ENGLISH 1301 ESSAY #1: MEMORY AND MEMOIR NARRATIVE/DESCRIPTIVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ESSAY GRADING RUBRIC SUMMARY PAGE NAME: __________________________________ GRADE: __________/____________ A detailed description of the grading categories is on the Long Form of the grading rubric (Learning Web). ESSAY EVALUATION CATEGORIES 1. Content (thesis; conflict; development; narrative commentary; lesson/new understanding/lasting impression; dialog, & essay unity) (27%) Excellent (A) 27 26 25 24 Good (B) 23 22 Adequate (C) 21 20 19 Needs Work (D) 18 17 Unacceptable (F) 16 15 14 13 12 11 2. Organization (narrative structure/plot, dialog paragraphing, transition, & coherence) (23% of grade) Excellent (A) 23 22 21 Good (B) 20 19 18 Adequate (C) 17 16 Needs Work (D) 15 14 Unacceptable (F) 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 3. Sentences (correctness; clarity; & effectiveness due to variety & style, modification & parallelism) (20%) A major sentence error is a fragment (frag), run-on (r-o), comma splice (cs), or awkward sentence (awk). In this category, one major sentence error = C, two to three major errors = D; four or more major errors = F. Other sentence errors include faulty modification (dangling and misplaced), parallelism, and subordination. Excellent (A) 20 19 18 Good (B) 17 16 Adequate (C) 15 14 Needs Work (D) 13 12 Unacceptable (F) 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4. Diction (correct usage/word form, spelling, effective diction: concise & precise, descriptive writing achieved due to imagery, vivid word choice, & figurative language) and expressive tone (17%) Excellent (A) 17 16 15 Good (B) 14 Adequate (C) 13 12 Needs Work (D) 11 10 Unacceptable (F) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5. Punctuation/capitalization/manuscript mechanics (course info, margins, header, & indents) (13%) Excellent (A) 13 12 Good (B) 11 10 Adequate (C) 9 Needs Work (D) 8 7 Unacceptable (F) 6 5 4 3 2 1 ____ TOTAL POINTS EARNED IN THE ABOVE FIVE CATEGORIES ____ - minus 10 (This essay was submitted late.) ____ - minus 3 points each (missing from writing process): (1) list of possible topics, (2) creating activities, (3) planning page, (4) marked rough draft*, and (5) self/peer critique page ____ FINAL NUMERIC GRADE ____ LETTER GRADE OTHER ____ This essay contains plagiarized material: grade of 0/F with no opportunity for a revision. ____ This essay contains numerous problems with content and/or organization. The grade on Essay #1 is “R” for “Revise.” You may revise this essay until it earns a grade of 75. See tutor or me for help. ____ This essay contains numerous grammatical errors (particularly sentence and diction errors) that seriously impede clear and effective communication. The grade on Essay #1 is “R” for “Revise.” You may revise this essay until it earns a grade of 75. See tutor or me for help. ____ This essay needs to be revised because it does not fulfill the assignment. See tutor or me for help. ____ *No grade due to missing rough draft as partial proof of your writing process. Grading Rubric, English 1301, Essay #1, Jeff Lindemann, HCC Southwest