
Social Work Practice Placement
Workbook - 2014–2015
MA Full-time Social Work
BA (Hons) Full-time Social Work
BA (Hons) Part-time Social Work
Section 1:
Workbook Front sheet
Checklist/contents page for Completion of Workbook
Section 2:
Social Work Placement Student Agreement
Section 3:
Learning Agreement Meeting Guidance
Section 4:
Learning Agreement
Section 5:
Recording of Placement Attendance
Section 6:
Critical Reflection of Practice Guidance
Section 7:
Critical Reflection of Practice One
Section 8:
Critical Reflection of Practice Two
(only completed by those on an 80, 100 and 120 day placement)
Section 9:
Direct Observation of Student Practice Guidance
Section 10:
Direct Observation of Practice One
Section 11:
Direct Observation of Practice Two
(only completed by those on an 80, 100 and 120 day placement)
Section 12:
Midway Practice Educator Report
Section 13:
Critical Reflection of Practice Three
Section 14:
Critical Reflection of Practice Four
Section 15:
Critical Reflection of Practice Five
Section 16:
Direct Observation of Practice Three
Section 17:
Direct Observation of Practice Four
Section 18:
Record of Supervision
Section 19:
Overview of Student Social Worker Interventions/Experiences
Section 20:
Service User and Carer Feedback
Section 21:
Professional/Colleague Feedback
and On-site Supervisor Report
Section 22:
Final Practice Educator Report
Section 23:
Quality Assurance in Practice Learning
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 1: Workbook Front-sheet
Practice Placement Front Sheet
Practice Educator
On-site Supervisor (if
Placement details
(delete as applicable)
First placement 
Last placement 
Team name/Agency
Start Date of Placement:
Placement end
Number of days
Year 1/2/3/4
HEI tutor
Placement Tutor
Confidentiality Statement
Within my Workbook I have that all names are anonymised and other identifying information in relation to
all service users, carers/families, and professionals (e.g. health, education, and police) and other
individuals, except where permission has been granted to include documentary evidence of feedback on
my practice. All references to organisations (except the placement agency) have been anonymised.
Student Signature:
Pass 
Fail 
Defer 
Practice educator
On-site supervisor
Student signature
Completed workbooks need to be submitted to the i-centre (please see specific dates in practice placement
guide).Students that are unable to submit on this date are required to apply to the student services team for
an extension.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Checklist and contents page for the Completion of the Workbook
Please tick to confirm that you have included the following documents in the final submission:
The student, PE and OSS must complete the on-line QAPL feedback survey (see
Section 23).
Social Work Placement Student agreement
Learning Agreement
Records of attendance for entire placement
Critical Reflection of practice one, three, four and five
Critical Reflection of practice two (only completed by those on an 80, 100 and 120 day placement)
Direct observations one, three and four
Direct observations two (only completed by those on an 80, 100 and 120 day placement)
Practice Educators Midway Review
Record of Supervision
Overview of Student Social Work Interventions and Experiences
Service user and Carer Feedback
Professional/Colleague Feedback
On-site supervisor report (if applicable)
Final Practice Educator Report
Copy of Late Submission Request (if applicable)
Workbook is presented in an A4 Ring binder (not a lever-arch file) and no plastic wallets
have been used.
All documents are anonymised
I have completed the QAPL Survey as
directed in Section 23 of this workbook.
Signature and Date
Practice Educator
I have completed the QAPL Survey as
directed in Section 23 of this workbook.
Signature and Date
I have completed the QAPL survey as
directed in Section 23 of this workbook.
Signature and Date
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 2: Social Work Placement Student Agreement
This agreement is for students undertaking practice learning opportunities as part of the BA (Hons) Social
Work or MA Social Work. Students must comply with the following conditions:
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
The University requires all students to complete an enhanced DBS disclosure at the start of the course.
This is valid for 2 years.
Students must hold a certificate of their enhanced DBS disclosure which is valid for the entire period of the
practice learning placement. If the certificate is not valid at the start date the student will not be permitted
to commence. If the certificate expires before the practice learning opportunity is completed the student
must apply for a new disclosure to be carried out. If this is not secured before the previous certificate
expires the student will be removed from the practice learning opportunity. The University will remind
students of their responsibility to renew their DBS and its admissions department will process applications.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the application for DBS disclosure is made accurately, that
the correct documents are provided to the admissions department, and that the application is made in good
Students should take the DBS certificate to the agency at interview or on the first day of the practice
learning opportunity for inspection. Students are responsible for disclosing to the practice learning agency
any issues that arise on the DBS certificate. It is advised that students discuss any disclosures with the
practice learning co-ordinator at the earliest opportunity to ensure that this is managed effectively with the
placement agency
Car insurance
If students use a car to travel to and from the agency, and/or within the practice placement, it is the
student’s responsibility to ensure that they hold a valid driving licence that the car is taxed and roadworthy,
and that appropriate comprehensive insurance is in place which includes business use. Students should
not transport service users within their practice learning opportunity unless their insurers have confirmed
that they are fully covered in the terms of their insurance to do so. A business use certificate of insurance
at the relevant level of cover must be shown to the practice educator and/or an appropriate manager.
Health/disability/learning difficulties including dyslexia
Students with a disability or specific learning need have access to support from Student Services, which
can assess and make recommendations for learning support provision. Students are responsible for
ensuring that the agency in which they are placed are aware of any issues relating to their health or any
disability or learning difficulty that may affect their practice.
Students are required to complete a timesheet every month and ensure that they are signed on a weekly
basis by their on-site supervisor/practice educator. Students are required to keep copies of the time sheets
and to attach copies to the midway report and within the final workbook. The student is required to make
copies of this form and ensure that the practice educator and on-site supervisor have a copy of this form at
the end of each month.
Students are required to attend the Practice Placement for the normal length of the working day at the
agency, which is normally 7.5- 8 hours. A timesheet is provided within the workbook. In exceptional
circumstances, for example long term health issues, students may be permitted to attend for fewer than 7
hours a day, however this will require endorsement by the practice learning co-ordinator and in
consultation with the student, placement agency, practice educator and placement tutor.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Students must not attend the Practice Placement on a University day unless in exceptional circumstances
and with the permission of the module operator of the session(s) that would be missed.
If you are unable to attend practice placement due to ill health then you are required to email the social
work Practice Team Member on the first and last day of your sickness episode;
Cambridge and Peterborough:
If you are unable to attend placement for more than one week then you must forward a doctors certificate to
the social work practice team.
Policies/procedures/practices within the practice learning opportunity
Students are expected to comply with all relevant policies, procedures and practices in the practice
placement agency. This includes health and safety (including fire prevention, and moving and handling),
lone working, confidentiality, handling of service users’ property, protection of children/young people/adults,
whistle-blowing, smoking, dress code, conduct, equal opportunities and anti-oppressive practices.
1. Induction
Students should receive an induction which includes
 Information on the agency structure and personnel
 Health and safety
 Procedures in the event of fire or other emergency
 Facilities available within the agency
 Opportunity to read all relevant policies and procedures including safeguarding of children/vulnerable
 Practical arrangements including reimbursement of travel costs within the practice placement (NB this
does not include travel to and from placement).
