THE SENATE PATHWAY APPROVAL REPORT (Franchised Provision) An outcome report of the event held on Friday 20th March 2009 to consider the approval of the following pathways: BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) Business Management BA (Hons) Human Resource Management BA (Hons) International Management BA (Hons) Marketing Ashcroft International Business School Delivery of Pathways at FTMS Malaysia Quality Assurance Division SECTION A – OUTCOME SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of the event was to consider the franchise of the following Anglia Ruskin pathways to FTMS Malaysia: BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) Business Management BA (Hons) Human Resource Management BA (Hons) International Management BA (Hons) Marketing 1.2 For curriculum management purposes the pathways are located in the Undergraduate Programme within the Ashcroft International Business School. 2. CONCLUSIONS 2.3 The Panel recommends to the Senate the franchise of the following pathways to be delivered on a 3+0 basis from September 2009 (subject to Malaysian Qualifications Authority (MQA) approval): 2.2 BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) Business Management BA (Hons) Human Resource Management BA (Hons) International Management BA (Hons) Marketing It was agreed that there would be a maximum of two student intakes per year (in September and February). Approval, once confirmed, will be for a period of five years, subject to Anglia Ruskin’s continuing quality assurance procedures and the process of curriculum review in the Ashcroft International Business School. The mode of attendance for each pathway will be full-time, with the possible introduction of part-time delivery at some stage in the future (which may not necessarily require an on-site visit). Minimum and maximum intake numbers for each pathway will be 20 and 60 respectively. 2.3 Conditions Approval is subject to the following conditions which were set by the Panel. A copy of the response must be lodged with the Executive Officer by the date(s) detailed below: 2.3.1 Details of Condition Deadline Response to be considered by FTMS Malaysia shall review and update the content of the Student Handbooks and shall consider the use of a single Student Handbook to cover the five undergraduate pathways in business to be delivered at FTMS Malaysia. [see 31 May 2009 Chair and Executive Secretary paragraph 8.1] Quality Assurance Division 2 Unconfirmed 2.3.2 FTMS Malaysia shall provide a staff development strategy to support delivery of Anglia Ruskin’s pathways which shall include: 31 May 2009 Chair and Executive Secretary pedagogical support and development for teaching staff prior to, and during, the first year of curriculum delivery input from AIBS staff on Anglia Ruskin’s assessment processes and the use of assessment criteria input from AIBS staff on the management and supervision of the Major Project This staff development strategy shall be additional to the staff development event, to be held in August 2009, set as a condition of the Institutional Approval process (condition 2.2.5) [see paragraph 5.3, 5.4, 6.3] 2.3.3 FTMS Malaysia shall develop a Personal Tutoring Scheme which makes explicit to students the nature and level of academic support available to students (including academic staff office hours, email contact, processes for feedback on assessed work) and which takes into account the particular demands placed upon staff who are not based at FTMSMalaysia. [see paragraph 6.7] 31 May 2009 Chair and Executive Secretary 2.3.4 FTMS Malaysia shall provide 31 May 2009 Chair and Executive Secretary 31 May 2009 Chair and Executive Secretary projected student numbers for each intake and at different levels (i.e.incorporating direct entry to an agreed level of learning, subject to the outcome of a mapping exercise) for a three year period commencing September 2009 [see paragraph 4.2] an associated Resources Action Plan showing timelines for the expansion of office/teaching facilities, library stock, IT laboratories and academic staff (expressed as full time equivalent posts) to support student number growth [see paragraphs 4.2 and 6.6] 2.3.5 FTMS Malaysia shall update the Pathway Specification Forms in consultation with AIBS, with particular emphasis on the accuracy of the structure diagram and the semester in which designated modules are delivered, ensuring synchronicity with the timing of delivery at Anglia Ruskin [see paragraph 8.2] Quality Assurance Division 3 Unconfirmed 2.3.6 FTMS Malaysia shall provide a detailed Academic Calendar for the 2009/10 academic year setting out the