ResumeCLR-HCC version.doc

Corey L. Reynolds
Ph.D. December 2006
M.S. May 2004
B.S. May 2002
University of Louisville
University of Louisville
Tennessee State University
Results-oriented technical professional with experience solving both technical and
research problems in the field of cardiovascular physiology. Experience in organizing
and managing research projects. Effective in presenting complex material to a diverse
audience in a clear, concise and persuasive manner. Able to successfully function as an
individual contributor or in a team environment.
Work Experience
Jan 2009-present Adjunct Professor
Houston Community College-Stafford Campus
General Biology and Lab Instructor
Mouse Phenotyping Core Director
Department of Molecular Physiology, Baylor College of Medicine
Manage daily operation of the Phenotyping core. Aid in protocol
design of principal investigators. Teach graduate students and postdocs how to use equipment and analyze data.
Feb. 2007-Mar. 2008 Post-Doctoral Fellow with Xander Wehrens, M.D., Ph.D.,
Department of Molecular Physiology, Baylor College of Medicine
Perform an array of small animal surgeries as well as
echocardiography in the murine model. I also manage two major
research projects that are going on in the lab at this time and mentor
first year grad students during their rotation with the lab.
June 2003-Dec. 2006 Graduate Student Research Assistant with Y.James Kang, Ph.D.,
Department of Physiology/Biophysics, University of Louisville
Conducted cardiovascular toxicology research (mineral
supplementation). Performed and taught small animal
surgeries (i.e aortic constriction, cannulations, bile duct
ligation, and adenoviral work.). Developed presentation skills for
academic and non-academic audiences. Designed and developed
experimental protocols. Mentored physiology summer students.
Jan. 2004-May 2004 Teaching Assistant
University of Louisville Medical School
Served as a teacher’s assistant for the first year medical school
Physiology course. Planned and lectured weekly study sessions for
a class size of 25 students.
June 2002-Aug 2002 University of Louisville Cardiovascular Research Program
Worked under the supervision of John Passmore Ph.D in the
physiology department/microcirculation lab investigating the
responsiveness of renal interlobar arteries. This study was designed
to give more insight into renal pathlolgy in hypertensive rats.
Research work involved isolation of renal interlobar arteries and
mounting them onto mini-glass pipettes followed by dosage
response with various vasoconstrictors.
June 2001-Aug 2001 Summer Pre-Medical Enrichment Program
The program included MCAT preparation courses at the University
of Cincinnati where students attended enrichment courses reviewing
the basic sciences. I took part in a preceptorship program, which
allowed students to shadow physicians at the university hospital.
Professional Memberships:
Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Member, American Physiological Society
Honors and Awards:
NIH Training Grant recipient
Graduate School Travel Award
NIH RO1 Minority Supplement Award
National Conference on Graduate Student Leadership (presenter)
“Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Minorities”
AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science
KYBRIN Travel Grant Award
University of Louisville School of Medicine Travel Award
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
Who’s Who Among Students in American Univ. and Colleges
Presidential Honors Scholarship recipient (Tennessee State Univ.)
Selected Presentations:
Reynolds, C.L. and Y.J. Kang. Adenoviral Transfer of Metallothionein Gene Directly
into the Mouse Heart. The FASEB Journal
Reynolds, C.L. and Y.J. Kang. Copper supplementation inhibits aortic banding-induced
heart hypertrophy in a mouse model. OVSOT
Reynolds,C.L. and Y.J. Kang. Copper supplementation inhibits aortic banding-induced
heart hypertrophy in a mouse model. Research Louisville
Reynolds,C.L. and Y.J. Kang. Copper supplementation inhibits aortic banding-induced
heart hypertrophy in a mouse model. The SOT Journal
Ralph J. van Oort a, Jonathan L. Respress a, Satyam Sarma a, Corey Reynolds a,
Darlene G. Skapura a, Leon J. De Windt b, Xander H.T. Wehrens a,b,1
a From the Dept. of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, and Medicine (Cardiology), Baylor
College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX 77030, U.S.A.; b Department of Medical
Physiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Yalelaan 50, 3584CM Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Leak Accelerates the Development of Cardiomyopathy and
HeartFailure (In review)
Henderson BC, Sen U, Reynolds C, Moshal KS, Ovechkin A, Tyagi N, Kartha GK,
Rodriguez WE, Tyagi SC. Reversal of systemic hypertension-associated cardiac
remodeling in chronic pressure overload myocardium by ciglitazone.
Int J Biol Sci. 2007 Sep 7;3(6):385-92.
Jiang Y, Reynolds C, Xiao C, Feng W, Zhou Z, Rodriguez W, Tyagi SC, Eaton JW,
Saari JT, Kang YJ. Epub 2007 Mar 5. Dietary copper supplementation reverses
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy induced by chronic pressure overload in mice. J Exp Med.
2007 Mar 19;204(3):657-66
Journal Contributions
International Journal of Cardiology-Reviewer
Computer Skills:
Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe Photoshop, SPSS Statistics program,
EndNote, PubMed/Medline search skills