2. Health and Safety
It is the student’s legal obligation to take responsible care of their own health and safety and that of others
who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work and co-operate by complying with safe working
practices within the agency. It is also the student’s responsibility not to intentionally or recklessly interfere
with or misuse anything provided by the agency in the interests of the health, safety and welfare of its
employees and other persons on their premises. All students are required to comply with the moving and
handling legislation and regulations.
Students must notify the agency and the University of any untoward incident or accident which occurs
whilst on the practice placement and complete any reporting requirements within agency policies and
3. Confidentiality
During the course of the practice placement any matters of a confidential nature, especially personal
information relating to service users, staff members or others, and information of a commercially sensitive
nature, must under no circumstances be divulged or passed on to any unauthorised person or persons.
Breach of confidentiality is a serious matter and may result in the termination of the practice placement.
Students must be aware of their responsibilities under data protection legislation and/or agency policies
and procedures in relation to sharing and storing information.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times in line with the agency’s
policy and procedure and the HCPC Standards of Conduct and Ethics for Students (
Any event of misconduct or poor performance may result in the termination of the practice placement, or in
the event of any act of gross misconduct a requirement to leave the agency. The University may be
required to refer the student to its internal ‘fitness to practice’ procedures.
Students must ensure that they report any potential conflict of interest between their placement and their
personal lives and/or professional roles. This includes any prior or current links with the placement agency
in employed or voluntary roles. Students must not undertake placements in teams in which they have
previously worked or been a volunteer, and must not work within the placement team/agency whilst they
are on placement. Students must not receive remuneration or reward for placement activities.
I have read, understood and confirm my acceptance of the conditions of this agreement:
Print name:
All other
paperwork to
be sent to:
Social Work – Practice
Support Team
c/o Help Desk
William Harvey Building
Rivermead Campus
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Cambridge and
Social Work – Practice
Support Team
c/o Help Desk Young
St. Building
c/o Help Desk
Guild House
Social Work – Practice Support
Section 3: Learning Agreement Meeting Guidance
The Learning Agreement meetings are the opportunity for all parties involved with the Practice Learning
Placement to meet and discuss the learning opportunities available and how these opportunities may be
mapped to the evidence requirements.
Learning Agreement Flowchart
Student will be informed of their Placement Tutor who will be supporting them as a
representative of the University throughout the placement and will be attending all
placement meetings.
Student to liaise with PE, OSS (if PE not on-site) and Placement Tutor to arrange
Learning Agreement meeting within 10 placement days.
Student to prepare Learning Agreement paperwork following discussion with PE &
OSS (if applicable) and forward electronically to the placement tutor two working
days before the Learning Agreement meeting
Learning Agreement Meeting by day 10
Attended by: Student, Practice Educator (on or off site), On-Site Supervisor (if no
on-site PE) and Placement Tutor
Any amendments to the Learning Agreement paperwork are to be hand-written on
the day.
All parties agree upon a Midway Review date and Final Review date.
Student email or posts signed paper copy to Practice Team Member and retains a
second paper copy for their Workbook.
All Learning Agreements must be received by the social work practice team before
day 20. Failure to have submitted the Learning Agreement paperwork by day 20
will result in suspension of the placement (unless there are mitigating
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 4: Learning Agreement
MA/BA (hons) Social Work
Section A: Basic Information
Student name:
Cohort: Please delete BA/MA
as appropriate
Year 1/2/3/4
Student Identification
Number (SID):
start date:
Date of meeting:
Agency/Team name:
Agency address:
Academic tutor:
Placement tutor:
Practice educator:
On-site supervisor:
Please state if there are
any prior relationships or
conflicts of interest
between any parties
involved in this practice
If YES, please state
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section B: Organisation of Practice Placement
Please tick the dates that you will be in placement in the grid below to ensure you all key
personnel are aware of the required days to be completed as set by the university.
Placement days have been set by the university. If there are any changes/alterations to the set
pattern please highlight on the grid above and explain the reasons here.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section C: Agency Details and Induction
Brief Description/Profile of Practice Placement Agency (to be completed by student)
E.g. key services provided, target service user profile(s), community profile, main funding sources,
staffing profile.
Induction Checklist and Practical Arrangements
PE/OSS to ensure that the following checklists are completed before the learning agreement meeting
takes place
Please confirm that the title to be used by the
student is Student Social Worker
Please confirm that the student has shared their
Assessed Readiness for Direct Practice (ARDP)
feedback with their practice educator (stage 1
placements) or their final placement report with
their practice educator (stage 2 placements)
A copy of the students Disclosure and Barring
Service (DBS) check has been seen by the
practice placement agency?
Agreement on the students reflective time (0.5
hours per day) and arrangements for incorporating
this is in the practice placement day.
Seating arrangements for student (hot desk/own
space, IT, telephone, admin support, access.).
Dress code requirements
Procedure for notifying of absences/sickness:
Human Resources procedures e.g. agency ID card /
email account /car usage /travel reimbursement
Please list any other organisational induction
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Induction Tasks
The student has received an induction timetable.
Date completed and details if needed
The role of the practice placement agency has been
adequately explained to the student, and the student will
have/has been shown where/how to access the relevant
practice placement agency policies and procedures and has
been given time to read these.
The role and position of the student within the practice
placement agency has been sufficiently explained to the staff
The student understands the roles of the practice educator,
on-site supervisor and placement tutor.
The learning needs of the student have been explored and
agreed e.g. personal, health, dyslexia etc.
Opportunities for undertaking shadowing/ direct observations
of relevant personnel and attending relevant meetings have
been organised.
Practice placement agency Requirements, Please list all
key policies and procedures to be followed (e.g. Health &
Safety, Violence to Staff, Lone Working, Equal Opportunities,
Confidentiality, Data security, Service User access to
Placement Hours
Please record normal working hours student is expected to attend: [N.B Students are expected to work
a normal agency working day (i.e. 7.5 - 8 hr day including 1 hour lunch break) and are not expected to work
at home unless authorised by the manager, practice educator and the practice learning co-ordinator)
Normal agency working hours start-time:
Normal agency working hours end-time:
Specify days of week on practice placement and
complete attendance form (section B of this form):
Please also detail any additional arrangements for
reflection, lunch breaks, flexibility arrangements,
time off in lieu, reporting of sick leave or any other
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section D: Supervision arrangements
It is expected that students will be provided with a minimum of one and a half hours supervision every five
placement days. Where there are a number of students in a placement and group supervision is offered it
is important that students are also provided with individual sessions as per the HEIs requirements.
Supervision sessions are also used as evidence to demonstrate student’s capability in practice.
The student, practice educator/on-site supervisor) will keep a physical record of the supervision sessions
indicating the issues that arose, decisions reached, action to be taken and by whom. These documents must
be signed at the end of each supervision session by student and practice educator/on-site supervisorr.
Should any dispute arise tutors may require copies of these documents for clarity and assessment purposes.
