Panel enquired how Limkokwing University of Creative Technology intended to support staff at LICT to ensure the successful introduction and ongoing delivery of the pathways. The Proposal Team responded that there were a number of staff at the Cyberjaya Campus with experience of delivering 3+0 franchise programmes from international providers who would offer advice and guidance to staff at LICT on how to manage and deliver such programmes. The Panel was also informed that one of the Anglia Ruskin pathway leaders would also visit LICT each semester to provide additional support and any additional staff development that was deemed necessary. The Panel thanked the Proposal Team for the additional information and was reassured that appropriate and informed support would be available to LICT staff. 7.3 The Panel noted that the CVs provided by LICT were not in the correct Anglia Ruskin format and that there were gaps in the allocation of staff to modules. The Panel therefore determined to set a condition requiring the submission of final versions of all staff CVs, using the agreed Anglia Ruskin format, and final allocations of staff to modules for inclusion in the Register of Teaching Staff at collaborative partner institutions [See Condition 2.4.5 above]. 7.4 In light of the need to formalise staff development at LICT, and in consideration of the inexperience of resident staff to international collaboration, the Panel agreed to set a condition requiring all those involved in franchised delivery to attend a staff development workshop facilitated by Anglia Ruskin senior staff in the week beginning 5 January 2009 prior to first delivery of the pathways [See Condition 2.4.2]. 7.5 The Panel enquired as to the availability of Module Guides for Level 1 modules for each pathway and when they would be supplied to LICT to assist staff in planning the delivery of the modules. The Proposal Team Leader confirmed that Module Guides were available and had previously been sent to the Vice President (Academic Management), Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, during initial discussions about the pathways in September 2008. It was the view of the Panel that Module Guides for Level 1 modules should be sent to LICT staff by the end of November 2008. The Proposal Team Leader confirmed that this was feasible and agreed to organise the circulation of Module Guides to LICT staff. Quality Assurance Division 10 Confirmed 7.6 The Panel noted the mentoring system outlined in the Proposal Document and enquired whether the system performed the same role as the personal tutor system at Anglia Ruskin. The Proposal Team explained that mentors were allocated groups of students to support in a similar way to personal tutors at Anglia Ruskin and would perform a similar but expanded role in providing predominantly academic support to students. The Panel further enquired about the role of the Student Adviser at LICT. The Proposal Team informed the Panel that the role of Student Adviser did not currently exist at LICT, as it did at Anglia Ruskin, but that this function would be organised prior to the commencement of the pathways. The Panel considered it important that students were made aware of who would perform the Student Adviser role and also receive further clarification of the separate roles of the mentor and personal tutor. The Panel therefore recommended that such information be included in the final version of the Student Handbook along with more explicit information on assessment [See Recommendation 2.5.1]. 7.7 The Panel queried whether staff/student Course Committee meetings were in operation at LICT and whether such meetings were due to be implemented for the Anglia Ruskin pathways to allow students the opportunity to provide feedback and raise specific issues pertaining to their learning experience. The Panel informed the Proposal Team that it was a formal requirement for such committees to operate for every Anglia Ruskin pathway at all points of delivery. The Proposal Team confirmed that staff/student Course Committees would be implemented for the Anglia Ruskin pathways to oversee the quality of the learning experience. The Panel thanked the Team for the confirmation but recommended that LICT staff seek to identify student representatives to serve on the Course Committee meetings as early as possible [See Recommendation 2.5.2 above]. 