precise dates for each student intake (September and February), module delivery, assessment points and examination periods and which demonstrates synchronicity of assessment processes with those at Anglia Ruskin (as set as a condition of the Institutional Approval process). [see paragraph 31 May 2009 Chair and Executive Secretary 31 May 2009 Chair and Executive Secretary 4.6] 2.3.7 FTMS Malaysia and AIBS shall urgently submit proposals to the appropriate standing committee of the Senate to resolve the issue of direct entry to an agreed level of learning within the Anglia Ruskin pathways [NB Any decision on this matter will need to take into account the restrictions placed by the MQA on direct entry to 3+0 degrees delivered within Malaysia]. [see paragraph 4.5] 2.4 Recommendations The following recommendations for quality enhancement were made by the Panel. A copy of the responses to the recommendations listed below must be lodged with the Executive Officer. The Faculty Board for the Ashcroft International Business School will consider the responses at its meeting of October 2009: Details of Recommendation FTMS Malaysia shall identify a member of staff to undertake at FTMS Malaysia a role equivalent to an Anglia Ruskin Student Adviser. Deadline 11 September 2009 2.4.2 FTMS Malaysia is strongly encouraged to purchase more recent versions of the software packages installed in its IT laboratories (the current packages are at least two versions behind current industry standards) 11 September 2009 2.4.3 FTMS Malaysia and AIBS are strongly encouraged to develop opportunities for staff and student exchange between the two institutions. 11 September 2009 2.4.1 2.5 Issues Referred to the Senate (or appropriate standing committee) The Panel did not identify any institution-wide issues as requiring the attention of the Senate or the appropriate standing committee of the Senate. Quality Assurance Division 4 Unconfirmed SECTION B – DETAIL OF DISCUSSION AND PANEL CONCLUSIONS 3 RATIONALE 3.1 Following a successful Institutional Approval visit, conducted in January 2009, FTMS Malaysia seeks the franchised delivery of Anglia Ruskin undergraduate pathways in Business to commence in September 2009. Through such franchise activity FTMS Malaysia seeks to enhance its reputation as a provider of high quality education and training programmes which cater for the demand for professional education. The franchised delivery of Anglia Ruskin’s pathways is subject to approval by the Malaysian Qualifications Authority (MQA). 4 CURRICULUM DESIGN, MANAGEMENT AND DELIVERY 4.1 The Proposal Team provided an introduction to the franchise proposal by outlining the key features of the relationship. Each undergraduate pathway would be subject to a minimum and maximum iintake of 20 and 60 students respectively. It was confirmed that there would be two intakes per year to the pathways at FTMS Malaysia and that these intakes would be in February and September of each academic year, thus ensuring synchronicity with the standard intake points at Anglia Ruskin. It was envisaged that the first intake to each pathway would occur in September 2009, with a further intake in February 2010. It was also confirmed that the mode of delivery for the undergraduate pathways at FTMS Malaysia would be full-time, with the possibility of introducing part-time delivery in due course. The Panel noted that the introduction of part-time delivery would require separate approval, but would not necessarily require a further on-site approval visit (see paragraph 2.2 above). 4.2 The Panel noted a degree of confusion around the issue of the projected student numbers. It was noted that the minimum and maximum intakes were stated as being 20 and 60 respectively for each pathway. The Panel sought clarification as to whether these figures applied to each intake point and to recruitment at each Level of each pathway (allowing for the possibility of direct entry to an agreed level). It was noted that if the maximum intake was reached for each Level of each pathway at each intake, the total student numbers would very quickly multiply to a level that would have significant implications in terms of curriculum management, staffing and learning resources. The Panel agreed to set as a condition the requirement that FTMS Malaysia clarify the projected student numbers for each Level and each intake over a three-year period from the first intake in September 2009. [see condition 2.3.4, and paragraph 6.6 below] 4.3 The Proposal Team noted that the five undergraduate pathways shared a common curriculum throughout Level 1 and that divergence occurred at the