Preparation for sessions (who is responsible)
Recording of sessions (who is responsible)
Supervision Arrangements with off-site practice
educator and on-site supervisor
Day of week:
What agreement has been reached for Practice
Educator and on site supervisor to share
Section E: Disability and Equality Arrangements
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001) & Equality Act (2010) requirement
Please outline disability and equality arrangements below:
Does the student consider that he or she has any
disability or specific learning needs that need to be
taken into consideration during this placement?
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
If yes, these should be outlined above
Section F: Safety
The Practice Educator/agency will ensure that the student’s safety is considered at all times. The student’s
concerns about any issue of safety in their work will always be taken seriously and appropriately addressed.
The agency will ensure that the student is made fully aware of the agency’s policy and practice in relation to
conducting work safety (e.g. position of panic buttons, logging in and out on visits, circumstances in which
joint visits should be undertaken etc).
Section G: Insurance & Practice Placement Related Travel
The student will be insured by the agency whilst on the agency premises and for work undertaken on behalf
of the agency.
Students finance their travel to and from the placement; however it is expected that the practice placement
agency will fund students to travel on all agency business.
If a student is using their personal vehicle on placement, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their
car is fully insured for such purposes, i.e. both social and business use.
Where students are required to use a car whilst working for the agency, a business use certificate of
insurance at the relevant level of cover must be shown to the Human resourses/ practice educator and/or to
an appropriate manager
Is the student required to use a car whilst on placement?
Will the student be required to transport service users or carers?
Have the student’s car insurance details been seen by the
Practice educator and/or onsite supervisor
How will the student be reimbursed for mileage/car parking? (if
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section H: Practice Placement Learning Opportunities
Please identify a number of substantial pieces of work that will provide opportunities to demonstrate your
capability in line with the Professional Capability Framework (PCF) requirements at the relevant placement
stage. Please see the detailed PCF capability statement according to the placement stage that you are
completing, further information can be found at
Domain 1: Professionalism
Identify and behave as a professional social worker, committed to professional development
Social workers are members of an internationally recognised profession, a title protected in UK law. Social
workers demonstrate professional commitment by taking responsibility for their conduct, practice and
learning, with support through supervision. As representatives of the social work profession they
safeguard its reputation and are accountable to the professional regulator.
Tasks to be undertaken
Domain 2 Values and Ethics
Apply social work ethical principles and values to guide professional practice
Social workers have an obligation to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in ethical decisionmaking, including through partnership with people who use their services. Social workers are
knowledgeable about the value base of their profession, its ethical standards and relevant law.
Tasks to be undertaken
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Domain 3 Diversity
Recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive principles in practice
Social workers understand that diversity characterises and shapes human experience and is critical to the
formation of identity. Diversity is multidimensional and includes race, disability, class, economic status,
age, sexuality, gender and transgender, faith and belief. Social workers appreciate that, as a consequence
of difference, a person’s life experience may include oppression, marginalisation and alienation as well as
privilege, power and acclaim, and are able to challenge appropriately.
Tasks to be undertaken
Domain 4 Rights, Justice and Economic Wellbeing
Advance human rights and promote social justice and economic well-being
Social workers recognise the fundamental principles of human rights and equality, and that these are
protected in national and international law, conventions and policies. They ensure these principles
underpin their practice. Social workers understand the importance of using and contributing to case law
and applying these rights in their own practice. They understand the effects of oppression, discrimination
and poverty.
Tasks to be undertaken
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Domain 5 Knowledge
Apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work practice theory
Social workers understand psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and physical influences on people;
human development throughout the life span and the legal framework for practice. They apply this
knowledge in their work with individuals, families and communities. They know and use theories and
methods of social work practice.
Tasks to be undertaken
Domain 6 Critical reflection and Analysis
Apply critical reflection and analysis to inform and provide a rationale for professional decisionmaking
Social workers are knowledgeable about and apply the principles of critical thinking and reasoned
discernment. They identify, distinguish, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of knowledge and
evidence. These include practice evidence, their own practice experience, service user and carer
experience together with research-based, organisational, policy and legal knowledge. They use critical
thinking augmented by creativity and curiosity.
Tasks to be undertaken
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Domain 7 Intervention and Skills
Use judgement and authority to intervene with individuals, families and communities to promote
independence, provide support and prevent harm, neglect and abuse
Social workers engage with individuals, families, groups and communities, working alongside people to
assess and intervene. They enable effective relationships and are effective communicators, using
appropriate skills. Using their professional judgement, they employ a range of interventions: promoting
independence, providing support and protection, taking preventative action and ensuring safety whilst
balancing rights and risks. They understand and take account of differentials in power, and are able to use
authority appropriately. They evaluate their own practice and the outcomes for those they work with.
Tasks to be undertaken
Domain 8 Contexts and organisations
Engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts that shape practice. Operate effectively
within own organisational frameworks and contribute to the development of services and
organisations. Operate effectively within multi-agency and inter-professional settings
Social workers are informed about and pro-actively responsive to the challenges and opportunities that
come with changing social contexts and constructs. They fulfil this responsibility in accordance with their
professional values and ethics, both as individual professionals and as members of the organisation in
which they work. They collaborate, inform and are informed by their work with others, inter-professionally
and with communities.
Tasks to be undertaken
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Domain 9 Professional Leadership
Take responsibility for the professional learning and development of others through supervision,
mentoring, assessing, research, teaching, leadership and management
The social work profession evolves through the contribution of its members in activities such as practice
research, supervision, assessment of practice, teaching and management. An individual’s contribution will
gain influence when undertaken as part of a learning, practice-focused organisation. Learning may be
facilitated with a wide range of people including social work colleagues, service users and carers,
volunteers, foster carers and other professionals.
Tasks to be undertaken
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section I: Assessment Methods
Practice educators are required to use a range of assessment methods and sources of evidence on which to
base their assessment of the student’s developing competence, these may include:
Direct formal observation of the student’s practice (on at least three occasions)
Evidence of reflective learning
Practice documents (case recording, letters, referrals, emails etc.)
Feedback from people who use services and/or carers
Feedback from colleagues and other professionals with whom the student has had contact, including
the on-site supervisor where applicable
Practice learning sessions/ supervision notes
Section J: Roles and Responsibilities
Student, Practice Educator, On-site Supervisor (where appropriate), University/ Placement Tutor
Please indicate that the student, practice educator and on-site supervisor have read and understand the
relevant university role statements as outlined in the Social Work Practice Placement Guide 2014-2015.
Read and discussed?
Section K: Procedures for Dealing with General Concerns, Disagreements,
Complaints, Areas of Conflict
Please indicate that the student and supervisor have read and understand the relevant University
procedures as outlined in the Social Work Practice Placement Guide 2014-2015
Read and discussed?
Section L: Procedures for Dealing with Concerns about Student’s Progress
Please indicate that the student and supervisor have read and understand the relevant University
procedures as outlined in the Social Work Practice Placement Guide 2014Read and discussed?
Section M: Agency and University policies on whistle-blowing, complaints,
harassment and disciplinary procedures.
Please indicate that the student and supervisor have identified, discussed, and understood the relevant
organisational and University policies and procedures as outlined in the Social Work Practice Placement
Guide 2014-2015.