7.8 Following a tour of the physical and learning resources at the campus a discussion took place with regard to the learning resources available to support the delivery of the pathways and in terms of the suitability of the learning environment for higher education study. The Panel expressed some concern about the limited library stock available to support the delivery of the pathways and the absence of Macintosh computers in the design studios. The Proposal Team confirmed that further enhancements were planned both to the physical resources at the campus and more specifically to the learning resources including the purchasing of texts for modules as outlined in the Module Guides. The Proposal Team further confirmed that additional resources could be readily obtained to support the delivery of the pathways. The Panel highlighted potential demand by students for Macintosh computers, particularly when additional cohorts were recruited. The Proposal Team stated that additional computers could be purchased if such a demand exceeded the availability of computers. In terms of the higher education learning environment the Panel considered it important that the communication interface with students be enhanced, either through the installation of information screens or notice boards. Whilst acknowledging the commitment of LICT to developing both the physical and learning resources at the campus, the Panel set as a condition the need for an investment in resources to support the planned delivery of the pathways and to develop further a higher education learning environment [See Condition 2.4.7 above]. 8 MANAGEMENT OF THE FRANCHISE PARTNERSHIP 8.1 The Panel enquired about the arrangements in place to oversee the management of the partnership between the Cambridge School of Art and LICT. The Proposal Team confirmed that link tutors had been identified for the partnership. Dr David Hoyle would be the Link Tutor for the Cambridge School of Art and Dr Noorhayati Saad for LICT. The Panel was further informed that pathway leaders had been identified at LICT. Rosedelina Bte Mustapha would be the Pathway Leader for BA (Hons) Graphic Design and BA (Hons) Graphic and Web Design and Terry Hui would be Pathway Leader for BA (Hons) Interior Design. Key administrative contacts were also in place and confirmed to the Panel. Paul Quality Assurance Division 11 Confirmed Bloomfield, Administrator for Collaborative Partners in the Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences would be the Anglia Ruskin contact with Nikki Lugun, Senior Manager (PR/Corporate), identified as the LICT contact. The Panel was reassured that appropriate structures and arrangements had been agreed to oversee the management of the pathways. 9 DOCUMENTATION 9.1 The Panel was broadly satisfied with the standard of the documentation provided by the Proposal Team. In addition to the points raised with regard to module choice, particularly the selection of designate modules, (see paragraphs 5.5 and 5.6 above), the format of staff CVs and gaps in staff allocation to modules (see paragraph 7.3 above) and the information provided in the Student Handbooks (see paragraph 7.6 above), the Panel felt in particular that the Student Handbooks required further review to ensure that they contained accurate academic guidance and were appropriately contextualised for use at LICT. The Panel further noted that the structure diagrams included in the Student Handbooks appeared to have been taken from old versions of the PSFs and were therefore inaccurate. The Proposal Team acknowledged the comments and agreed that further work was necessary. The Panel therefore decided to set a condition requiring the submission of final versions of all Student Handbooks [See Condition 2.4.3 above]. 10 CONFIRMATION OF STANDARDS OF AWARDS 10.1 The Panel confirmed that the proposed BA (Hons) Graphic Design, BA (Hons) Graphic and Web Design and BA (Hons) Interior Design pathways satisfied Anglia Ruskin’s Academic Regulations with regard to the definitions and academic standard of Anglia Ruskin awards and, hence, the QAA’s Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. DRAFT UNCONFIRMED CONFIRMED FILE REF OFFICE FILE REF Quality Assurance Division 12 8th January 2009 11th January 2009 13th February 2009 Confirmed SECTION C – DETAILS OF PANEL MEMBERSHIP AND PROPOSAL TEAM Internal Panel Members: Professor Lesley Dobrée (Chair) Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Dr Iain Brodie Associate Dean (Quality), Faculty of Science and Technology Mr Malcolm Morrison Director, Academic Office External Panel Members: Mr John Woodman Consultant and Academic Developer, Art and Design (formerly Scholarship Enhancement Manager, University of Cumbria) Executive Officer: Richard Monk Deputy Head of Quality Assurance, Academic Office Technical Officer: Lucy Gray Academic Regulations Officer, Academic Office Members of Proposal Team: Dr Ariff Director for Operations and Quality Enhancement, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Cyberjaya Campus Mr Ang Soo Boon Principal Lecturer (Graphic Design), Limkokwing Borneo Mr Alexius Hon It Chong Year Leader and Lecturer in Graphic Design, Limkokwing Borneo Mr Ken Goh Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design and proposed anchor person, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Cyberjaya Campus Dr David Hoyle Deputy Head, Cambridge School of Art Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences Anglia Ruskin University