CATCH YOUR DREAMS Diversity Task Force 01-31-07 Envisioning: Igniting our Imagination of what can be Purpose: To facilitate a process of creative envisioning of new initiatives and possibilities for the future guided by our DTF vision Content: A ‘Catch your Dreams’ exercise in which you will take about 10-15 minutes to write down as many ideas as you can come up with (one to each Post-It note) in response to the question: “If a genie popped out of a magic lamp and offered to translate into reality your dreams and your vision that would guide the future of the Diversity Task Force, what are some things you would tell the genie? In other words, if the Diversity Task force is going to be talked about as one of the most remarkable initiatives among programs in its peer group, what would you see happening?” Output: An assortment of ideas, individually generated, not thematically linked as yet.