Plant Tissue Culture Denita Hadziabdic and Neal Stewart Spring 2014 Outline Introduction and history of tissue culture Review of anatomy/morphology of plants Tissue culture advantages and disadvantages Stages of tissue culture Media preparation Plant growth regulators Plant tissue culture definition The growth and development of plant seeds, organs, explants, tissues, cells or protoplasts on nutrient media under sterile (axenic) conditions. Introduction to tissue culture Alternative to conventional propagation: Establishment Production Maintenanced -Production of plant organs and tissues in aseptic culture -Needed to enable the production of Image courtesy of Wollemi Pine International transgenic plants History and milestones of plant tissue culture 1904 First attempt to embryo culture of selected crucifers. Hannig B., Bot. Zeitung, 62: 45-80. 1944 First In vitro culture of tobacco used to study adventitious shoot formation. Skoog F., Am. J. Bot., 31: 19-24. 1949 Culture of fruits In vitro. Nitsch J. P., Science, 110: 499. 1962 Development of MS medium. Murashige T. and Skoog F., Physiol. Plant., 15: 473-497. 1967 Haploid plants from pollen grains of tobacco. Bourgin J. P. and Nitsch J. P., Ann. Physiol. Veg., 9: 377-382 & 10: 69-81. 1977 Successful integration of transfer DNA (TDNA) in plants. Chilton M. D. et al., Cell, 11: 263-271. 1985 Infection and transformation of leaf discs with Agrobacterium tumefaciens and regeneration of transformed plants. Horsch R. B. et al., Science, 227: 1229-1231. Plant anatomy: why it matters for tissue culture Important term: Explant—the “original” tissues and cells that are used to start tissue culture A B Cortex Epidermis Endodermis Vascular cambium Phloem Pericycle Endodermis Vascular tissue Xylem Cortex Cross section of a buttercup (dicot) C D Cortex Epidermis Xylem Vascular tissue Phloem Pith Pith Cortex Endodermis Pericycle Exodermis Cross section of corn (monocot) Meristematic tissue (apical and axillary shoot meristems) A B Stem Leaves Leaf petiole Ax. bud Leaf petiole Leaf primordia Apical meristem Trichome Stem A. Longitudinal section through the stem tip of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Vascular Tissue B. Longitudinal section through a node of catnip (Nepeta cataria). Flower anatomy A B Style Sepals Ovary Petals 5 carpels Locules Ovules Ovary Ovules 2 Carpels Filaments Filaments Petals Receptacle Sepals Cross section-Geranium sp. C Longitudinal section-Geranium sp. D Epidermis Tepals (sepals+ petals) Stamens (6) Endothecium Ovary Pollen Vacscular tissue Cross section-Lilium sp. Anther-Lilium sp. Tapetum A B Vein Midvein Epidermis Buliform cell Epidermis Xylem Mesophyll Xylem Phloem Vein Phloem * Palisade Mesophyll Spongy layer Stoma with guard cells Stomata and guard cells A. Cross section of a dicot leaf. B. Cross section of a corn (monocot) leaf. Tissue Culture Advantages and Uses 1. Mass propagation of specific clones Mass propagation of specific clones Reproducing superior copies of an original parent plant phenotype and genotype Controlled aspects (environment, PGRs) allow rapid propagation in large numbers Rate can be exponential Multiplication rate of fourfold in cultures subcultured every 4 weeks= 1,000,000 plants in 10 months Why use micropropagation methods Useful for : plants with slow natural rate of clonal increase high demand and valuable plants; e.g., orchids (new cultivars, costeffective) difficult-to-root plants endangered species (conservation) plants that cannot be clonally propagated any other way Tissue culture advantages & uses 1. Mass propagation of specific clones 2. Alternative propagation methods (“special needs” plants) 3. Production of pathogen-free plants 4. Clonal propagation of parental stocks for hybrid seed production 5. Year-round nursery production More tissue culture advantages & uses 6. Genotype modification—targets for transformation 7. Plant regeneration after transformation 8 Germplasm preservation 9. Micrografting 10. Reforestation/preservation Tissue culture disadvantages Expensive & sophisticated facilities Trained personnel/specialized techniques Contamination Species- and genotype specificity Production of off-types (variability) Totipotency or Totipotent: The capacity of a cell (or a group of cells) to give rise to an entire organism. Differentiation: The physiological and morphological changes that occur in a cell, tissue, or organ during development. Explant redefined X-your-plant: excise a small piece of leaf, stem or other tissue, and place them into tissue culture: The tissue has to be surfacesterilized so it will not have any contaminating bacteria or fungus It is then placed inside the tissue culture vessel (dish, jar, etc.) containing all nutrients and plant growth regulators the explant needs Embryogenesis: The formation of a zygote after fusion of a sperm and egg cell. Have: seed coat, endosperm, and embryo Somatic embryogenesis: The formation of an embryo from cells other than sperm-egg fusion; does not occur in nature. Organogenesis: The development of organs from individual cells not from pre-existing meristems. Laboratory organization General laboratory and media preparation area Transfer area Culturing facilities Washing facility Spacious media prep laboratory with “good” water supply and machine-aided media dispensing. TC developmental stages Stage 0 - Donor plant selection and preparation of explants Stage I - Establishment of aseptic cultures Stage II - Proliferation of axillary shoots Stage III - Pretransplant (rooting) Stage IV - Transfer to natural environment Stage 0 - Donor plant selection/preparation of explants Tissue selection and disinfection – Pathogen