beginning of Level 2. It was noted that the curriculum structures proposed for FTMS Malaysia were consistent with the Pathway Specification Form for each pathway. It was also noted that the sequence of modules had been carefully planned to ensure that modules were delivered in the same semester at FTMS Malaysia as their delivery at Anglia Ruskin. Whilst it was noted that the cohorts for each pathway would undertake a common curriculum at Level 1, the Panel expressed a concern that the student numbers for each pathway may not be sufficiently high to justify the number of designate modules offered at Levels 2 and 3 of four of the pathways (excluding the BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance, whose modules are compulsory at all levels). It was agreed that students should not initially be offered the full range of designate modules that in practice may not be delivered. It was further agreed that the list of designate modules for these pathways would be rationalised. Quality Assurance Division 5 Unconfirmed 4.4 The Panel noted that the curriculum for the BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance pathway was compulsory throughout and therefore there were no issues in terms of the range of designate modules. 4.5 In discussing issues related to the recruitment of students, the timing of intakes and curriculum management, the Panel noted that FTMS Malaysia would be seeking direct entry to an agreed point within the undergraduate pathways for those students who had successfully completed the FTMS Diploma programmes. The Proposal Team indicated that a mapping process was being undertaken. It was however noted that the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) requires students to be registered for an overseas award for at least two years, and therefore entry beyond the start of Level 2 could not be permitted. The Panel noted the importance of this issue and agreed to set a condition requiring the Proposal Team urgently to submit proposals to the appropriate standing committee of the Senate to seek accreditation approval. [see condition 2.3.7] 4.6 In discussing issues related to curriculum management the Panel stressed the importance of ensuring that delivery at FTMS Malaysia synchronised with delivery at Anglia Ruskin, particularly at the assessment stage. Whilst noting that the modules at FTMS Malaysia would be delivered in the same semester at FTMS Malaysia as their delivery at Anglia Ruskin, the Panel noted that the documentation made reference to the examinations taking place in August of each year. It was noted that this was not correct, and that all summative assessment would need to synchronise with Anglia Ruskin assessment processes. The Panel were concerned that the precise timing of the proposed delivery at FTMS Malaysia was unclear within the documentation. It was therefore agreed that a condition of approval would be the provision of a detailed Academic Calendar for the 2009/10 academic year which clearly articulated the timing of student intakes, module delivery and assessment. [see condition 2.3.6] 5 ASSESSMENT 5.1 The Proposal Team stated that discussion of the detailed management of the assessment process was ongoing. The assessment process at FTMS Malaysia will follow the same schedule and pattern as assessment at Anglia Ruskin. The Proposal Team stressed the importance of strong links between the Module Leaders at both Anglia Ruskin and the partner institution. In setting assessed work the Module Leader at Anglia Ruskin consults with Module Leaders at partner institutions and this allows some limited scope for localisation of the assessment task. The example given by the Proposal Team was in the writing of an examination paper. In response to a question from the panel as to how requests for localisation were handled the Proposal Team stressed that that the Module Leader at Anglia Ruskin would retain ultimate responsibility for the design of assessment tasks. Each assessment task has a marking scheme which compliments the assessment criteria. 5.2 Marking and second marking will be conducted at FTMS Malaysia with a sample of the marked work being forwarded to Anglia Ruskin for internal and external moderation by Faculty staff and the relevant External Examiner respectively. The Proposal Team stressed that the purpose of the internal moderation (by Anglia Ruskin staff) was to confirm the level of marking rather than to agree marks for individual pieces of work. Any discrepancy or issue arising from the moderation would be discussed directly with the Module Leader at the partner institution. The Panel also noted that students would not be informed of their provisional mark until the work had been moderated by Anglia Ruskin staff and the External Examiner. 