Identified and discussed?
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section N: Confidentiality Statement:
As a student you must always be aware of the confidentiality of information gained during the course of
your duties which, in many cases, includes access to personal information relating to clients. It is expected
that you understand the importance of treating information in a discreet and confidential manner and your
attention is drawn to the following:
a. Written records and correspondence must be kept securely at all times when not in use.
b. Agency documentation must not be submitted as appendices to the workbook.
c. Information regarding clients (including any service-user feedback/evaluation) must not be disclosed
either orally or in writing to unauthorised persons. It is particularly important that the authenticity of
telephone enquirers should be checked.
d. Conversation relating to confidential matters affecting clients should not take place in situations where
they may be heard by passers-by, i.e. in corridors, reception areas, lifts, etc.
e. The same confidentiality must also be preserved in dealing with matters relating to departmental
There may be occasions where the issues of risk override the need to maintain client confidentiality
e.g. safeguarding children/vulnerable adults. However any action taken will need to be within the
framework described above and agency confidentiality policy must be followed.
During the placement students will gather sensitive information, and it is essential that all identifying
features of service users/carers, including names, addresses and dates of birth, are anonymised in the
workbook. Workbooks that are not fully anonymised will be returned as a fail or, depending on
circumstances, for amending prior to being reviewed by the Practice Assessment Panel.
Section O: Significant Dates:
All future meeting dates to be agreed and it is imperative that these dates are not changed.
Placement Dates
Start Date:
Practice Learning
End Date:
Mid Way Review
Final Review
Planned Leave
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Submission Dates
Practice Learning Agreement to be forwarded to
Practice Team (This can be done electronically if
the signature page is scanned and included).
Student to submit midway evidence to all relevant
Student to submit workbook to practice educator
including the on-sire supervisors report
Practice Educator’s Final Report to be provided to
Student to submit workbook to University
(please refer to the submission date for your
cohort in the Social Work Practice Placement
Section P: Agreement
The Learning Agreement has been read and agreed by all parties:
We agree that this learning agreement meets the individual needs of the student and the requirements of
the social work training programme.
We agree to abide by the confidentiality statement as outlined in Section O.
We agree to adhere to the stated deadlines for submission of documentation.
circumstances prevent this, please advise the University.
If exceptional
Student DBS Statement:
The student’s University DBS has been shown to the agency and any issues arising discussed.
I confirm that there have been no changes to my DBS status (i.e. I have no criminal convictions, charges
or disciplinary issues pending) since starting this training programme. I have not been subject to any adultsafeguarding children/vulnerable adult’s investigations/ enquiries.
Academic/Placement Tutor
Practice Educator
On-site supervisor
Once completed please return to;
Social Work – Practice Support
Cambridge and Peterborough
Social Work – Practice Support
Social Work – Practice Support
c/o Help Desk
William Harvey Building
Rivermead Campus
c/o Help Desk
Young St. Building
c/o Help Desk
Guild House
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 5: Recording of Placement Attendance
Please complete a timesheet every month and ensure that they are signed on a weekly basis by your Onsite Supervisor/Practice Educator. Please follow the instructions on the following page.
week or
Print Name
Student Signature:
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Instruction for Use
It is a mandatory requirement of the social work course that all students complete a practice attendance
register every month. Students are expected to complete the required number of days per academic year
and attend the placement agency for the normal working day of the agency, normally 7½ hours (unless
agreed with the practice learning coordinator and agency in exceptional circumstances).
The following are instructions for completion of each of the columns overleaf.
Please insert the date in this column against the appropriate day.
Please confirm the day of the week including Saturdays and Sundays
Please insert the exact time that you start
Please insert the exact time that you finish
Please insert the total number of hours worked each day, ie. 1 or 1.5 or 0.5
Please remember that any days you have had sick need to be recorded in this column with an S
Please insert an A in this column for any days taken as an absence.
Please insert A/L in each day taken as annual leave
(Please note that although hours can be made up in order to meet the professional requirements, all
sickness and absence days are recorded and remain on your record.)
10. You must get a signature from the on-site supervisor on a weekly basis
11. The on-site supervisor should print their name in this column.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the register is completed on a daily basis, copies attached to
the midway report and a full set of records attached to the final report that is submitted to the university.
It is recommended that students, on-site supervisor and practice educators retain a copy of the completed
register so that any queries can be resolved and invoices paid in a timely manner.
All medical certificates must be forwarded to the Practice Team.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 6: Critical Reflection of Practice Guidance
The student is required to analyse four events for 70 day placement and five events for 80, 100 and 120
day placements which occurred during the course of the Practice Placement which have been significant in
terms of their own learning.
The majority of Critical Reflections of Practice should relate to direct work with service users or carers, but
one in regard to learning that has occurred as a result of working within the organisation where placed, or
as a result of working with other agencies, is acceptable.
The purpose of this task is to demonstrate that the student is able to critically reflect on their own learning
as a consequence of a specific event.
Each Critical Reflection of Practice should be a maximum of 600 words long. Students are expected to
use references in the same way as in their academic work. Students are required to cite in the text where
necessary and to include full references at the end of Critical Reflection of Practice (this list is not included
in the word count).
The pieces of practice used must be different to practice used for other workbook items. Students should
be demonstrating their capability in the PCF domains relevant to their placement stage. Students are
reminded that this is a reflective piece of work and they should concentrate on reflection, analysis, values
and ethics, in writing about their own practice.
Those completing 70 day placements are required to complete one Critical Reflection of Practice before the
midway meeting, those completing 80,100 and 120 day placements are required to complete two by the
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 7: Critical Reflection of Practice (One)
Brief outline of the event:
What was the purpose of your involvement and what happened?
Reflection on actions and choice
What went well, how were your judgements informed by theory, legislation or guidance? What values and
ethical issues were highlighted by this event? What might you do differently in the future?
PCF Domains:
What did you learn and how have you demonstrated your capability in relation to the PCF domains? What
knowledge, values and skills do you need to develop to improve your capability? Make reference to the
HCPC Standards of conduct and ethics.
Feedback from practice educator
This Critical Reflection of Practice has been read by the practice educator, and discussed between
student and practice educator during a supervision session as part of the learning process.
Student Signature:
Practice Educator
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 8: Critical Reflection of Practice (Two)
Only to be completed by those on an 80, 100 and 120 day placement
Brief outline of the event:
What was the purpose of your involvement and what happened?
Reflection on actions and choice
What went well, how were your judgements informed by theory, legislation or guidance? What values and
ethical issues were highlighted by this event? What might you do differently in the future?
PCF Domains:
What did you learn and how have you demonstrated your capability in relation to the PCF domains? What
knowledge, values and skills do you need to develop to improve your capability? Make reference to the
HCPC Standards of conduct and ethics.
Feedback from practice educator
This Critical Reflection of Practice has been read by the practice educator, and discussed between
student and practice educator during a supervision session as part of the learning process.
