Treading Dangerous Waters: Intervening In Elder Domestic Violence Cases 2012 IL Elder Rights Conference Holly Ramsey-Klawsnik, Ph.D. © Ramsey-Klawsnik 2012 All Rights Reserved Agenda Common dynamics in Elder DV Community and facility illustrative cases Strategies for assisting victims Pitfalls to avoid Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 2 The Many Potential Pitfalls 68 y.o. Mrs. S., psychiatric disability, mentioned marital problems to MD MD inquired re: details Long-term DV disclosed MD reported & provided expert opinion to APS, hospitalized Mrs. S. Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 3 Mrs. S. con’t As the case unfolded… There are many junctures at which a case can be mishandled to the detriment of the victim Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 4 Common Dynamics in LL IPV Often long-term abuse May be mutual attachment, dependency Complex victim feelings Abuser feels entitled to bully, control, use Danger often high Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 5 Socio-Cultural Factors Social, cultural, gender, legal realities during formative years of today’s elders Very much affect older victims of today Must be considered when attempting investigation or intervention Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 6 Child & Grandchild Perpetrators Assault by offspring often causes powerful ambivalence Fear of perp arrest & other harm, shame, responsibility for kin’s wrong, attachment Feelings complicate trauma response and help-seeking Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 7 Video Clip Mother abused by adult son From “A Mother Never Gives Up Hope” by Terra Nova & NCALL Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 8 Elder DV in Facilities May occur in facilities during visits May occur during outings Staff may hear disclosure, witness assault or evidence Facility response & responsibilities Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 9 Case: DV Signs Noticed Woman with aphasia & paralysis evidences fear of leaving w/ spouse Facility response APS response Family response Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 10 Case: DV Signs Observed Upon return from outings aides repeatedly observe abuse evidence Facility response APS response Family response Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 11 Helpful Response Build rapport Listen carefully Offer safety options Help victim consider options Encourage use of effective strategies Support victim’s choices Follow legal mandates Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 12 Strategies for Victim Assistance Active listening Crisis-intervention counseling Problem-solving counseling Referrals to other agencies, including criminal justice Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 13 Active Listening Client feels heard & understood Critical in all helping relationships Foundation of all counseling skills Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 14 Active Listening Listen respectfully, completely to understand message Watch non-verbal behavior to better understand Demonstrate sincere interest client Avoid placing attention elsewhere Provide minimal encouragements to continue Repeat key words Ask questions after client’s presentation Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 15 Case: Failure to Listen Betty, 76 y.o., stroke, son lives with her Son highly problematic, evidence of FE APS worker offers money manager Betty refuses Worker documents: Betty wants son to continue handling finances Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 16 Crisis Intervention Crisis - crucial situation, causes disequilibrium Short-term intervention to help settle crisis Goal - help client return to pre-crisis state NOT solve long-term problems Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 17 Crisis Symptoms Strong, fluctuating emotions Inability to function normally: think, eat, sleep Overwhelming fear, worry, anxiety Reduced problem-solving ability Acting on impulse, poor decision-making Inability to see a solution Belief that things will never be normal Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 18 Steps in Crisis Reduction Encourage venting Avoid joining crisis mind set Actively listen Focus on client’s reactions, thoughts, feelings Provide emotional support Validate Normalize feelings and reactions Gently correct cognitive distortions Reframe to help see positives Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 19 Steps con’t Provide info re: options, resources Help mobilize resources Use problem-solving counseling Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 20 Problem-Solving Analyze problems with client Help explore options for resolution Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 21 Determine Nature & scope of problem Steps already taken & outcome Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 22 Explore Options Encourage client to suggest & consider options Provide info re: options, resources Anticipate likely & possible consequences Empower client to make informed choices Provide support while client implements Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 23 Dynamics Victimization » helplessness,hopelessness Avoid joining client in these feelings Model optimistic but realistic attitude With support people explore options, become hopeful Improved outlook » energy & confidence Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 24 Respect Self-Determination • Avoid telling clients what to do • People more likely to implement own choices Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 25 Assisting Mr. R. APS report - 82 yo Jose Rodriquez Clinic filed: rectal bleeding, anal tears, DV disclosure Investigation revealed… Mr. R’s ambivalent feelings Intervention provided Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 26 Tearing Down Strengths Critical to avoid tearing down victim’s strengths and defenses Must be able to recognize the + Build on these Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 27 Case: Sibling Violence Elderly, ill sisters reported to APS Mutual physical violence Both treated at hospital repeatedly Police involved & reported Mutual strong attachment Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 28 Intervention Missed the Mark Broke down resolve to improve Worker failed to grasp clinical dynamics Did not use problem-solving strategies Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 29 Pitfalls to Avoid Victim-blaming Colluding with perpetrator Expecting too much change too quickly Telling victim how to solve problems Tearing down strengths and defenses Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 30 Our Language Matters “We work with people who have family problems” Better… Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 31 Do No Harm Home visit to inv PA & EA by husband of wife with Parkinson’s Disease Investigator observes… Investigator remarks… Harm to victim and to case Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 32 Summary Worker behavior, statements, attempted interventions carry much potential to significantly help or harm older DV victims Importance of professional training, selfreflection and quality supervision Ramsey-Klawsnik Training Materials 33