5.3 In order to support staff at the partner institution, and to ensure the smooth running of the assessment process, staff from AIBS at Anglia Ruskin will be undertaking further discussion with FTMS staff over the precise content of individual modules and their Quality Assurance Division 6 Unconfirmed associated assessment tasks. Staff development sessions based around the Anglia Ruskin assessment process will take place before the first delivery of the pathways. These sessions will be in addition to the staff development event to be held in August 2009, as outlined in the Institutional Approval process. [see paragraph 6.3] 5.4 The meeting discussed the measures in place to support staff at the partner institution in their supervision of the Major Project module. The Panel noted that the potentially large numbers of students progressing to the Major Project at Level 3 would make the supervision of projects a resource-intensive task which would require a substantial number of suitably qualified staff. The Proposal Team stated that FTMS Malaysia staff have some experience of supervising major projects from previous collaborative links with UK universities. In addition FTMS staff have acted as mentors to support graduates from the ACCA-accredited FTMS Diploma who wish to complete their studies towards the BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting with Oxford Brookes.* The Proposal Team stated that a tentative development plan is already in place and that an existing pack of materials, produced by Anglia Ruskin, will be made available to staff at the partner institution to support delivery of the Major Project module. It was further noted that this issue was not a priority for the first round of staff development sessions as the module will not run in the first year of delivery. It was also noted that as the Major Project is a Level 3 module, FTMS will have advanced warning of potentially high numbers. [see paragraph 6.3] * Secretary’s Note- the BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting is an award of Oxford Brookes University under a direct collaborative link between the University and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Students completing an ACCA-accredited Diploma can complete a Research and Analysis Project in order to qualify for the BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting. 6 STAFFING, LEARNING RESOURCES AND STUDENT SUPPORT 6.1 In consultation with the external subject specialist panel members, the Panel believed that the qualifications and expertise of the staff at FTMS Malaysia were sufficient to deliver the undergraduate pathways being proposed. In addition, the Panel had been provided with a list identifying the staff member provisionally scheduled to deliver each module. The Panel noted that some of the staff due to deliver modules at FTMS Malaysia would also be responsible for delivering modules at FTMS Singapore. The Proposal Team accepted this but commented that such activity had been successfully managed both in previous collaborative partnerships and within the FTMS Diplomas currently offered in both Singapore and Malaysia. The Panel expressed some concern as to whether the current levels of staffing would prove sufficient if recruitment to the pathways was as successful as the initially projected student numbers. [see paragraphs 4.2 and 6.6] 6.2 The Panel asked what provision was made at FTMS Malaysia for the development of its staff. The Proposal Team stated that all staff receive twice-yearly appraisals which consider both performance and development needs. Those staff wishing to pursue additional qualifications are encouraged and supported where possible, and staff are regularly informed of upcoming conferences in the region. In addition, most part-time staff are currently employed in relevant industries, and many of the full-time staff regularly engage in professional practice by contributing to training sessions in industrial settings. 