Student Signature:
Practice Educator
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 9: Direct Observation of Student Practice
It is an HCPC requirement that students are directly observed during their practice learning. Anglia Ruskin
University requires students to be observed a minimum of three times during a 70 day placement and on
four occasions during an 80, 100 and 120 day placement. The Practice Educator and student may
negotiate for one of the observations to be conducted by the Placement Supervisor or another appropriate
The observation must involve direct contact with a service user or carer. Informed consent must be
obtained from those involved.
Direct observations are a learning tool and as such are to be spaced appropriately within the practice
placement. For 70 day placements, one direct observation is to be completed by the Midway Review point.
Two observations are to be completed by the midway review for 80, 100 and 120 day placements.
Preparation for all observations should be undertaken in consultation with the Practice Educator and if
there is one, the on-site supervisor. The student social worker is required to complete the relevant section
of the Direct Observation Report and discuss their preparation for the session with the observer prior to the
session taking place. The student and observer are to use the Direct Observation Report format to inform
their discussions.
Verbal feedback
The observer will feedback verbally with the student immediately following the observed session.
Written feedback
The observer will write their evaluation of the direct observations using the format provided and the student
is required to write a reflection on the observed session and the feedback received which is to be discussed
at the next supervision.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 10: Direct Observation (One)
Section A: Student Preparation Report
To be completed by student prior to the Direct Observation and forwarded to the observer 48 hours in
advance of the observation taking place. To be discussed with the PE prior to the observation.
Student Name:
Observation number:
Date of Observation:
Note succinctly any information that will help the observer contextualise the observation
How will you demonstrate your capabilities? Consider the relevant domains of the PCF when framing your
Agenda for the observed session:
Please note two areas of either skills, knowledge or values that you may demonstrate during this session
and that you would like the PE/OSS to specifically give you feedback on and why
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section B: Practice Educator/On-Site Supervisor Feedback Report
Observations undertaken by the OSS must be of a student interaction with a service user(s).
Student Name:
Date of Observation:
Observers Name:
1. Preparation for the session
1.1. How did the student prepare for the session including how they prepared the service user for
the activity being observed? Was the contextual information adequate (Section A)?
2. The Observation
2.1. Was there a clear agenda for the session and were all aspects of the agenda covered?
2.2. Main features of the interaction/process, including how the student managed time, any
unexpected developments, mood and reactions of the service user (where present).
2.3. Ending - Were the objectives for the session summarised and agreed by all parties? Was
another meeting planned (with time and date set, if appropriate)? Please comment on the
student’s skills used in ending the session.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
3. Feedback and Development
3.1. If feedback on the student’s performance is obtained from the service user or others at/after
the observation please record here
3.2. Please note the areas of specific knowledge, values and skills identified in the preparation
reports and feedback on the student’s demonstration of their capability.
3.3. Please comment holistically on the observation and particularly note where the student has
shown improvement since the previous direct observation. Are there any particular elements
of the PCF domains where the student has demonstrated their capability?
3.4. What areas of the student’s practice need more attention and identify any aspects of practice
that will be followed up at the next direct observation?
3.5. Final observation only: please comment on the student’s ability to use observations as a
developmental tool; and areas in which the student has developed during the period of observations
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section C: Student Reflection
Please record your reflection on the observed session and related feedback
Signature of observer:
Signature of student:
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 11: Direct Observation (Two)
Only to be completed by students on an 80, 100 and 120 day placement
Section A: Student Preparation Report
To be completed by student prior to the Direct Observation and forwarded to the observer 48 hours in
advance of the observation taking place. To be discussed with the PE prior to the observation.
Student Name:
Observation number:
Date of Observation:
Note succinctly any information that will help the observer contextualise the observation
How will you demonstrate your capabilities? Consider the relevant domains of the PCF when framing your
Agenda for the observed session:
Please note two areas of either skills, knowledge or values that you may demonstrate during this session
and that you would like the PE/OSS to specifically give you feedback on and why
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section B: Practice Educator/On-Site Supervisor Feedback Report
Observations undertaken by the OSS must be of a student interaction with a service user(s).
Student Name:
Date of Observation:
Observers Name:
4. Preparation for the session
4.1. How did the student prepare for the session including how they prepared the service user for
the activity being observed? Was the contextual information adequate (Section A)?
5. The Observation
5.1. Was there a clear agenda for the session and were all aspects of the agenda covered?
5.2. Main features of the interaction/process, including how the student managed time, any
unexpected developments, mood and reactions of the service user (where present).
5.3. Ending - Were the objectives for the session summarised and agreed by all parties? Was
another meeting planned (with time and date set, if appropriate)? Please comment on the
student’s skills used in ending the session.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
6. Feedback and Development
6.1. If feedback on the student’s performance is obtained from the service user or others at/after
the observation please record here
6.2. Please note the areas of specific knowledge, values and skills identified in the preparation
reports and feedback on the student’s demonstration of their capability.
6.3. Please comment holistically on the observation and particularly note where the student has
shown improvement since the previous direct observation. Are there any particular elements
of the PCF domains where the student has demonstrated their capability?
6.4. What areas of the student’s practice need more attention and identify any aspects of practice
that will be followed up at the next direct observation?
6.5. Final observation only: please comment on the student’s ability to use observations as a
developmental tool; and areas in which the student has developed during the period of observations
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section C: Student Reflection
Please record your reflection on the observed session and related feedback
Signature of observer:
Signature of student:
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 12: Midway Practice Educator Report
Holistic Assessment using the Professional Capabilities Framework
Section A: Summary of Assessment and Supporting Evidence
1.1 Placement Details
Practice Educator
On-site Supervisor (if applicable)
Placement details
(delete as applicable)
First placement 
Last placement 
Team/Agency name
Dates of placement
Year 1/2/3/4
Number of days completed by the
date of the Midway meeting:
HEI tutor
Placement Tutor
Date of Midway meeting:
The PE/OSS have received copies
of the students time sheets and
agree that the total number of days Yes/No
recorded thus far are an accurate
representation of the completed
days on placement
The midway review is a formative assessment of the student's practice and provides an
opportunity to identify both the student's progress in the placement and areas for further
development or any specific concerns that need to be addressed.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section B: Student Social Worker Progress Report
The student social worker is to complete this section:
Please provide a brief description of the placement (100-150 words)
Please provide brief details of your roles and duties (100-150 words)
Please provide details of any difficulties or concerns with regard to the placement, OSS and/or PE,
and any suggested actions for resolution. This also includes any issues relating to your
This section should include a summary of what you have learned from the practice placement, and
any learning needs and interests for the remainder of the placement (maximum 750 words)
You may find it helpful to consider the following and the Professional Capability Framework:
 How do you learn most effectively?
 How would you assess your current organisational abilities?
 How has the placement contributed to your understanding of knowledge, values and skills of social
 What do you want to achieve in the remainder of your placement days?
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section C: Practice Educator Progress Report
Holistic Assessment
PCF level descriptor
By the end of the first placement students should demonstrate effective use of knowledge, skills and
commitment to core values in social work in a given setting in predominantly less complex situations, with
supervision and support. They will have demonstrated capacity to work with people and situations where
there may not be simple clear-cut solutions.