control of stock plants – Modification of plant physiology trimming to stimulate lateral shoot growth pretreatment sprays containing cytokinins or gibberellic acid use of forcing solutions (sucrose and hydroxyquinoline citrate) for induction of bud break – Tissue selection (shoot tips, node w/lateral bud, leaf midrib, bulb scales etc.) Why? – Collection prior to flowering Stage I - Establishment of aseptic cultures Indexing (screening) of donor plants Establishment of sterile culture Surface sterilization prior to placement in culture Providing an in vitro environment that promotes stable shoot production Addition of cytokinins/auxins pH needs to be ~5.8 Stage II - Proliferation of axillary shoots Repeated enhanced formation of axillary shoots from shoot tips or lateral buds Increased cytokinin concentrations (shoot proliferation vs. shoot elongation) Low or absent auxin levels 4-8 week subculturing intervals (1 cycle) WPM 1 μM BA MS 1 μM BA WPM 2 μM BA MS 2 μM BA MS 0 μM BA MS 2 μM BA MS 1 μM BA MS 4 μM BA Stage III - Pretransplant (rooting) Focused on rooting of shoots/shoot clusters from stage II In vitro rooting for few weeks cytokinin auxin After rooting, transfer to ex vitro environment (stage IV) Roots not as sturdy as ex vitro roots 3 μM IBA 30 μM IBA 100 μM IBA 300 μM IBA Percentage rooted (%) Rooted microshoots 100 80 60 40 20 0 0μM IBA 3μM IBA 30μM IBA 100μM IBA Rooted microshoots 300μM IBA Stage IV - Transfer to natural environment Acclimatization of microshoots from heterotrophic (sucrose in jar) to photoautotrophic (photosynthesis) stage In vitro grown plants have: low photosynthetic activity poor water loss control abnormal stomata functioning poor vascular connections between roots and shoots poorly differentiated mesophyll What’s in tissue culture medium? Water Mineral salts Carbon sources Vitamins Plant growth regulators Other constituents as desired Plant growth regulators Used in concentrations of 0.001 – 10 µM Sensitivity to high temperatures- (IAA, kinetin, zeatin, etc) PGRs interact with specific target tissues causing different physiological responses TC Developmental Stages (Review) Stage 0 - Donor plant selection and preparation Stage I - Establishment of aseptic cultures Stage II - Proliferation of axillary shoots Stage III - Pretransplant (rooting) Stage IV - Transfer to natural environment Natural embryogenesis Organogenesis vs somatic embryogenesis • Organogenesis: direct production of organs (stems or roots) from differentiated or undifferentiated tissue • Somatic embryogenesis: (brave new world) of the production of embryos de novo and without fertilization Plant growth regulators (PGRs) PGR’s are signal molecules, present in trace quantities Differ from animal hormones Maintain a condition of equilibrium/stability don't maintain homeostasis there are no endocrine organs that produce hormones When plants respond to stimuli it's controlled by hormones Plant growth regulators Auxin Cytokinin Gibberellin Abscisic acid Ethylene Auxins Compounds capable to induce cell elongation in stems and otherwise resemble indoleacetic acid in physiological activity. The first plant hormones discovered Most active in young tissues: shoot apical meristems growing leaves and fruits Auxins: natural and synthetic Auxins – Functions in TC Stimulates cell elongation/division Adventitious root formation (high conc.) Adventitious shoot formation (low conc.) Stimulates differentiation of phloem and xylem Induction of somatic embryos Callus formation and growth Inhibition of axillary buds "The Power of Movement in Plants“ (1880) by Charles Darwin: Image courtesy of North Carolina State University Effects of light on movement of canary grass Phalaris canariensis coleoptiles Experiment - the tip of the coleoptile perceived the light - produced some signal - signal was transported to the lower part of coleoptile - induction of physiological response of bending Cytokinins Compounds with a structure resembling adenine which promote cell division and have other similar functions to kinetin Concentrations are highest in meristematic regions and areas of continuous growth potential: roots, young leaves, developing fruits, and seeds Cytokinins – Functions in TC Adventitious shoot formation Promotes cell division Modulates callus initiation and growth Stimulation of axillary bud breaking and growth Inhibition of leaf senescence Kinetin was the first cytokinin discovered Natural compound but not made in plants - "synthetic" cytokinin Zeatin naturally occurring cytokinin in plants - isolated from corn (Zea mays) Effect of different ratio of auxin to cytokinin Cytokinins: natural and synthetic Gibberellins More than 126 GAs have been identified Functions in TC: Stimulates shoot elongation Stimulates seed germination Break seed dormancy Inhibits adventitious root formation Abscisic acid (ABA) Naturally occurring compound in plants Stimulates the closure of stomata (under water stress) Inhibits cell division: - Inhibits shoot but not root growth - Induces seeds to synthesize storage proteins Promotes dormancy Induces gene transcription (pathogen defense) Stimulates the maturation of embryos Ethylene Ethylene Only gaseous PGR - associated with fruit ripening (used in ancient Egypt to stimulate fig ripening) Stimulates shoot and root growth as well as differentiation Stimulates release of dormancy Silver nitrate (AgNO3) has anti-ethylene activity Stimulates flower opening Promotes flower and leaf senescence Not commonly used in tissue culture Summary • Tissue culture is required for in vitro manipulation of plant tissues and transformation • Auxins and cytokinins are the most important hormones for tissue culture