NHS Constitution

NHS Constitution
What is it?
For the first time in the history of the NHS, the constitution brings together in one place
details of what staff, patients and the public can expect from the National Health Service.
The NHS Constitution states that the NHS “aspires to the highest standards of excellence
and professionalism”. It sets out the principles and values that guide how the NHS should
act and make decisions. It also explains the rights and responsibilities of staff, patients and
the public, and the NHS' pledges to them.
What legal underpinning does the Constitution have?
All NHS bodies and private and third sector providers supplying NHS services are required
by law to take account of the Constitution in their decisions and actions
The Health Act 2009 and The Health and Social Care Act 2012 includes provisions related to
the NHS Constitution
These provisions came into force on 1 October 2012 and 1 April 2013
What does the NHS Constitution say?
Brings together in one place what staff, patients and taxpayers can expect from the
Forms the basis of a new relationship between staff and patients - based on
Describes everyone's responsibilities and makes it clear how we can make best use
of NHS resources
Confirms that the NHS belongs to all of us
Details all existing rights for staff, patients and the public and explains what to do if
you feel your rights have not been upheld. It also explains where the NHS pledges to
improve services and working environments
Sets out for the first time new rights for patients
It details the following behaviours and values which patients and staff believe to be at the
heart of our NHS:
Respect and dignity
Commitment to quality care
Improving lives
Working together for patients
Everyone counts
What are the rights and NHS pledges to patients?
Access to health services
Quality of care and the environment
Nationally approved treatments and programmes
Respect, consent and confidentiality
Informed choice
Involvement in healthcare and the NHS
Complaint and redress
Click on the link below to view the NHS Constitution handbook