LAIBS conference policy for academic staff, March 2016 Conference (workshop, seminar, or meeting etc. – this policy is intended to cover any research related event) attendance is vital to the development of your academic career, and to the attainment of our aspirations as a business school. It is important therefore that attendance lead directly to REF-able outputs given limits on resources. As a result the policy set out in this document aims to ensure that staff who wish to attend and present their research work at conferences are able to submit the results of their work to reputable journals within six months of the conference. It is also expected that staff attending a conference will fully support research dissemination and promotion of their work, both internally and externally (e.g. seminar). Going to conference also provides an opportunity to network and specifically to encourage international scholars you wish to develop research with to consider submitting a EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship application with us. Details of the scheme can be found here - - and from RDCS will be able to support the application process and give advice. Staff need to apply for approval within a month of having their paper accepted, and all bookings associated with the conference (including OA1 sign off) should be completed within a month of approval. Late applications will not be approved. Appended to this policy is an application form and a list of recommended conferences which are recognized for their rigour and quality, and generally require the submission of a short or long paper. There might however, be good reasons why the conference is not on the preferred list, and the form below gives applicants an opportunity to explain why the conference, workshop, seminar or meeting) is important, of high quality and will lead to a REF-able journal submission (applicants should talk to their Deputy Head for Research and Enterprise, DHRE). Every month Deputy Head for Research and Enterprise (DHREs), Deputy Dean (Research and Enterprise) and the Deputy Director of the IIMP will meet to assess and decide upon conference applications, which will be governed by the policy set out in this document. The budget for conference attendance will be held centrally at the Faculty level. There are a range of central university and external funds available for conference attendance. Applicants should always seek to find external funds prior to submitting this form. Staff should also consider if an Erasmus funded visit might be arranged to the conference destination (please contact for further information). Staff should also consider whether they could combine conference attendance with other Faculty business (student recruitment for instance). Conferences supported by external funds will be permitted to operate outside these new guidelines if: (1) attendance and costs are an allowable element a funded project, and; (2) full funding is available. In cases where part funding from the Faculty is required then this policy will need to be followed and the form below completed. Staff need to fill out the form and send this form to Hoi Lei Chan, Research and Enterprise Team Manager (, cc your HoD and Deputy Head Research and Enterprise. She will notify staff of the outcome of their request. Only after approval should they complete an OA1 travel form. P a g e 1 | 21 LAIBS Conference (etc.) Attendance Request Name: Department: Paper title: Conference/workshop/seminar name and location Date Registration details (including deadline)/contact Intended conference etc.: Is conference on the preferred list (yes/no)? If no, please demonstrate whether the conference requires short or long paper as part of the process, and explain why the conference is important and of good quality Registration fee Membership fee Other (visa): Total cost (in £) Other: Flight ticket Notes: Travel during visit Accommodation Subsistence Miscellaneous Total: Any part funded contribution? Total fund request (in £) What efforts have been made to source alternative funding (e.g. RDCS, PhD bursaries etc.)? Intended output for conference paper (and CABS journal ranking): Please provide the following information for previous LAIBS conference funding awarded: - Conference name and date Amount awarded Paper title Stage of development of the paper (submitted, under review, accepted etc. specify ABS ranking) HoD/PhD supervisor support and signature Once completed, please forward this form to Hoi Lei Chan, Research and Enterprise Team Manager ( and cc your HoD and Deputy Head Research and Enterprise. She will notify staff of the outcome of their request. P a g e 2 | 21 Appendix – list of preferred conferences This list is indicative. It is well recognized that there are certain large high quality conferences in business and management and social science sub-disciplines. The faculty supports the attendance of these conferences. However, specialist conferences, symposia and workshops can be vital and will also be supported (many are included below), and it is recognized that there are also single purpose workshops that staff should be attending (especially in policy engagement areas). However, if a member of staff wishes to attend a conference NOT on this list, they will need to explain in detail why attendance is important and how it will lead to a REF-able submission or funding application. Contents Accountancy ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Management and organization studies........................