PHIL 2303, CRN 53497, Introduction to Symbolic Logic, Fall 2011 M/W 11:00-12:30pm, West Loop Center, Rm. Instructor: Dane Gogoshin Learning web address: (Go to the faculty search box and type “Gogoshin”) Course Description (3 Credit Hours - Lecture) An introduction to Symbolic Logic, focusing on both Propositional and Predicate Logic, emphasizing the rules of translating language into symbols, the rules of inference and replacement, and the mechanism of reasoning used by computers. (HCCS Catalog). Accordingly, this course settles on the technical side of deductive reasoning and its correct applications for the construction and testing of formal symbolized arguments. Students learn how to recognize and analyze the intricacies of relational meaning in language while they acquire the tools to best express such meaning in a systematically ordered, clear and concise fashion. This course fulfills HCCS CORE mathematics requirement. Course Content The methods and skills acquired in this course inform and enhance all core competencies in critical thinking, including but not limited to translation, logical demonstration and proof, rules of inference, and various methods for testing validity. Computer knowledge, word processing skills, and data base learning and research skills are necessary to complete this course. Help is available for students who lack these skills upon entering this course. Prerequisites Must be placed into college level reading (or take GUST 0342 as a co-requisite) and be placed into college level writing (or take ENGL 0310/0349 as a co-requisite). Course Goals Among its goals, this course meets the HCCS core mathematics competency, and though it is not a writing course per se, its enhancement of clear, systematic thinking skills, and inclusion of reading, speaking, listening, critical thinking, and computer literacy make it a comprehensive core course. Specifically, students will: Learn the meaning of the word logic, its historic origins in ancient and medieval cultures, its contemporary development and normative character. Form new and improved logical habits of thought. Discover the relations between logic, mathematics and everyday language Develop an understanding of validity in deductive argument Learn the difference between a logical form and an instance of that form Master the rules of logical inference and replacement. Grasp the idea of proof in logic and its relation to truth in understanding. Cultivate an understanding of logics practical applications. Required Course Materials Textbook Information: Klenk//Understanding Symbolic Logic//Prentice Hall//5th Edition//ISBN 0-13-020142-1 Other: 10 scantrons, #2 pencils Course Schedule This calendar is intended to be only a guide for study. Assignments and dates may vary according to the demands of learning and unforeseen difficulties. All the same, should any changes occur, students will be notified both verbally in-class and/or by e-mail. Part One: Sentential Logic Week One Sessions 1 & 2 Chapter 1 Introduction to Logic Week Two Sessions 3 & 4 Chapter 2 The Structure of Sentential Logic Week Three Exercises [without the asterisk] (30-31) Sessions 5 & 6 Chapter 3 Computing Truth Values Exercises [without the asterisk] (48-49) Week Four Sessions 7 & 8 Chapter 4 Symbolizing English Sentences Week Five Exercises [without the asterisk] (67-69) Sessions 9 & 10 Chapter 5 Truth Tables for Testing Validity Exercises [without the asterisk] (87-90) Session 10 Week Six Sessions 11 & 12 Chapter 6 Further Applications of Truth Table Method Exercises [without the asterisk] (103-106) Week Seven Session 13 Exam One Week Seven Session 14 Chapter 7 The Proof Method: Basic Inference Rules Exercises [without the asterisk] (134-141) Week Eight Sessions 15 & 16 Chapter 7 The Proof Method: Basic Inference Rules Exercises [without the asterisk] (134-141) Week Nine Sessions 17 & 18 Chapter 8 Replacement Rules Exercises [without the asterisk] (163-168) 2 Week Ten Session 19 Chapter 8 Replacement Rules Exercises [without the asterisk] (163-168) Session 20 Exam Two Week Eleven Sessions 21 & 22 Chapter 9 Conditional Proof and Indirect Proof Exercises [without the asterisk] (190-193) Sessions 22 Part Two: Monadic Predicate Logic Week Twelve Session 23 Chapter 10 Singular Sentences Exercises [without the asterisk] (202-203) Session 24 Chapter 11 Quantifiers Exercises [without the asterisk] (215-217) Week Thirteen Session 25 Chapter 12 Categorical Propositions Exercises [without the asterisk] (238-241) Session 26 Chapter 13 Complex Subjects and Predicates Exercises [without the asterisk] (252-255) Week Fourteen Sessions 27 & 28 Chapter 14 Quantifier Form and Truth-Functional Compounds of Quantifier Statements Exercises [without the asterisk] (262-264) Week