Final.1 Endocrine.doc

Final Exam Study Guide
Dr. H. I. Chukwu
Special Senses
Taste types
Accessory structures of the eye function in ….
Three coats or tunics of the eye are?
Eye compartments
What are Visible light, Refraction, Focal point
Functions of rods and cones in the eyes
Eye Disorders
Parts of the ear, External ear: Middle ear and inner ear
Static and kinetic balance
Bones of the ear
The semicircular cannal
Effects of Aging on the Special Senses
Ear disorder
Somatic and Autonomic Nervous System comparism
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions
Enteric Nervous System
Sympathetic axons reach organs through?
Parasympathetic axons reach organs through
Ex. Of Neurotransmitters
Regulation of ANS
Influence of Brain on Autonomic Functions
Functional Generalizations of ANS
Fight-or-Flight” Responses
Endocrine System Characteristics
Types of signaling, Chemical Signals
Rate of hormone secretion
Hormonal Regulation
Positive and Negative Feedback examples
Where are hormones secreted and distributed?
What is half life?
What are Ligands
Name the endocrine glands
What are the functions of the endocrine system
Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus
Pituitary Gland Structure
Pituitary Gland Hormones, anterior and posterior
ADH is also known as what
Lack of vasopressin secretion causes what
What are the functions of Oxytocin, growth hormone, TSH (thyrotropin) , ACTH.
MSH, LH, FSH, prolactin
The thyroid hormones include? What are the functions
Thyroid Hormone Hyposecretion and Hypersecretion
Parathyroid Glands, functions
Adrenal gland, functions
Pancreas, insulin and glycogen
Hormones of the Reproductive System
Pineal Body, functions
Effects of Aging on Endocrine System
Diabetes Mellitus, cause and types