QSC 16th March 2011 CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT OUTCOMES Plan CM1 forms have been submitted for the following for approval by QSC: FACULTY OF EDUCATION REF AWARD FOE 13/10 Modules: CC215004S TITLE CC115008S Meeting Individual Needs Understanding and Managing Behaviour Developing Sciences in Education Knowledge of the Core 1 CC215011S Knowledge of the Core 2 CC215016S Developing Creativity in the Curriculum Creative Literacies Page 1. CC215008S CC115015S CC215014S CC215003S CHAIR’S COMMENTS/CONDITIONS NATURE OF CHANGE Proposal to change departmental responsibility for eight modules Old department Teacher Education New department Educational Studies Proposal to change departmental responsibility for eight modules from the FdA Learning Support for Primary Education approved pathway The modules have already been set up and students attached, an interim measure of domain change to CB is required, this will also be required for semester two DAPs Appropriate external examiners are in place to support the modules With effect from February 2011 Approved Noted that external examiners must be allocated to the correct DAPs ICT for Curriculum Development QSC Plan CM1 Changes 16 March 2011 Page 1 of 3 Academic Office FACULTY OF HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE REF AWARD TITLE FHSC 33/10 Module: DN315002S CHAIR’S COMMENTS/CONDITIONS NATURE OF CHANGE Updating Practice in Infection Control Proposal to change departmental responsibility for one module Old department Primary and Public Health Page 3. Approved New department Acute Care Proposal to will rationalise infection control modules into one department Current students not impacted With effect from February 2011 FACULTY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY REF AWARD TITLE FST 46/10 BSc (Hons) Audio Technology and Electronics Page 5. CHAIR’S COMMENTS/CONDITIONS NATURE OF CHANGE Proposal to change pathway title Old title Audio Technology and Electronics Approved New title Audio Engineering The proposed title change is intended to be more attractive to prospective students Pathway is IET accredited, advice sought and approval of the change has been granted Transitional arrangements for existing students to be confirmed* With effect from September 2011 * Must adhere with new policy that all existing students are given the individual choice to retain the existing title or accept the revised title QSC Plan CM1 Changes 16 March 2011 Page 2 of 3 Academic Office REF AWARD TITLE FST 47/10 BSc (Hons) Computer Gaming and Animation Technology Page 7. CHAIR’S COMMENTS/CONDITIONS NATURE OF CHANGE Old title Computer Gaming and Animation Technology Approved Proposal to change pathway title New title Computer Gaming Technology The proposed title change will better reflect the specialist skills of the academic staff, and the change of course content will align the pathway with industry trends and the progression route to the MSc in Interactive Game Development All new students will use the new title, by default all existing students will retain the old title and may request to change to the new title* Current students not impacted With effect from September 2011 Noted that the change will impact all delivery sites, Faculty to ensure that all delivery partners are aware of the title change * Must adhere with new policy that all existing students are given the individual choice to retain the existing title or accept the revised title FST 50/10 Various Tabled QSC Plan CM1 Changes 16 March 2011 Proposal for 18 pathway deletions BSc (Hons) Sound Engineering and Creative Music Technology HND Media and Internet Technology HND Electronics HND Audio and Music Technology HND Computer Science Dip HE Computer Science BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Internet Technology HNC Computer Science HND Engineering HND Multimedia, Animation and the Web BSc (Hons) Product Design for Sustainability and Retail HND Product Design for Sustainability and Retail HND Business Information Technology BSc (Hons) Computing BSc (Hons) Computer Game Development BSc (Hons) Web Development CISCO Associate HND Computing Those pathways with students on will be phased out With immediate effect Page 3 of 3 Delivery Site Camb Camb Camb Camb Camb, UCWA, HRC Camb, UCWA, HRC Camb Camb, UCWA, HRC Chelms, HRC, UCP, T&B Chelms Chelms Chelms Not listed Chelms Chelms Chelms Not listed Chelms Approved Academic Office