By the end of qualifying programmes, demonstrated in the context of the last placement newly
qualified social workers should have demonstrated the knowledge, skills and values to work with a range
of user groups, and the ability to undertake a range of tasks at a foundation level, the capacity to work
with more complex situations; they should be able to work more autonomously, whilst recognising that the
final decision will still rest with their supervisor; they will seek appropriate support and supervision.
Please provide an overall judgement of the student’s professional capability demonstrated so far
on this placement with reference to the level descriptor for this placement, taking into account:
 Capability across all nine domains of the PCF
 Progressive assessment of the candidate’s capability during the placement so far
 Any factors that may have affected the student’s progress during the placement so far
(Guideline approx. 500 words )
Feedback on overall capability at the midway point
Assessment of student’s future learning need/priorities for the rest of the placement
(Guideline approx. 200 words)
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
On-site Supervisors Assessment Report
Please comment on the student’s learning from the practice experience and how they have
developed in the first part of the practice placement. Please comment on areas that need to
develop in the remaining part of the practice placement.
Student’s comments on the assessment
Tutor’s comments on the assessment
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Practice Educator to complete this section:
PCF Capability at level appropriate to placement stage
fully available
Domain 1: Professionalism
Identify and behave as a professional social worker, committed to professional
Domain 2 Values and Ethics
Apply social work ethical principles and values to guide professional practice
Domain 3 Diversity
Recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive principles in
Domain 4 Rights, Justice and Economic Wellbeing
Advance human rights and promote social justice and economic well-being
Domain 5 Knowledge
Apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work practice theory
Domain 6 Critical reflection and Analysis
Apply critical reflection and analysis to inform and provide a rationale for professional
Domain 7 Intervention and Skills
Use judgement and authority to intervene with individuals, families and communities to
promote independence, provide support and prevent harm, neglect and abuse
Domain 8 Contexts and organisations
Engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts that shape practice. Operate
effectively within own organisational frameworks and contribute to the development of
services and organisations. Operate effectively within multi-agency and interprofessional settings
Domain 9 Professional Leadership
Take responsibility for the professional learning and development of others through
supervision, mentoring, assessing, research, teaching, leadership and management
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Progress but
concerns re
(detail actions
to be taken in
an action
No learning
as yet (detail
actions to be
taken in an
action plan)
Has the student met the attendance requirement on placement to date?
Have Practice Educator supervision sessions taken place in accordance with the
duration and frequency identified in the Learning Agreement?
Please attach supervision record
Have direct observations of the student working with Service-User(s) or carers,
by the mid-way point of the placement been achieved?
 80, 100 & 120 day placements – Two Direct Observation Reports to be
 70 day placements – One Direct Observation Report to be attached
Has the student completed;
 80, 100 & 120 day placements – Two Critical Reflections of Practice to be
 70 day placement – Once Critical Analysis of Practice to be attached
 All placements – An overview of work completed so far to be attached
Has all personal information referred to in this report been anonymised and the
agency policy regarding confidentiality been adhered to?
Agreement with midway report:
Practice educator signature
On-Site supervisor signature
Student signature
Academic Tutor/Placement
Tutor signature
If a further date has been
agreed to review the student’s
progress please record it here:
N.B. If there are difficulties, which are not resolved at this stage, all parties should consider the
facilitative procedures and advise the Practice Learning Co-ordinator
Students are required to send a completed hard copy of this report with copies of their timesheets
Cambridge and
Social Work – Practice Support
Social Work – Practice
Social Work – Practice Support Team
Support Team
c/o Help Desk
c/o Help Desk
c/o Help Desk
Guild House
William Harvey Building
Young St Building
Rivermead Campus
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 13: Critical Reflection of Practice (Three)
Brief outline of the event:
What was the purpose of your involvement and what happened?
Reflection on actions and choice
What went well, how were your judgements informed by theory, legislation or guidance? What values and
ethical issues were highlighted by this event? What might you do differently in the future?
PCF Domains:
What did you learn and how have you demonstrated your capability in relation to the PCF domains? What
knowledge, values and skills do you need to develop to improve your capability? Make reference to the
HCPC Standards of conduct and ethics.
Feedback from practice educator
This Critical Reflection of Practice has been read by the practice educator, and discussed between
student and practice educator during a supervision session as part of the learning process.
Student Signature:
Practice Educator
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 14: Critical Reflection of Practice (Four)
Brief outline of the event:
What was the purpose of your involvement and what happened?
Reflection on actions and choice
What went well, how were your judgements informed by theory, legislation or guidance? What values and
ethical issues were highlighted by this event? What might you do differently in the future?
PCF Domains:
What did you learn and how have you demonstrated your capability in relation to the PCF domains? What
knowledge, values and skills do you need to develop to improve your capability? Make reference to the
HCPC Standards of conduct and ethics.
Feedback from practice educator
This Critical Reflection of Practice has been read by the practice educator, and discussed between
student and practice educator during a supervision session as part of the learning process.
Student Signature:
Practice Educator
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 15: Critical Reflection of Practice (Five)
Only to be completed by students on an 80, 100 and 120 day placement
Brief outline of the event:
What was the purpose of your involvement and what happened?
Reflection on actions and choice
What went well, how were your judgements informed by theory, legislation or guidance? What values and
ethical issues were highlighted by this event? What might you do differently in the future?
PCF Domains:
What did you learn and how have you demonstrated your capability in relation to the PCF domains? What
knowledge, values and skills do you need to develop to improve your capability? Make reference to the
HCPC Standards of conduct and ethics.
Feedback from practice educator
This Critical Reflection of Practice has been read by the practice educator, and discussed between
student and practice educator during a supervision session as part of the learning process.
Student Signature:
Practice Educator
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 16: Direct Observation (Three)
Section A: Student Preparation Report
To be completed by student prior to the Direct Observation and forwarded to the observer 48 hours in
advance of the observation taking place. To be discussed with the PE prior to the observation.
Student Name:
Observation number:
Date of Observation:
Note succinctly any information that will help the observer contextualise the observation
How will you demonstrate your capabilities? Consider the relevant domains of the PCF when framing your
Agenda for the observed session:
Please note two areas of either skills, knowledge or values that you may demonstrate during this session
and that you would like the PE/OSS to specifically give you feedback on and why
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section B: Practice Educator/On-Site Supervisor Feedback Report
Observations undertaken by the OSS must be of a student interaction with a service user(s).
Student Name:
Date of Observation:
Observers Name:
7. Preparation for the session
7.1. How did the student prepare for the session including how they prepared the service user for
the activity being observed? Was the contextual information adequate (Section A)?
8. The Observation
8.1. Was there a clear agenda for the session and were all aspects of the agenda covered?
8.2. Main features of the interaction/process, including how the student managed time, any
unexpected developments, mood and reactions of the service user (where present).
8.3. Ending - Were the objectives for the session summarised and agreed by all parties? Was
another meeting planned (with time and date set, if appropriate)? Please comment on the
student’s skills used in ending the session.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
9. Feedback and Development
9.1. If feedback on the student’s performance is obtained from the service user or others at/after
the observation please record here
9.2. Please note the areas of specific knowledge, values and skills identified in the preparation
reports and feedback on the student’s demonstration of their capability.