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Education .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Housing ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 International Business ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Operations management ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Innovation studies ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Entrepreneurship and small business ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15 HR and OB................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Marketing ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Economics ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Tourism ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 P a g e 3 | 21 Accountancy Paper submission word limit American Accounting Association Conference Critical Accounting Conference: CPA, APIRA and/or CSAF (run in turn, one each year) Can submit a 200-word abstract, work-in process or full paper n/a Abstract Presentation Location Number of attendees Conference attached to a journal n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Overseas n/a n/a Accounting, Organizations and Society Conference Full paper n/a n/a Overseas n/a Accounting, Organizations and Society journal British Universities Industrial Relations Conference Full paper Abstract for submission n/a UK n/a n/a n/a n/a EU n/a n/a European Accounting Association Conference Authors are invited to submit full papers. A full paper is a complete scholarly research report that could reasonably be submitted for publication in P a g e 4 | 21 a public working paper data base such as SSRN. Management Accounting Research Conference British Accounting and Finance Association Eastern Financial Association Conference European Financial Association Conference Industrial Relations in Europe Conference International Labor Process Conference International Sociological Association (ISA) conference: ISA Forum of Sociology Journal of Corporate Finance "An author can submit and present only one paper. However a presenter can also be a non-presenting co-author on additional papers. Authors are invited to submit full papers." Abstracts will be included in the congress book, so they should not exceed 1,500 characters and submitted with the paper. n/a EU n/a n/a Full paper n/a n/a UK n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Overseas n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a EU n/a n/a n/a Overseas (Turkey) n/a n/a n/a EU n/a N/a Full paper Full Paper Abstract due by March 31 Abstract deadline already passed No limit 300 words n/a overseas n/a The Journal accepts the following types of manuscript: n/a n/a UK n/a P a g e 5 | 21 n/a 1.Long Articles between 6,000 and 12,000 words but not exceeding 12,000 words including footnotes; 2.Short Articles not exceeding 5,000 words including footnotes; 3.Case Notes not exceeding 3000 words including footnotes; and 4.Book Reviews not exceeding 2500 words incl. footnotes. Logistics Research Network Conference Conference of International Federation of Operational Research Societies (the conference is held every three years) European Conference on Operational Research n/a 400-500 words n/a UK n/a n/a n/a 100-200words n/a Overseas n/a n/a n/a n/a 22 minutes including questions. EU n/a n/a Winter Simulation Conference n/a 4-5 pages full paper n/a Overseas n/a n/a International conference on Production Research (ICPR) n/a 100-200words n/a Overseas n/a n/a P a g e 6 | 21 (conference is held every two years) Management and organization studies Paper submission word limit Academy of Management EGOS International symposium of process organization studies BAM European Academy of Management n/a Your short paper should comprise 3,000 words (inc. references, all appendices and other material). n/a Length of full paper submission: 5000-7000 words (excluding tables and references). Length of developmental paper submission: 1000-2000 words excluding tables and references. You may be listed as an author or co-author on up to 3 submitted papers. The maximum length of the paper is 40 pages (including Abstract Presentation Location Number of attendees n/a n/a Overseas 10,000 Conference attached to a journal n/a 3,000 word short paper n/a EU n/a n/a 1000 words n/a EU n/a n/a n/a n/a UK n/a n/a Full paper required, rather than abstract 15 mins plus 5 mins for questions EU n/a n/a P a g e 7 | 21 ALL tables, appendices and references). The paper format should follow the European Management Review Style Guide. British Sociological Association WES conference - comes under BSA, biannual Medical Sociology conference also comes under BSA) Regional Studies AAG American Association of Geographers Sociology; Work, Employment & Society; Cultural Sociology Sociology; Work, Employment & Society; Cultural