6.3 In discussing the qualifications and expertise of the staff, the Panel enquired about the support that will be provided by Anglia Ruskin. The Proposal Team emphasised the importance of additional support prior to, and during, the first year of delivery, and to ongoing staff development within FTMS Malaysia. Whilst noting the work undertaken thus far, including the sessions outlined above with regard to assessment, and the staff development sessions scheduled for August 2009 as a result of the Institutional Approval process, the Panel felt that the range of staff development work needed to be brought Quality Assurance Division 7 Unconfirmed together and captured in a formal document. It therefore agreed to set a condition of approval that the Proposal Team produce a staff development action plan that includes pedagogical support and development for teaching staff; management and supervision of the Major Project module; guidance on the Anglia Ruskin assessment processes and the use of assessment criteria. [see paragraphs 5.3, 5.4 and condition 2.3.2] 6.4 In considering the physical resources to support the pathways the Panel noted FTMS Malaysia’s plans to enhance its library provision. The Proposal Team stated that FTMS Malaysia would purchase recent editions of every key text identified within the modules to be delivered. Each key text would be purchased to a ratio of one copy to every 6 registered students and a reference copy of each key text would be held within the Library. The Panel noted that the key texts could be purchased via the Anglia Ruskin bookshop to enable prompt purchasing. The Library currently uses the Emerald and Pro-quest databases to enable electronic access to relevant journal articles. Subscriptions to relevant journals will be made following successful validation and the Proposal Team also noted that students at FTMS Malaysia would have access to Anglia Ruskin’s electronic learning resources. 6.5 The Panel noted the current provision of IT laboratories and available software to support the delivery of the Anglia Ruskin pathways. The Proposal Team accepted that demand for the current IT provision would expand with the projected increase in student numbers and stated that further resources would be allocated to the IT provision once a clearer indication of the anticipated student numbers was available. 6.6 Whilst believing that the current learning resources were sufficient to support delivery of the proposed pathways, the Panel noted that these resources would quickly become insufficient if recruitment to the pathways was successful. The Panel agreed to set a condition that the Proposal Team submit a learning resources action plan which provided timelines and actions for the expansion of the teaching facilities, library stock, IT laboratories and academic staff in the context of the projected student numbers [see paragraph 4.2 and condition 2.3.4] 6.7 The Panel noted that FTMS Malaysia staff based in Kuala Lumpur would be delivering modules in Singapore (see paragraph 6.1). Whilst it was accepted that this model had proved effective in the past the Panel did note that this required lecturing staff to be absent from FTMS Malaysia at certain times during the week. The Panel asked whether this would impinge on the ability of the academic staff to support their students. This prompted the Panel to ask the Proposal Team to elaborate on the arrangements for the provision of academic guidance and personal tutoring. The Proposal Team stated that much of the contact would be conducted via email, and that lecturing staff commit to three hours per week of direct communication with the students, and that other forms of communication (specifically email contact) would be open to students who required advice outside of this period and whilst lecturers were engaged in teaching commitments elsewhere. Personal tuition is undertaken in lecture rooms and can be conducted as either individual or group sessions. Students would also have access to the advice of a local support lecturer. The Panel noted this provision for student support and guidance but felt that the measures in place should be formalised. The Panel therefore agreed to set a condition asking the Proposal Team to develop a Personal Tutoring policy which makes explicit to students the nature and level of academic support and which takes into account the particular circumstances arising from the fact that some staff will be engaged with further teaching commitments elsewhere. [see condition 2.3.3] 6.8 The meeting noted the significance of the role of the Student Adviser within Anglia Ruskin’s provision. The Proposal Team stated that an individual had been identified to act as the Student Adviser at FTMS Malaysia and that further thought was being given as to how this role would be managed. The meeting also noted the importance of contact between the responsible individual at FTMS Malaysia and the Students Adviser at Anglia Ruskin, and of the need for some staff development activity for the member of FTMS Malaysia staff. The Quality Assurance Division 8 Unconfirmed Panel agreed to make a recommendation that FTMS Malaysia identify a member of staff to undertake a role equivalent to the role of the Student Adviser. [see recommendation 2.4.1] 7 MANAGEMENT OF THE FRANCHISE PARTNERSHIP 7.1 The meeting noted that, in addition to the links operating at module and pathway level, the franchise partnerships would be managed at an institutional level by the Academic Manager at FTMS Malaysia. The institutional level link would be the appropriate contact point for strategic issues that relate to the partnership as a whole rather than specifically to individual modules or pathways. 