Spring 2016 Houston Community College Biology 1406 CRN# 88723, 89275 Instructor: Dr. Marie-Therese Simms Telephone: Katy Campus / 713-718-5866 E-mail address: marie.simms@hccs.edu Course Description & Objectives: This course focuses in biological chemistry, biological processes, cellular morphology, metabolism and biotechnology. This course provides an understanding of the basic concepts of biology. It is designed to introduce students to biochemical pathways, cellular organization and general metabolic and morphological features of both plants and animals. Prerequisite: College level reading, or successfully passing English with a “C” or better. High School Biology, High School Chemistry or equivalent. Required Textbooks: Campbell, N.A., BIOLOGY, 10th Edition, Benjamin/Cummings Pub, 2002. LAB BOOK: BIOLOGY 1406 - ISBN #13: 978-1-59984-314-8. Course Material: A textbook and lab manual is required for the course. Completions of lab assignments are very important. As time does not allow for every detail of your textbook to be covered in class, you are required to read the information prior to class. Lectures and labs on your daily schedule are tentative; therefore it is important to have them with you, at every session. Attendance: Attendance will be taken at the start of class, it is therefore very important to maintain good attendance. You are responsible for the information covered in class, whether your absence is excused or unexcused. Two absences (either excused or unexcused) may result in administrative withdrawal (W) of the student from the class. Tardiness can be very disturbing to the Professor, check your name on the roll as begin present. Late arrivals and early departures will be noted as this may affect your final grade. If you are absent for a lab assignment, you will not be given partial or credit for the lab. Withdrawals: The last day to withdraw from this class is April 5th 2016.. After that date, withdrawal is not permitted and students must receive a final grade. If you are unable to complete the course, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DROP OR WITHDRAW FROM THE CLASS ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE. Student Conduct (Student Handbook): Appropriate student conduct is expected in the classroom at all times. Please read the student handbook for further information. Lecture Examinations: NO MAKE UP EXAMS ARE GIVEN. There are no exceptions to the rule; therefore students are accepted to participate in all scheduled examinations. Students not taking the exam will receive an “F”. A student who arrives late for the test has only the remaining time to complete the examination from the official time of the test. Students must take the Final exams on the scheduled dates or an “F” will be given for the Final exams. Exams are objective along with true and false and matching questions. Quizzes and any extra work will be given as bonus points. Laboratory Conduct and Examination: Students are required to read and sign the HCC Biology Laboratory Safety Rules and Regulations found in you lab manuals. Lab Manuals are a very important part of the course work; they can be purchased along with your textbook. PLEASE DO NOT COPY THE LAB MANUALS, THERE ARE COPY WRITE LAWS. Lab reports must be stapled and turned in at the next lab session or as requested. LATE REPORTS TURNED IN LATE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. If you are absent from a lab session your lab will not be accepted. THERE IS NO MAKE UP FOR MISSING A SCHEDULED LAB PRACTICAL EXAM. Lab exams are practical, they are not multiple choice, is subjective, it is taken directly from your lab exercises done in class. Scholastic Dishonesty During Examination: A verbal warning will be given and “F” will be entered for the grade. A zero tolerance will be maintained at each time during the duration of the course. Additional Information: Cell Phones are very distracting and are not allowed in the classroom at Houston Community College. My e-mail address is listed on the syllabus; your e-mail will be answered in a timely manner. As you Professor, due to my busy schedule, I am not available to any student on a weekend or on cell phone. Therefore, meeting after class with me, is the best time to ensure a prompt response. Disability (ADA) Houston Community College has provided the least restrictive environment for all students. We strive for excellence in providing equity for all students through accommodations as required by the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title V, Section 504 and the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA), this act enables students with disabilities to benefit from all postsecondary activities. If you require any accommodation because of physical, mental or learning disability, please contact the Dean for Student Services who will provide you with the forms you need to request accommodations. Please turn these forms in to the Professor at the beginning of the class to arrange for those accommodations. PLEASE NOTE Students who repeat a course for a third time or more times will face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your Professor/Counselor about opportunities for tutoring or other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades. Dates to remember: January 11th Classes Begin, Drop/Add/Swap fee begin January 18th MLK Holiday February 15th President’s Day Holiday Spring Break March 14th-21st April 5th Final Exam - 88723- Monday May 9th 89275- Wednesday May 11th May 4th May 15th Last Day to Withdraw Final Examinations (Comprehensive) Departmental Examination Instructions End Semester ends Spring Semester Final exams for students will be given at the normal class hour on the meeting date. Grade Determination: There are no make-up Exams Details Your grades will be determined by the following Percent of Final Average Objective types/True and False/Matching 4 Exams Lecture Exams Chap. 1-5; 6-10; 12-15; 16-20 40% Objective types True and False Matching Comprehensive Mandatory Types of questions vary 2 lab exams Final Exams + 20% Labs Exams 25% Objective type True/False Matching, comprehensive Mandatory Genetic Presentation Departmental Finals 5% Research Presentation Teacher Approval 10% Department Final is MANDATORY – it is comprehensive. 1.You make the grades; I record and report your grades. Your grades are earned not given. 2.Grades are not curved. 3.NO extra credit will be given. Lecture Grade Assignment: Lecture Grade A Final Average in Percent 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 0-59% TENTATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL OUTLINE: ACTIVITIES & ASSIGNMENTS Organization of Class Chapter 1 – Intro. To Biology Chapter 2- Chemicals of Life Chapter 3 – Water and the Fitness of the Environment Chapter 4 – Carbon and Molecular Diversity Chapter 5- The Structure and Functions of Macromolecules Lecture Exam #1 – Chapter 1-5 LAB ASSIGNMENTS Lab 1 – The Microscope Lab 2 - Biological Measurements Lab #3- The Chemicals of Life Lab #4 – Molecules of Life Chapter 6 – The Tour of the Cell- website: www.cellsalive.com Label parts of the cells /Compare and contrast worksheets. /Video/ Chapter 7- Cell Membrane and Structure Video/worksheets www.cellsalive.com Chapter 8 – An Introduction to metabolism Lab #5 - Enzymes Chapter 9- Cellular Respiration Lab #8 – Osmotic Relationships of Plant Cells Chapter 10 - Photosynthesis Lab # 9 – Fermentation & Respiration Lecture Exam #2 – Chapter 6-10 Chapter 12 – The Cell Cycle Lab #10 – Photosynthesis Chapter 13 – Meiosis & Sexual Life Cycle Lab #11 – Division of the Cell Nucleus Chapter 14 - Genetics Lab #12 – Reduction of Chromosome Number Lab #13 – Lab 13 & 14 Chapter 15 - Genetics Lab #6 – Morphology of Plant and Animal cells Lab #7 – Diffusion & Osmosis Chapter 16 – Genes/Technology Lecture exams #3 Chapter 12 -15 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Lecture Exam #4 Chapter 16 - 20 FINAL EXAMS - COMPREHENSIVE Additional Assignments will be given during the lab Exercises – Students will be given instructions. NO CREDIT IS GIVEN IF A STUDENT MISSES A LAB. Consider a zero for the lab missed. Please do not copy the lab from another student as your attendance is taken at every lab session. CLASS RULES: NO – cell phones are allowed in class, during an exam they cannot be used as a calculator or any kind of equipment. Your computers are used only as a note taking device, not for surfing or searching.