9.3. Please comment holistically on the observation and particularly note where the student has
shown improvement since the previous direct observation. Are there any particular elements
of the PCF domains where the student has demonstrated their capability?
9.4. What areas of the student’s practice need more attention and identify any aspects of practice
that will be followed up at the next direct observation?
9.5. Final observation only: please comment on the student’s ability to use observations as a
developmental tool; and areas in which the student has developed during the period of observations
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section C: Student Reflection
Please record your reflection on the observed session and related feedback
Signature of observer:
Signature of student:
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 17: Direct Observation (Four)
Only to be completed by students on an 80, 100 and 120 day placement
Section A: Student Preparation Report
To be completed by student prior to the Direct Observation and forwarded to the observer 48 hours in
advance of the observation taking place. To be discussed with the PE prior to the observation.
Student Name:
Observation number:
Date of Observation:
Note succinctly any information that will help the observer contextualise the observation
How will you demonstrate your capabilities? Consider the relevant domains of the PCF when framing your
Agenda for the observed session:
Please note two areas of either skills, knowledge or values that you may demonstrate during this session
and that you would like the PE/OSS to specifically give you feedback on and why
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section B: Practice Educator/On-Site Supervisor Feedback Report
Observations undertaken by the OSS must be of a student interaction with a service user(s).
Student Name:
Date of Observation:
Observers Name:
10. Preparation for the session
10.1. How did the student prepare for the session including how they prepared the service user for
the activity being observed? Was the contextual information adequate (Section A)?
11. The Observation
Was there a clear agenda for the session and were all aspects of the agenda covered?
11.2. Main features of the interaction/process, including how the student managed time, any
unexpected developments, mood and reactions of the service user (where present).
11.3. Ending - Were the objectives for the session summarised and agreed by all parties? Was
another meeting planned (with time and date set, if appropriate)? Please comment on the
student’s skills used in ending the session.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
12. Feedback and Development
12.1. If feedback on the student’s performance is obtained from the service user or others at/after
the observation please record here
12.2. Please note the areas of specific knowledge, values and skills identified in the preparation
reports and feedback on the student’s demonstration of their capability.
12.3. Please comment holistically on the observation and particularly note where the student has
shown improvement since the previous direct observation. Are there any particular elements
of the PCF domains where the student has demonstrated their capability?
12.4. What areas of the student’s practice need more attention and identify any aspects of practice
that will be followed up at the next direct observation?
12.5. Final observation only: please comment on the student’s ability to use observations as a
developmental tool; and areas in which the student has developed during the period of observations
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section C: Student Reflection
Please record your reflection on the observed session and related feedback
Signature of observer:
Signature of student:
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 18: Record of Supervision
Date of Supervision
Name and role of person who
conducted the session (i.e. PE
or OSS)
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Signed by student and PE/OSS
to agree that the session has
taken place or if missed the
rescheduled date should be
Section 19: Overview of Student Social Worker Interventions/Experiences
Social Work Students are required to give a succinct pen picture of each piece of work that they have undertaken during the practice placement. This should
indicate the duration of the work, the frequency and nature of the contact (e.g. number of interviews, meetings, summary of phone contacts, letters, etc.).
Please also record other learning opportunities such as attending reviews, visits and training. Please expand the table as necessary.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Nature of Contact
Frequency and Duration
Section 20: Service User and Carer Feedback
The social work student is responsible for formally collecting and collating 3 to 5 service user and carer
feedback for the workbook. Additionally, the practice educator/on-site supervisor may gather feedback
following the three required direct observations, although feedback can also be obtained from any service
user or carer that has directly worked with the student.
If there are any gaps in evidence with regard to skills or value base, this is an opportunity to gain more
information on the student’s direct practice.
This feedback should be collected without the student being present so that the service user or carer does
not feel inhibited in expressing their views. On occasion a service user or carer may prefer to give
feedback using a different method or format and the PE and student should work with the service
user/carer to establish a preferred format. If this is the case then please include any other documentation
Students are required to submit 3 to 5 pieces of feedback from service users. The student is required to
devise a way of collecting feedback which takes account of the needs of the service user group and the
type of work that they have been involved in. We encourage students to be creative with the methods they
use to gather feedback. Please explain briefly why you chose the method and give your reflections on the
purpose of feedback.
All feedback from service users is to be anonymous; no service user names are to be identified anywhere
within the workbook.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 21: Professional/Colleague Feedback and On-site Supervisor Report
Professional/Colleague Feedback
Students are required to submit 3 to 5 pieces of feedback from colleagues.
Colleague feedback is separate to the Practice Educator’s (and On-site Supervisor as appropriate)
Students are expected to create a method of gathering feedback.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all colleagues who offer feedback consent to their name
being in the workbook (optional). This can be assured by adding a statement to the end of the feedback
sheet for example.
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
On-site Supervisors Report
(Only to be completed where applicable)
To be completed at the end of the placement, discussed with the student during supervision and passed to
the Practice Educator prior to him/her completing their final report. The PE and OSS are to agree a date
when this will take place. It is important that any concerns that have been raised in this report have been
raised previously with the student during their placement.
On-site supervisor:
Practice Placement
Date of report
Please provide a brief description of the work allocated to the student
Please provide an overview of the student’s progress towards their placement goals
Please comment on the student’s use of supervision and support
Please comment about service user and carer involvement with feedback and
assessment of the student’s work
Please comment on any feedback you may have received from the team/colleagues both within and
outside of the agency in regard to the student’s work:
Please comment upon any specific learning needs related to the student’s work/professional
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 22: Final Practice Educator Report
Holistic Assessment using the Professional Capabilities Framework
Section A: Summary of Assessment and Supporting Evidence
1.1 Placement Details
Practice Educator
On-site Supervisor (if
Placement details
(delete as applicable)
First placement 
Last placement 
Team name/Agency
Start Date of Placement:
Placement end
Number of days
Year 1/2/3/4
Personal tutor
Placement Tutor
Confidentiality Statement
Within my workbook I have anonymised names and other identifying information in relation to all service
users, carers/families, and professionals (e.g. health, education, and police) and other individuals, except
where permission has been granted to include documentary evidence of feedback on my practice. All
references to organisations (except the placement agency) have been anonymised.
Student Signature:
1.2 Final Assessment for this Placement
(See Section 2 for holistic assessment report)
Pass 
Fail 
Defer 
Practice educator
Student signature
Personal Tutor
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
1.2. Summary of documentation and assessments taken into account in this recommendation
Previous practice assessment report
Learning agreement
Mid-way review(s)
On-site supervisor’s report2
1.3. Summary of any issues or circumstances taken into account in this recommendation (please
give brief summary and attach additional information in a report if relevant e.g. investigation of a
complaint, dyslexia assessment).
Brief description (max 150 words each)3
Placement e.g.
factors etc.
Student e.g.
health, personal
disability etc.
Summary of evidence linked to the PCF used to support this recommendation 3
Type of evidence
Evidence List title(s) of documents used in each category with dates
Direct Observations
Service User /Carer
and colleague
Critical reflection of
Extracts from
supervision notes
Student work
Other evidence e.g.