Mr Alan Goh Chung Khee Principal Lecturer, Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment Limkokwing Borneo Mr Denis Chong Kuok Leong Lecturer in Interior Design Limkokwing Borneo Ms Nikki Lugun Senior Manager (PR/Corporate) Limkokwing Borneo Quality Assurance Division 13 Confirmed Mr Kiu Luong Lecturer, Faculty of Business and IT Limkokwing Borneo Ms Rosedelina Bte Mustapha Proposed Programme Leader for Anglia Ruskin pathways (BA (Hons) Graphic Design, BA (Hons) Graphic & Web Design) Limkokwing Borneo Mr Terry Hui Kok Nung Proposed Programme Leader for Anglia Ruskin pathway (BA (Hons) Interior Design) Limkokwing Borneo Mr Emmanuel Osakve Lecturer in Interior Design and Graphic Design Limkokwing Borneo Dr Noorhayati Saad Vice President, Faculty Development Head of School of Design Innovation & Creative Multimedia Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Cyberjaya Campus Associate Professor Jayles Yeoh Vice President, International Development Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Cyberjaya Campus Ms Julie Yeoh Director of Academic Administration Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Cyberjaya Campus Quality Assurance Division 14 Confirmed SECTION D – OUTCOME DATA Programme Department Faculty Collaborative Partner New/amended Awards Approved (nb intended awards Art, Design and Media Cambridge School of Art Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences Limkokwing Institute of Creative Technology, Kuching, Sarawak Title(s) of Named Pathway(s) Attendance mode and duration only, not intermediate awards) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Graphic Design Graphic & Web Design Interior Design Validating body (if not Anglia Ruskin University) Professional body accreditation Proposal Team Leader Month and Year of the first intake Standard intake points Maximum and minimum student numbers Date of first Conferment of Award(s) Any additional/specialised wording to appear on transcript and/or award certificate Date of next scheduled Periodic Review Awards and Titles to be deleted (with month/year of last regular conferment) Full-time: 3 years n/a n/a Dr David Hoyle February 2009 (Graphic Design and Graphic & Web Design) September 2009 (Interior Design) February and September Max: 30, Min: 10 October 2011 None To be confirmed n/a NEW MODULES APPROVED None. Quality Assurance Division 15 Confirmed FOR FRANCHISE APPROVALS ONLY: LIST OF MODULE TUTORS AND MODULE CODES & TITLES (FOR INCLUSION IN THE REGISTER OF TEACHING STAFF) Name of Teaching Staff Module Code & Title BA (Hons) Graphic Design Module Code LEVEL 1: AC160004D AC115013S AC115010S AC115014S AC115012S Module Title Module Leader Design Process Introduction to Type Media Introduction to Image Media Introduction to Web Design Graphic Design: Contextual Study Graphic Design of the 20th Century Mr Emmanuel Osakve Ms Rosedelina Bte Mustapha Ms Sageena Satheesan Ms Dorothy Emmalice Vatsaloo Mr Ang Soo Boon LEVEL 2: AC260004D AC215007S AC215008S AC215024S AC215026S AC215031S Design Practice Motion Graphics Graphic Environments Debates and Practices Contemporary Film & Video Issues in Contemporary Design Mr Nik Abdul Rashid LEVEL 3: AC330007S AC330017S AC360998S Graphic Futures Research Seminar Major Project Mr Emmanuel Osakve Module Title Module Leader Design Process Introduction to Type Media Introduction to Image Media Introduction to Web Design Graphic Design: Contextual Study Graphic Design of the 20th Century Mr Emmanuel Osakve Ms Rosedelina Bte Mustapha Ms Sageena Satheesan Ms Dorothy Emmalice Vatsaloo Mr Ang Soo Boon AC115011S Mr Ang Soo Boon Ms Sageena Satheesan BA (Hons) Graphic & Web Design Module Code LEVEL 1: AC160004D AC115013S AC115010S AC115014S AC115012S AC115011S LEVEL 2: AC260006D AC215007S AC215008S AC215024S AC215026S AC215031S Development of Web Graphics Motion Graphics Graphic Environments Debates and Practices Contemporary Film & Video Issues in Contemporary Design LEVEL 3: AC330009S AC330017S AC360998S Advanced Web Graphics Research Seminar Major Project Quality Assurance Division 16 Mr Ang Soo Boon Ms Sageena Satheesan Mr Emmanuel Osakve Confirmed BA (Hons) Interior Design Module Code LEVEL 1: AC115022S AC115021S AC115023S AC115044S LEVEL 2: AC260009D AC215041S AC215011S AC215024S AC215026S AC215031S LEVEL 3: AC330012S AC330017S AC360889S Quality Assurance Division Module Title Module Leader Observational & Perspective Drawing Digital Media in Interior Design 20th Century Design History 3D Design History & Theory Mr Chai Phay Yung Development in Interior Design Building Technology in Interior Design Themed Environments Debates and Practices Contemporary Film & Video Issues in Contemporary Design Tay Tze Yong Mohamad Asfia Adenan Specialised Practice in Interior Design Research Seminar Major Project Chai Phay Yung / Terry Hui Kok Nung 17 Mr Denis Chong Kuok Leong Chong Yee Lin Terry Hui Kok Nung Peggy Wong / Tay Buang Chuan Confirmed