External Examiner’s Annual Report 2015/16 Tier 1 – Departmental Assessment Panel This template is available at: www.anglia.ac.uk/externalexaminer Section A – Cover Sheet Name of External Examiner and Institution: (Insert NAME and INSTITUTION) Departmental Assessment Panel: (Insert DAP NAME) Date(s) of Departmental Assessment Panel meeting(s) attended: (Insert DATES) Please indicate if you are also acting (in respect of this Panel) for other awarding or professional, statutory or regulatory bodies (PSRBs): (Insert PSRB NAME) Date: (Insert DATE) Should this be the end of your term of External Examiner duty with Anglia Ruskin please include an overview of your term of office below: Please note that a separate report must be produced for each duty to which you are appointed (please see letter of appointment for more details). Annual reports will be made available to students in full with the sole exception of any confidential report sent direct to the Vice Chancellor to raise any serious concern. Please submit this report by Friday 16th September 2016 to: external.examiner@anglia.ac.uk We will acknowledge receipt of your report and circulate it to all relevant colleagues. Claim forms for fees and expenses should be sent to: paula.gardiner@anglia.ac.uk; Paula Gardiner, Academic Office, Anglia Ruskin University, Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1SQ. June 2015 1 Academic Office Section B – Comments on Service Provided by Anglia Ruskin B1: FOR EXTERNAL EXAMINERS IN THEIR FIRST YEAR OF APPOINTMENT ONLY: In accordance with the Senate Code of Practice on External Examiners for Taught Courses did you receive a briefing pack with your formal letter of appointment containing: Yes information about Anglia Ruskin University Anglia Ruskin University’s Academic Regulations the Senate Codes of Practice on (i) External Examiners for Taught Courses and (ii) the Assessment of Students further briefing from the Department/Faculty about the curriculum for the subject area to which you have been appointed and the associated assessment process and procedures No B2: FOR ALL EXTERNAL EXAMINERS: For the following statements, please indicate a judgement using the following categories: A = agree strongly B = agree C = disagree D = disagree strongly A B C D The Department teaching team established effective communication with me throughout the year. I was sent all level 5 to 7 draft assessment tasks, with assessment criteria for approval. I was given sufficient time to approve draft assessment tasks. I was given the opportunity to see samples of level 5 to 7 marked work, covering the full range of marks, in order to assure that appropriate standards of assessment were being maintained. I saw evidence of internal moderation in the assessment process and it was used effectively and consistently. B3: FOR EXTERNAL EXAMINERS OF ANGLIA RUSKIN IN THE PREVIOUS ACADEMIC YEAR: Yes No Did you receive formal written feedback on your report for academic year 2014/15? Were you satisfied with the response to the issues raised in your report for academic year 2014/15? Did you receive (in Spring 2016) a copy of the relevant Head of Department’s Annual Monitoring Report(s) for academic year 2014/15? June 2015 2 Academic Office SECTION C – Main Report YOUR MAIN REPORT SHOULD COVER THE FOLLOWING TOPICS (as stated in the Senate Code of Practice on External Examiners for Taught Courses) 1. Academic Standards (NB External Examiners should base their judgements on those modules for which assessment outcomes have been moderated) (a) In your view, were the threshold standards set appropriate for the modules under consideration by the Departmental Assessment Panel? Yes No (NB when evaluating whether academic standards are appropriate for the level of modules under consideration, External Examiners should draw on appropriate external reference points, including those published by Professional, Statutory & Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) and subject benchmark statements published by the Quality Assurance Agency). Please provide further comment/detail in support of your response below: (b) Please comment on whether the aims and intended learning outcomes for individual modules have been clearly defined, made explicit to students in a published document, and been achieved by students who have successfully completed the modules. (c) In your view, are the standards of student performance and achievement comparable in relation to modules in similar subjects at other UK higher education institutions with which you are familiar? Yes No Please provide further comment/detail in support of your response below: June 2015 3 Academic Office 2. The Curriculum (NB External Examiners should base their judgements on those modules for which assessment outcomes have been moderated) Your comments in this section of your report should include observations on: (a) The continuing currency and validity of the curriculum in the light of developing knowledge in the subject and practice in its application (NB it is also of interest to know if the curriculum has been informed by Anglia Ruskin staff research): (b) Curriculum design, content and organisation, and its contribution to the development of transferable skills: (c) Curriculum delivery and the quality of teaching and learning methods as reflected in student performance: This must include specific reference to delivery at UK and international collaborative partner institutions if your moderation duties included collaborative provision. If you identify any specific areas of good practice or concern relating to a specific partner(s), please state the name of the partner(s) to whom you are referring. June 2015 4 Academic Office 3. Assessment (NB External Examiners should base their judgements on those modules for which assessment outcomes have been moderated) This section must include specific reference to assessment undertaken at UK and international collaborative partner institutions if your moderation duties included collaborative provision. If you identify any specific areas of good practice or concern relating to a specific partner(s), please state the name of the partner(s) to whom you are referring. Your comments in this section of your report should include observations on: (a) The profile of student marks across the modules sampled: (b) The appropriateness of assessment criteria/marking standards used: (c) The assessment methods used (eg range/variety) and their contribution to student achievement of module aims and intended learning outcomes: (d) The nature, extent, and usefulness of the written feedback to students on their assessed work (assignments, lab work/practicals, artefacts etc): June 2015 5 Academic Office 4. Assessment Procedures In your view, were the processes for assessment sound and fairly conducted? Yes No Your comments in this section of your report should include observations on: (a) The sensitivity and fairness of the assessment process in relation to student performance on modules: (b) The conduct of the Departmental Assessment Panel, including consistency in decision making and the accuracy of reports for meetings: (c) The administrative arrangements for the provision of information/material to External Examiners: June 2015 6 Academic Office 5. Work-based learning, Professional Practice or Placement Your comments in this section of your report should include observations on: (a) Student performance and achievement of intended learning outcomes on any modules embracing work-based learning, professional practice or placement: (b) The organisation and delivery of such activities within the curriculum: (c) The quality of learning opportunities and the assessment of work-based learning, professional practice or placement (if relevant): June 2015 7 Academic Office 6. General Issues of interest or concern relating to curriculum structure, content, delivery or assessment All responses to the questions in this section will be formally considered by the appropriate Anglia Ruskin academic committee and/or quality assurance process (e.g. annual monitoring). (a) Any examples of good or innovative practice in teaching, learning and assessment which could usefully be disseminated within Anglia Ruskin University. [Anglia Ruskin defines good practice as a method, strategy, system, procedure or process, which has, over an appropriate period of time, resulted in improved academic standards, an enhanced quality of education and/or an improved level of service to stakeholders (e.g. students, staff, external examiners, collaborative partners, employers) and which can, when appropriately adapted, be implemented in other areas of the institution.] (b) Any commendable achievements/outcomes or positive factors that should be highlighted to a wider audience. (c) Any areas for improvement or enhancement. (d) Any aspects where Anglia Ruskin University’s academic standards are currently at risk. Responses to question 6d will be reported to the Senate and will require a specific response to the Senate by the appropriate Faculty. Thank you for completing this report and for your contribution to the assurance and enhancement of academic standards at Anglia Ruskin University June 2015 8 Academic Office