Fifteen Session 29 Chapter 15 Proofs in Predicate Logic Exercises [without the asterisk] (286-289) Take-Home Test #4 Session 30 Chapter 16 Invalidity in Quantifier Logic Exercises [without the asterisk] (302-304) Week Sixteen Session 31 Exam Three (FINAL) Grading Policy Each assignment will receive a grade based on a 100 point scale. The final grades will be assessed according to the following percentages. A = 90% to 100% B = 80% to 89.9% C = 70% to 79.9% D = 60% to 69.9% F = 0% to 59.9% Your final grade average will be constituted according to the following percentages: Quizzes - 40 % Exam I - 20% Exam 2 – 20% Exam 3 - 20% Missed quizzes may not be made up. However, at the end of the semester, one or more make-up quizzes will be offered and the lowest quiz grade will be dropped (independently of taking a make-up quiz). 3 Students with Disabilities Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Support Service Counselor, Dr. Becky Hauri, 713-718-7909, at the beginning of the semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS). Students who are requesting special testing accommodations must first contact the office. Academic Honesty Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited by HCC policy and by the rules of this class. Plagiarism is the use of the ideas or words of another person, either whole or in part, without crediting the source and constitutes the theft of another person’s intellectual property. It is the most common form of academic dishonesty. If you are unclear as to what constitutes plagiarism, you should seek clarification before beginning an assignment. Cheating involves fraud and deception for the purpose of violating legitimate testing rules. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: copying from another student’s test, using during an exam materials or resources not authorized by the instructor; collaborating with another student during a test; knowingly using, buying, selling whole or part of an unadministered test. Academic dishonesty constitutes a severe violation of HCC policy and rules and is subject to stringent penalties. Violations of these policies can result, at a minimum, in the automatic failure of the assignment or the class. Severe violations could result in suspension or expulsion from HCC. Attendance and Withdrawal Policies HCC Students are expected to attend class regularly. A daily record of absences will be maintained throughout the semester. NOTE: IT IS THE RESPONSBILITY OF THE STUDENT TO DROP, OR OFFICIALLY WITHDRAW FROM THIS COURSE IF, FOR ANY REASON, THAT STUDENT IS NO LONGER ATTENDING. NEW RULES ARE IN EFFECT THAT GREATLY CHANGE HOW AND WHEN THAT CAN BE DONE. YOU WILL NOT BE WITHDRAWN FROM THIS COURSE BY YOUR PROFESSOR. FURTHERMORE, THERE ARE POSSIBLE PENALTIES OTHER THAN LOSING ONE'S PAID TUITION THAT EVERY STUDENT MUST CONSIDER CAREFULLY BEFORE WITHDRAWING. Make-up policy Students are responsible for materials covered in-class and online during their absences, and it is the student's responsibility to contact and consult with the instructor for make-up assignments. In addition, any student who is absent on posted exam dates should be prepared to schedule the make-up of missed examinations on the first day of returning to class. Any other assignments not turned in on time (due to absences) must also be either turned in, or scheduled for late submission on the first day of returning to class. Finally, there will be no extension of due dates and/or make-ups for Online Requirements. Except 4 for a medical excuse, there is no exemption from these rules. Make-up exams are administered by the campus testing service at the instructor’s request. HCC Student Services Information Counselors are available at each campus to assist students in creating class schedules, evaluating college transcripts and completing degree/certificate plans. STUDENT SERVICES CONTACT INFORMATION: Phone: 713-718-7789 Email: Tutoring Information Limited face-to-face tutoring from your instructor may be arranged by appointment only directly with your professor. An appointment may be made before or after class in person or by e-mail. Registering for online tutoring is easy. Go to Select a user name and password that you will remember. Use any e-mail address, and add your student ID number (W number). It will probably take five minutes to set up your Askonline account. After that, you can submit questions in seconds. Tutor responses are not e-mailed to you. To see the answers, log back in to the system and click the bright yellow NEW button. Online tutoring is also available for accounting, history, government, chemistry, physics, biology, math, English, and papers in all disciplines. EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. 5