LIBERAL & INTEGRATIVE STUDIES BLUE FORM (LIS/LNT) INDEPENDENT STUDY FORM and Permission for Individualized Instruction This form should be used for all independent studies, tutorials, internship, and experiential work designed for academic credit in the Liberal and Integrative Studies (LNT graduate) and Liberal Studies (LIS undergraduate) Program. After negotiating the content and process with a faculty sponsor, this form should be completed and sent to the LNT Secretary.* The student will be instructed to register pending approval of the college dean. Se le ct th e a p p r op r ia te co ur se p r efix a n d n u m b er LIS Undergrad course C R N ( to b e a ssig n e d ) 380 Learning Resources (Project 2-8 hrs) 4 9 9 T u t o r i a l ( 4 - 6 h r s ) LNT Graduate course 580 Tutorial (2-12 hrs) 599 Field Project (2-12 hrs) Student Date UIN UIS Email Are you admitted to UIS as an online student? Status Term Fall Spring Summer Yes, all online 20 __ Credit Hours No, some on campus __ Proposed title No more than 30 characters, including spaces and punctuation P R O J E C T A P P R O V AL ( S t u d e n t s , d o n o t w r i t e b e l o w t h i s l i n e ) Faculty Signature (I agree to sponsor this project/study compensation in excess of 100% @ $100.00/credit hour) Date Assigned to the college of Faculty Liberal Arts Sciences Business Management UIN APPROVED BY SIGNATURE Public Affairs Administration Education Human Services DATE Student Adviser LIS Director or LNT Department Chair Dean Approval Signed copies to *Mail to University of Illinois Springfield One University Plaza UHB 3038 Springfield, IL 72703 Dean LNT Program VCAA Fax to 217-206-6217 Attention LIS/LNT or, scan to pdf and email to Rev. 4/11 LIS AND LNT INDEPENDENT STUDY PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS A typical 4-credit-hour course meets 3 ½ hours per week for 16 weeks (56 hours). A typical student spends 2 hours outside of class reading, preparing for exams, writing, etc., for every hour in class (112 hours). So, if you’re a typical student, you’ll devote 168 hours to a typical 4-credit-hour course. Use this and your own past experience in arriving at a reasonable agreement with your faculty sponsor regarding credit hours for the project. LIS refer to Chapter 13 in the undergraduate handbook. LNT refer to Chapter 11 in the graduate handbook. After negotiating the content and process with a faculty sponsor, this form should be completed and sent to the LNT Secretary.* The form will be signed by the faculty sponsor and LNT Director prior to registration. If you are using an external resource, it is your responsibility to get that signature. You may attach additional pages to this form as needed. Attach a detailed course description addressing each of the following points 1. OBJECTIVES: What is the nature of the project? What do you want to learn? 2. RATIONALE: Why? (Refer to Goals, and Learning Needs) 3. RESOURCES: Resource People (Provide Information about relevant qualifications or interests) 4. BIBLIOGRAPHY: (List author, title, publisher, and date) Finally, location(s) and facilities 5. WORK PLAN: What steps will you follow in carrying out your study? 6. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Within the narrative statement, give approximate dates of when you expect to complete each section or part of your study. 7. DOCUMENTATION: How will you demonstrate to the Instructor that you have met your objectives? (e.g., term paper; other product, oral examination). 8. EVALUATION: What criteria should be used to evaluate your performance? (e.g., comprehension, creativity, insightfulness, scholarship, other) 9. SCHEDULE: The final element of your narrative essay is to include dates for the midterm report and final faculty meeting *Mail to: University of Illinois Springfield One University Plaza UHB 3038 Springfield, IL 72703 Fax to: 217-206-6217 Attention LIS/LNT or, scan to pdf and email to Rev. 4/11