NHS Research Passport Scheme Policy Please also refer to the Research Passport Guidance. This policy applies to all students and staff who are required to complete a Research Passport to obtain an honorary contract or letter of access to carry out research in the NHS. 1.1. It is your responsibility to determine whether you require a Research Passport. Please ensure that you notify your relevant FREP Administrator if you have obtained a Research Passport, as we need to keep a record of this. Also, please state whether it is a three-year or project-specific Research Passport and the name of the NHS Organisation(s) involved. 1.2. You must ensure that adequate insurance arrangements are in place and that you have completed our university’s insurance questionnaire if applicable and this has received approval. For further information, please see the Research involving Human Participants (Clinical Trials) Questionnaire at: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/rdcs/ethics/index.phtml or contact Andy Chapman, Andrew.Chapman@anglia.ac.uk Corporate Risk and Compliance Officer on 1.3 You may require further checks in order to complete your Research Passport e.g. Occupational Health Clearance and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS check). Any previous checks you have undergone may not be sufficient for NHS purposes. The cost of any checks may need to be met by your department. You need to ensure that this has been approved by your supervisor or line manager in advance. 1.4 It is your responsibility to ensure you comply with the clauses within the Honorary contract or Letter of Access. 1.5 It is your responsibility to ensure that you undergo any induction training required by the NHS. Please notify your line manager/supervisor that you have done this and ensure that you keep a record of it. 1.6 You must be familiar with and comply with all health and safety legislation within the NHS Organisation. 1.7 It is also your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar and comply with all applicable NHS policies and procedures, including the NHS Code of Conduct and NHS Code of Confidentiality. You must ensure that you have read the section on this in ‘Research in the NHS – HR Good Resource Pack,’ available at: http://www.nihr.ac.uk/policy-and-standards/research-passports.htm and understand and exercise a duty of confidentiality. Other procedures in the NHS may include incident reporting, research governance, misconduct and fraud and data storage and handling. If you require any further training, please speak to your Supervisor if you are a student or, if you are a member of staff, to Julie Scott, Research Training & Ethics Manager, Research, Development and Commercial Services at research.ethics@anglia.ac.uk. 1.8 You also need to ensure that you have read and adhere to the Department of Health’s Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care (2005), available at: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndG uidance/DH_4108962 1.9 You must ensure that you immediately disclose any changes that may affect your Research Passport, for example changes in criminal convictions, exposure to any serious communicable disease, changes to health, professional registration or any other circumstance that may impact on your suitability to conduct research. Please inform the NHS R&D Department and Anglia Ruskin University (students must notify Admissions and staff must inform HR Services). This may be subject to monitoring to ensure compliance. 1.10 It is your responsibility to make sure that you have obtained all other approvals (e.g. NHS Research Ethics Committee, NHS R&D Management Approval and any regulatory approvals) prior to starting your research. You must send a copy of all approval letters to your relevant FREP Administrator, prior to starting your research and any subsequent approval letters for amendments or extensions if applicable. 1.11 In accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998), you are advised that your personal data will be processed by each NHS Organisation to which you submit the Research Passport. In completing and submitting the Research Passport, you are deemed to have given consent for this. 1.12 Admissions will keep a copy of the Research Passport on file for students and HR Services for staff. In completing and submitting the Research Passport, you are also consenting to this. 1.13 If students have any complaints about how the Research Passport process has been managed at Anglia Ruskin University, please refer to our complaints procedure. Go to ‘My Anglia’, click on the students tab, go to the A-Z and then ‘student complaints’. If you have a complaints relating to the NHS part of the procedure, please refer to the R&D Department at the NHS Trust in the first instance. Julie Scott Research Training & Ethics Manager Research, Development and Commercial Services 28.7.14 V1.0