7.2 The Panel noted that AIBS would be conducting a review of its entire curriculum in the 2009/10 academic year, and asked the Proposal Team what effect this might have on the Faculty’s collaborative partnerships. The Proposal Team noted that the pathways currently under consideration were unlikely to be amended substantially as they remained popular pathways. It was also noted that all collaborative partners would be consulted as part of the review process. 7.3 In discussing the management of the link the meeting discussed the possibility of introducing both staff and student exchange programmes between the two institutions. The Panel agreed to set a recommendation that the Proposal Team seek to develop these opportunities for both staff and students. [see recommendation 2.4.2] 8 DOCUMENTATION 8.1 In considering the Student Handbooks produced as part of the approval documentation, the Panel noted that there appeared to be very little localisation of content. Many references in the Handbook were to individuals, resources and facilities at Anglia Ruskin. In considering how to produce a more user-friendly document the Panel agreed to set a condition asking that the content of the Student Handbooks be reviewed and updated and that the Proposal Team consider the introduction of one Handbook to cover all three undergraduate pathways to be offered at FTMS Malaysia. [see condition 2.3.1] 8.2 In relation to the discussion about curriculum management issues (paragraph 4.3) the Panel noted that some additions to the Pathway Specification Forms would be required. It was agreed to set a condition of approval asking the Proposal Team to update the Pathway Specification Forms to provide a clear and accurate structure diagram for delivery at FTMS Malaysia which shows the semester of delivery for each module and clearly demonstrates synchronicity with the timing of delivery at Anglia Ruskin. [see condition 2.3.5] Quality Assurance Division 9 Unconfirmed SECTION C – DETAILS OF PANEL MEMBERSHIP, COLLABORATIVE PARTNER AND ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY PARTICIPANTS Internal Panel Members: Lesley Dobree (Chair) Deputy Vice Chancellor Anglia Ruskin University Malcolm Morrison Director of the Academic Office Anglia Ruskin University Shaun Le Boutillier Director of Studies Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences Anglia Ruskin University External Panel Members: Scott Raeburn Senior Lecturer, School of Computing Napier University Ashif Tejani Senior Academic, Harrow School of Computer Science, University of Westminster Executive Officer: Peter Worker Deputy Head of Quality Academic Office Anglia Ruskin University Course Team: Trevor Ward Academic Manager FTMS Malaysia Sajilal Divakaran General Manager FTMS Malaysia Graham Webster Senior Lecturer Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University John Summers Senior Lecturer Ashcroft International Business School Anglia Ruskin University Dato’ Dr Mohd Yahya Nordin Corporate Advisor FTMS Malaysia Datin Sabariah Abdul Karim Chairman Quality Assurance Division 10 Unconfirmed FTMS Malaysia K Ramachandhiran Education Relations Manager FTMS Malaysia Mr Joey Teh Systems Manager FTMS Malaysia Haiza Roslan Registrar / Librarian FTMS Malaysia Anjana Bedi Lecturer FTMS Malaysia Rozana Ismail Lecturer FTMS Malaysia Dr Khor Siak Wang Lecturer FTMS Malaysia Sarmiladevi a/p Balaguru Lecturer cum Coordinator FTMS Malaysia Kasthuri a/p Subaramaniam Lecturer FTMS Malaysia Uma Jeyaram Lecturer FTMS Singapore Dr Krishna Prasad Pamulapati Lecturer FTMS Malaysia Mohd Harris bin Ahmad Jaal Lecturer/Student Service Manager FTMS Malaysia Paranjothy Sundram Senior Lecturer cum Programme Leader FTMS Malaysia Steven Khor Siak Kim Lecturer FTMS Malaysia Isai Amutan a/l Krishnan Lecturer FTMS Malaysia Quality Assurance Division 11 Unconfirmed Dr Rengasamy Tambu Doraisamy Lecturer FTMS Malaysia Haryati binti Abu Husin Lecturer FTMS Malaysia Baburam Bhagat (Mali) Lecturer cum Programme Leader FTMS Malaysia Shamini Arumugam Lecturer FTMS Malaysia Mohamed Sulaiman Mohamed