Sociology n/a Abstracts are published in conference proceedings 15 mins plus 5 mins for questions UK n/a n/a Abstracts are published in conference proceedings 15 mins plus 5 mins for questions UK n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 400-800 words n/a Overseas n/a n/a Overseas 4,500 n/a n/a n/a Your presentation should describe the purpose, methods, and conclusions of your research. No one may submit or take part in more than one presentation. Presenters may give one, and only one, of P a g e 8 | 21 the following presentations: • Paper Presentation Each presenter is allowed 20 minutes to present and discuss a paper. Sessions are limited to five presentations. • Illustrated Paper A short, three- to fiveminute, oral summary of problem, data, method, and findings presented in poster format, followed by a one-on-one or small group discussion at the poster. • Interactive Short Paper A session of ten to 14 paper presentations accompanied by PowerPoint slides. Each presentation summarizes research or research in progress in a particular field, followed by a 30- to 45-minute P a g e 9 | 21 interactive roundtable discussion. • Poster Presentation Sessions consist of posters displayed for informal browsing with opportunities for individual discussion with authors. This format is best suited for material that can easily be communicated visually. Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference CMS Critical Management Studies conference Liverpool and Keele Ethnography Symposium Organisational discourse conference Developing Leadership Capacity Conference Corporate Responsibility Research Conference Organisers do not require authors to submit their full paper before or after the conference n/a Paper or poster presentation (of any length) UK n/a no proceedings of conference published n/a 250-500 words n/a UK n/a n/a n/a Up to 750 words n/a UK n/a n/a n/a 1000 words n/a EU n/a n/a n/a 750 words n/a UK n/a n/a n/a 600 words Max 6,000 words incl references n/a n/a n/a P a g e 10 | 21 500 words abstract Arts of Management Conference 500 words proposal for workshop/exhibition/artisti c event Required Required International conference 200 approx Organizational Aesthetics Location Number of attendees Conference attached to a journal UK n/a n/a Conference attached to a journal 2016 Slovenia Education Paper submission word limit Higher Education Academy n/a Abstract 200-250 words Presentation Full papers, posters, oral presentations, workshops Housing European Network for Housing Research Paper submission word limit Abstract Presentation Location Number of attendees Length of the paper should not exceed 8000 words including all text, figures and tables. Maximum of 150 words n/a EU n/a n/a Location Number of attendees Conference attached to a journal International Business Paper submission word limit Abstract Presentation P a g e 11 | 21 Academy of International Business European International Business Academy UK and Ireland Academy of International Business n/a 150-200 words and a 1-to-3 page synopsis of each activity Paper and panel submissions. Competitive papers must be fewer than 10,000 words inclusive of all materials, including appendices and references. Interactive papers should not be more than 7,500 words. •Panel proposals should be no more than 6,000 words inclusive of all materials Overseas n/a n/a n/a Papers should include an abstract of 300400 words Papers must not exceed 30 pages, including the tables and references EU n/a n/a n/a A selection of conference papers will be published in the Palgrave Macmillan International Business book n/a 150 words Competitive papers must not exceed 26 pages, including tables and references UK P a g e 12 | 21 series, which is connected to the AIB UK & Ireland annual conferences. Operations management European Operations Management Association Location Number of attendees Conference attached to a journal n/a EU n/a 100 words Abstract Presentation Location Number of attendees n/a Max 250 words n/a EU n/a n/a Max 250 words; Paper titles should not Paper submission word limit Abstract Presentation n/a 100 words Paper submission word limit Innovation studies European Association for the Study of Science and Technology EASST Conference 4S Annual Meeting – Society for Social Studies of Science Session proposal abstracts should have a maximum of 250 words. Overseas n/a P a g e 13 | 21 Conference attached to a journal EASST has its own international, peer reviewed, online journal Science & Technology Studies Science, Technology and Human Values is exceed 10 words. Each session proposal should contain a summary and rationale, including a brief discussion of its contribution to STS. Session proposals should be designed to fit two-hour time slots. A typical session will contain six papers or five papers with a discussant. the official journal of 4S International Responsible Innovation Conference n/a n/a n/a EU n/a International Conference on Sustainability Transitions n/a n/a n/a EU n/a P a g e 14 | 21 selected papers are published in Springer book series Has an associated Elservier peer reviewd journal: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Entrepreneurship and