1306 Vid, CE, Vol.Forms.doc

Sociology 1306
1) What is the Social Problem addressed in the article? Be specific and explain. (Up to 4
2) Indicate three main points the author uses to support the main idea/argument of the
problem stated above. (Up to 6 points)
3) Give examples of information in your textbook that relates to the article, including page
numbers with your discussion. OR If there is no information on this problem in your
text, propose a thoughtful alternative solution not discussed in the article. (Up to 6
4) Cite/explain examples of bias or faulty reasoning by the author of the article. OR If
there aren’t any, indicate/explain why you think this is. (Up to 4 points)
Sociology 1306
Title of Video:_______________________________________________________
1) What, specifically, is the Social Problem addressed in this video? Explain. (Up to 4 points)
2) Give a brief synopsis of the story line, relating it to the Social Problem indicated above.
(Up to 10 points)
3) What new insights into the Social Problem did you get from watching this video? Explain. If
you gained no new insights, explain why that is. (Up to 6 points)