Assessment of readiness for direct practice (First placement) or First placement assessment report (Last placement)
If applicable
Additional summary information can be referred to as long as they have been seen by PE but do not need to be
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
This section should include a summary of what you have learned from the practice placement
(cross referenced to the 9 PCF domains), and any learning needs you consider have you have.
(maximum 750 words)
Section B: Assessment Report
Holistic Assessment
PCF level descriptor
By the end of the first placement students should demonstrate effective use of knowledge, skills and
commitment to core values in social work in a given setting in predominantly less complex situations, with
supervision and support. They will have demonstrated capacity to work with people and situations where
there may not be simple clear-cut solutions.
By the end of qualifying programmes, demonstrated in the context of the last placement newly
qualified social workers should have demonstrated the knowledge, skills and values to work with a range
of user groups, and the ability to undertake a range of tasks at a foundation level, the capacity to work
with more complex situations; they should be able to work more autonomously, whilst recognising that the
final decision will still rest with their supervisor; they will seek appropriate support and supervision.
Please provide an overall judgement of the student’s professional capability with reference to the
level descriptor for this placement, taking into account:
 Capability across all nine domains of the PCF
 Progressive assessment of the candidate’s capability during the placement
 Any factors that may have affected the student’s progress during the placement
Link your comments to examples of evidence presented over the course of the placement and, if
appropriate, information provided in Section C to support the overall assessment.
(Guideline approx. 500 words )
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Feedback on overall capability
Cross reference
Assessment of student’s future learning need/priorities
(Guideline approx. 200 words)
Student’s comments on assessment
(Guideline approx. 300 words)
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section C: Holistic Assessment of Each Domain
Please provide additional information to support your overall assessment in Section 2.
This will be essential if the student has not demonstrated capability in one or more of the domains,
or you have other, specific concerns. You may also wish to comment on other relevant evidence
from the placement you have not discussed in Section 2, for example, highlighting a student’s
strengths, progress or areas for development in a particular domain.
(Guideline approx. 250 words maximum per domain)
Domain 1: Professionalism
Identify and behave as a professional social worker, committed to professional development
Social workers are members of an internationally recognised profession, a title protected in UK law. Social
workers demonstrate professional commitment by taking responsibility for their conduct, practice and
learning, with support through supervision. As representatives of the social work profession they
safeguard its reputation and are accountable to the professional regulator.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated 
Domain 2 Values and Ethics
Apply social work ethical principles and values to guide professional practice
Social workers have an obligation to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in ethical decisionmaking, including through partnership with people who use their services. Social workers are
knowledgeable about the value base of their profession, its ethical standards and relevant law.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Not demonstrated 
Domain 3 Diversity
Recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive principles in practice
Social workers understand that diversity characterises and shapes human experience and is critical to the
formation of identity. Diversity is multidimensional and includes race, disability, class, economic status,
age, sexuality, gender and transgender, faith and belief. Social workers appreciate that, as a consequence
of difference, a person’s life experience may include oppression, marginalisation and alienation as well as
privilege, power and acclaim, and are able to challenge appropriately.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated 
Domain 4 Rights, Justice and Economic Wellbeing
Advance human rights and promote social justice and economic well-being
Social workers recognise the fundamental principles of human rights and equality, and that these are
protected in national and international law, conventions and policies. They ensure these principles
underpin their practice. Social workers understand the importance of using and contributing to case law
and applying these rights in their own practice. They understand the effects of oppression, discrimination
and poverty.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Not demonstrated 
Domain 5 Knowledge
Apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work practice theory
Social workers understand psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and physical influences on people;
human development throughout the life span and the legal framework for practice. They apply this
knowledge in their work with individuals, families and communities. They know and use theories and
methods of social work practice.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated 
Domain 6 Critical reflection and Analysis
Apply critical reflection and analysis to inform and provide a rationale for professional decisionmaking
Social workers are knowledgeable about and apply the principles of critical thinking and reasoned
discernment. They identify, distinguish, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of knowledge and
evidence. These include practice evidence, their own practice experience, service user and carer
experience together with research-based, organisational, policy and legal knowledge. They use critical
thinking augmented by creativity and curiosity.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Not demonstrated 
Domain 7 Intervention and Skills
Use judgement and authority to intervene with individuals, families and communities to promote
independence, provide support and prevent harm, neglect and abuse
Social workers engage with individuals, families, groups and communities, working alongside people to
assess and intervene. They enable effective relationships and are effective communicators, using
appropriate skills. Using their professional judgement, they employ a range of interventions: promoting
independence, providing support and protection, taking preventative action and ensuring safety whilst
balancing rights and risks. They understand and take account of differentials in power, and are able to use
authority appropriately. They evaluate their own practice and the outcomes for those they work with.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated 
Domain 8 Contexts and organisations
Engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts that shape practice. Operate effectively
within own organisational frameworks and contribute to the development of services and
organisations. Operate effectively within multi-agency and inter-professional settings
Social workers are informed about and pro-actively responsive to the challenges and opportunities that
come with changing social contexts and constructs. They fulfil this responsibility in accordance with their
professional values and ethics, both as individual professionals and as members of the organisation in
which they work. They collaborate, inform and are informed by their work with others, inter-professionally
and with communities.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Not demonstrated 
Domain 9 Professional Leadership
Take responsibility for the professional learning and development of others through supervision,
mentoring, assessing, research, teaching, leadership and management
The social work profession evolves through the contribution of its members in activities such as practice
research, supervision, assessment of practice, teaching and management. An individual’s contribution will
gain influence when undertaken as part of a learning, practice-focused organisation. Learning may be
facilitated with a wide range of people including social work colleagues, service users and carers,
volunteers, foster carers and other professionals.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Not demonstrated 
Section23: Quality Assurance in Practice Learning (QAPL)
It is a requirement that all universities receive 100% feedback from students, practice educators and on-site
supervisors in relation to the quality of the practice learning experience.
The quality assurance tools cross two areas;
1. The Practice Placement Audit– which is seeking to ensure that the learning opportunities available will
support the student in evidencing their competence in line with the domains of the Professional Capabilities
2. Feedback from the student, Practice Educator/and or on-site supervisor, and the placement tutor –
asking those involved for feedback about the processes and procedures of the placement from beginning to
end. There are three different forms, one for the student, another for the practice educator/on-site
supervisor and one for the placement tutor.
The purpose of the QAPL is to help HEIs and placement providers monitor and evaluate the quality of
practice placements. The information produced is to be used to continually develop the quality of the
placements that students experience, to the benefit of all involved.
Please read the QAPL Policy and Procedures contained in the Anglia Ruskin University Placement Guide
to find out more.
Please note that to ensure 100% feedback ARU will not pass the students workbook to be reviewed by the
Practice Assessment Panel until their response to this questionnaire has been received.
This feedback is now being gathered electronically so please click on the relevant link below.
Feedback form
To be completed by:
QAPL Student Practice Placement Feedback
QAPL Practice Educator/On-site Supervisor
Placement Feedback form
Practice Educator
on-site supervisor
team providing placement
QAPL Practice Placement
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15