small business Paper submission word limit ISBE Babson Rent Conference attached to a journal Abstract Presentation Location Number of attendees n/a Max 250 words 13mins & 2 min questions EU n/a n/a The Lead Author should submit: A 1-page, 400-word summary and a 15-page maximum final version of the paper n/a n/a EU/ Overseas n/a n/a n/a An extended abstract incl. : - Objectives (between 300 & 400 words) - Literature review(between 300 & 400 words) Approach/Meth od (between 300 & 400 words) n/a EU n/a n/a P a g e 15 | 21 Results/Findings (between 300 & 400 words) - Implications (between 300 & 400 words) - Value (between 300 & 400 words) ISTR International Society for 3rd Sector Research n/a Max 250 words EMES International Research Network n/a n/a Paper submission word limit 15 to 20 minute presentations (presentation of 5 to 7 slides) EU 325 n/a n/a EU n/a n/a Abstract Presentation Location Number of attendees Conference attached to a journal n/a 1000-1500 words n/a EU n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a US/ Overseas n/a n/a n/a approximately 500 words n/a UK 380 Y HR and OB International Studying Leadership Conference International Leadership Association conference Gender, Work and Organization (Journal titled same, 3 star) P a g e 16 | 21 Work and Family Researchers Conference (No associated journal, but leading conference in this field with practical paper development sessions) Institute of Work Psychology International Conference (Biennial academic conference focused on Work, Wellbeing and Performance) Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Council for European Studies American Political Science Association Maximum 2 papers 250-1000 words n/a US/ Overseas 750 n/a n/a n/a n/a UK n/a n/a up to 2 papers Abstracts for submissions to regular networks should be no longer than 500 words; abstracts for submissions to miniconferences should be no longer than 1000 words. n/a US/ Overseas n/a n/a maximum 250 words n/a EU/US/ Overseas n/a n/a maximum 500 words n/a US/ Overseas n/a n/a 3-5 paper proposals, including paper abstracts (also no more than 250 words) and presenting author information. up to 2 papers or 2 organized panel proposals, P a g e 17 | 21 European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) each proposal to no more than 2 divisions Section Chairs are currently reviewing all Panel and Paper submissions, and the ECPR will notify proposers the outcome of their submission by the end of March. n/a n/a UK 2500 (66 sections over 300 panels) Paper submission word limit Abstract Presentation Location Number of attendees Conference attached to a journal 5 pages (max 3 papers) maximum 200 words n/a UK n/a n/a n/a n/a Worldwide n/a Y n/a n/a US n/a n/a n/a Marketing Academy of Marketing 2014 IMP Group annual conference (Sept 2014, France), Academy of Marketing Science Conference (US) The competitive papers should not exceed 20 pages and work-in-progress papers should not exceed 10 pages. Bibliographies and appendices are not included in the page limits. Full paper submissions should not exceed 20 double-spaced pages (Times New Roman or Calibri 12 P a g e 18 | 21 pt. font) in total length including all exhibits and references Economics The International Telecommunications Society conference EARIE (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics) EEA (European Economic Association) ESEM (European Meeting of the Econometric Society) American Economic Association Royal Economic Society Association of Heterodox Economics (AHE) Evolutional Association for Political economy (EAEPE) Location Number of attendees Conference attached to a journal n/a EU/ Overseas n/a n/a maximum 100 words n/a EU n/a n/a maximum 100 words n/a EU 280 (140 international researchers) n/a n/a EU n/a n/a n/a n/a US/ Overseas UK 55 n/a Y Y 200 word abstract initially n/a UK n/a n/a 300-750 words n/a EU n/a n/a Paper submission word limit Abstract Presentation n/a 2 pages (800 to 1000 words) n/a n/a n/a n/a maximum 7,500 words Following review of the abstracts, full papers will be invited for submission n/a maximum 100 words n/a 100 P a g e 19 | 21 Tourism Paper submission word limit Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) conferences n/a Abstract Presentation Location Number of attendees up to 3 pages, plus references, tables and figures "Oral Presentations: Presenters will have 20 minutes to present and 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Visual Presentations: All presenters will be present and have the opportunity to discuss their work with conference delegates. Presenters will be provided with a table and pin-board screen. The presentations themselves can be in a range of formats, from a simple poster through to visual representations on a laptop (or a combination)." EU/USA n/a P a g e 20 | 21 Conference attached to a journal Y abstract (between 300 and 500 words) Council for Hospitality Management Education n/a EuroCHRIE Conference Maximum 3,000 words excluding the title, abstract and references 150 words n/a n/a ATHE Annual Conference n/a Authors of accepted papers are expected to make a 20 minute presentation n/a Overseas n/a Y Overseas n/a n/a UK 20 Y P a g e 21 | 21