Required Certification of Electronic Receipts

Required Certification of Electronic Receipts – Please add and sign off on the
following certification to all electronic receipts submitted either as part of a
reimbursement request of the procurement card reconciliation report:
“I certify that this electronic receipt is the original receipt issued to me by the vendor. I
further certify that I have not submitted, nor will submit in the future a duplicate of this
receipt for payment or reimbursement.”
Signature of Payee: __________________________
Signature of Approver: ________________________
Required certification when original receipt is not available – Please add and sign off
on the following certification of duplicate receipts (when original is unattainable):
“This receipt is a true and correct copy of the original, which has been lost or is otherwise
unobtainable. I certify that our records have been checked and this receipt has not been
submitted with a previous claim.”
Signature of Payee: __________________________
Signature of Approver: ________________________
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