Arif Lecturer FTMS Singapore Ranita Mahalingam Exam Officer/Academic Assistant FTMS Malaysia Poovaie Karuppan Academic Administration Manager FTMS Malaysia Azahari bin Omar Marketing Manager FTMS Malaysia Abdul Aziz Tanko International Student FTMS Malaysia Quality Assurance Division 12 Unconfirmed SECTION D – OUTCOME DATA Programme Department Faculty Collaborative Partner New/amended Awards Approved (nb intended awards Cambridge; Chelmsford n/a Ashcroft International Business School FTMS Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Title(s) of Named Pathway(s) Attendance mode and duration only, not intermediate awards) BSc (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance Business Management International Management Marketing Human Resource Management Validating body (if not Anglia Ruskin University) Professional body accreditation Proposal Team Leader Month and Year of the first intake Standard intake points Maximum and minimum student numbers Date of first Conferment of Award(s) Any additional/specialised wording to appear on transcript and/or award certificate Date of next scheduled Periodic Review Awards and Titles to be deleted (with month/year of last regular conferment) Full-time: 3 years n/a n/a John Summers/Graham Webster September 2009 (all) February and September (per pathway) Max: 60, Min: 20 July 2011 None To be confirmed n/a FOR FRANCHISE APPROVALS ONLY: LIST OF MODULE TUTORS AND MODULE CODES & TITLES (FOR INCLUSION IN THE REGISTER OF TEACHING STAFF) Module Code Module Title Module Leader BC115001S Analysis of Business Francis Pularendran BC130001S Business Environment Simon Yong BB115002S Introduction to Business Law S Thavaraj A/L S Subramaniam BC115004S Learning & Skills Development in Business Simon Yong BD130002S Managing People, Finance & Marketing Daniel Ho Ngan Keat BB115004S Web Design for Business Sajilal Divakaran BB215001S Advanced Financial Accounting Paranjothy Sundram BB215007S Budgeting, Planning & Control Rengasamy Tambu Doraisamy BC215001S Business Economics Thiagurajah @ M Thangarajah BD215001S Business Psychology Mridula Mennon LEVEL ONE: LEVEL TWO: Quality Assurance Division 13 Unconfirmed Kunnekkat BD215010S Consumer Behaviour Simon Yong BB215003S Database Systems for Business Anjani Bedi BB215004S Financial Accounting Babarum Bhagat Mali BB215005S Information Systems Anjana Bedi BC230001S International Business Isai Amuthan BD215002S Learning & Development Francis Pularendran BB215006S Management Accounting Daniel Ho Ngan Keat BC215008S Management Decision Techniques Francis Pularendran BD215003S Managing Organisational Change Rengasamy Tambu Doraisamy BD215018S Marketing Communications Manoharan A/L Muthiah BD215011S Marketing Management Khor Siak Kim BD215012S Marketing Research Khor Siak Kim BD215019S Performance & Reward Management Isai Amuthan BD215004S Principles of HRM Shamini Arumugam BC215010S Research Skills Trevor Stuart Ward BB315001S Advanced Corporate Reporting Spencer Cheah BC315001S Advanced Strategic Management Puspavathy Rassiah BB315003S Auditing, Control & Communication Karnal Singh BD315019S Business-to-Business Marketing Domnic Danaraj Peter BB315004S Creative Problem Solving Simon Yong BC315003S Cross-Cultural Issues in International Business Isai Amuthan BC315020S Development Economics Thiagurajah @ M Thangarajah BD315002S Employee Relations Isai Amuthan BC315006S Ethics & Governance Paranjothy Sundram BB315005S Financial Management Rengasamy Tambu Doraisamy BD315003S Fundamentals of Employment Law S Thavaraj A/L S Subramaniam BD315004S International & Comparative HRM Shamini Arumugam BD315010S International Marketing Domnic Danaraj Peter; Khor Siak Kim BD315011S Internet Marketing and eCommerce Rozana Ismail BD315005S Management Development Puspavathy Rassiah BD315006S Managing Diversity Puspavathy Rassiah BD315013S Marketing Consultancy Domnic Danaraj Peter BD315014S Marketing Financial Services Daniel Ho Ngan Keat BC315013S Operations Management Domnic Danaraj Peter BB315008S Project Planning & Control Paranjothy Sundram BD315015S Retail Marketing Khor Siak Kim LEVEL THREE: Quality Assurance Division 14 Unconfirmed BC315017S Strategic Management Puspavathy Rassiah BB315009S Strategic Management Accounting Siow Hui Jen BD315008S The Strategic Management of Human Resources Francis Pularendran BD315016S Strategic Marketing: A Contemporary Review Domnic Danaraj Peter BB315012S Taxation of Malaysian Corporate Organisations Siva Subramaniam A/L A R Nair BD315017S The Practice of Marketing Khor Siak Kim BC330998D Undergraduate Major Project Paranjothy Sundram Quality Assurance Division 15 Unconfirmed