Factoring wood decay into risk assessment Matteo Garbelotto U.C. Berkeley The ability to decay wood • Wood is decayed thanks to a complex set of enzymes that are capable of degrading cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and pectins • The “masters” of wood decay are the fungi, and there is good evidence that ligninolitic enzymes have been transferred horizontally from the fungi to insects, allowing them to create a habitat favorable to the progeny Wood decay is an essential ecological component of terrestrial ecosystems • It is necessary to remove the physical mass of woody plants to leave room for regeneration • It is a key element of the C cycle • It is a process that increases biodiversity • It is a process that fits the continuum between endophytism, saprophytism, and pathogenicity Injuries and damage property in an urban setting Timber losses Hazards, such as windthrows in recreational settings Disease and mortality, leading to a loss in the productivity of the ecosystem Wood decay is: • The primary agent responsible for tree failure Other factors leading to tree failure • Genetic defects • Height : diameter ratio • Shallow soils • Metereological events such as tornados, windstorms, heavy snow • etc Wood decay is a complex process • It is the result of an active, complex, and changing community of organisms • White rots, brown rots, soft rots, yeasts and bacteria are all involved in the process, with each group represented by multiple species in a single tree • At times, decay organisms compete with one another (antagonistic interaction), but at times their interaction is synergistic: e.g. Armillaria infection facilitates root infection by Phaeolus schweinitzii Gaseous phase in wood as a major driver of decay • In trees, there is an inverse relationship between moisture content and gaseous phase • Decay agents cannot function in anaerobic conditions (e.g sapwood of healthy trees), neither can they function when the wood is too dry • In general, any event (disease, mechanical damage) that allows for an increase in the gaseous phase, may potentially trigger a decay process • Heartwood has a lower moisture content than sapwood, hence intrinsically, it is more susceptible to decay. Phenolics and other radicals accumulate in heartwood to prevent or slow down decay processes da Rayner and Boddy (1988) Heartwood Sapwood Carbon loss Temperature is a secondary driver of decay rates, with stronger effects on smaller trees Temperature Infection strategies • 1- Vegetative growth: the organism reaches the substrate with massive structures such as cords or rhizomorphs, sometimes trough mycelium within roots that are grafted or in contact: Hypholoma fasciculare, Armillaria spp, Phellinus weirii. • As a consequence, if infection of substrate is successful, then decay can be very aggressive. Infection strategies • 1- Vegetative growth: the organism reaches the substrate with massive structures such as cords or rhizomorphs, or sometimes trough mycelium within roots that are grafted or in contact: Hypholoma fasciculare, Armillaria spp, Phellinus weirii. • As a consequence, if infection of substrate is successful, then decay can be very aggressive, However if decay is effected through a pathogenic infection of a live host • Be aware that there is an exploratory phase and an exploitative phase. • E.g. rhizomorphs may be present on roots, but if in exploratory phase, there is no decay • Events such as depauperation of nutritional substrates, or stress induced on live plants (such as flooding) will trigger the exploitative phase and start the decay Signs can be ambiguous • Rhizomorphs may be present but decay absent if in exploratory phase Fruitbodies and mycelial fans indicate infection is ongoing. Often large number of basidiomes may be indicative of advanced decay Infection Via spores, either airborne or vectored by insects Normally decay of the heartwood “Evasion”strategy: fuiting occurs on “non-functional” sapwood Infection/invasion Rhyssa persuasoria Evasion Infection through spores (2) Spores start an endophytic phase in infected tree that may last decades When conditions become favorable to decay due to senescence of tree, or due to increased gaseous phase because of disease, decay starts Echinodontium tinctorium Heterobasdion occidentale Anulohypoxylon thuorsianum Presence of fruitbodies indicates decay is advanced Stereum sanguinolentum wound rot fungi marciumi e carie White rot with a reddish tinge, fibrous Fruit bodies Rhizina undulata Ascomycete pine fire fungus (needs >38 C) Mortality of seedlings Staining of wood Mycelial cords Resinosis Two mechanisms of “defense”: CODIT and adaptive growth CODIT Important Decay Evaluation Factors for Risk Assessment • 1 What general type of decay • 2 Where is the decay, can it move from one part to another • 3 Is it infecting the roots, any symptoms • 4 Is it a heartrot, a saprot, or a canker rot • 5 Can we predict the size and shape of the decay column • 6 Is there a combo of decay agents • 7 Is the decay agent aggressive • 8 Is it a fast spreading decay ( high decay rates) 1-White vs. Brown vs. Brown-Cubicle vs. Soft rots Even if they look “ different” and the perception of loss of strength is obvious for the brown cubicle rot, risk is extremely similar for all types of rots. Soft rot normally is associated with either white or brown rot. So all three need to be taken equally seriously Stereum gausupatum 2,3-Top rot, butt rot, root rot • Root and butt rots pose two substantial greater problems: they affect the health of the tree and/or Trametes versicolor they affect its stability: their confirmed active presence needs immediate attention • There may be no symptoms (false security) because trees can do well Armillaria spp. with 40% of roots • Top rots can often be dealt with an “arboricultural” approach, unless canker rot or combined rot Decay agents by location of decay (B>C>A in terms of danger) • A Top rots: Stereum hirsutum, Schizophyllum comune, Daedalea quercina, Daedalopsis confragosa, Inonotus hispidus, Trametes hirsuta, Trametes versicolor • B Butt and root rots: Ganoderma australe,Ganoderma resinaceum. G. lucidum, Inonotus dryadaeus,Phellinus torulosus, Phellinus ignarius, Fomes fomentarius,Meripilus giganteus, Rigidoporius ulmarius, Kretzschmaria deusta, Sparassis spp. , Phellinus gilvus, Laetiporus sulphureus • C “Renaissance Rots”: Ganoderma applanatum, Perenniporia fraxinea, Fomitoporia punctata, Polyporus squamosus, Laetiporus sulphureus Top rots can affect success of cicatrization (healing) of pruning cuts 4 Heartrot, saprot, canker rot • Heartrots: they are constitutionally associated with age: assume older and larger trees have some level of heartrot. The larger the tree the higher the chance it has hr. If hr is in the center of stem, there may be no symptoms, but stability may be compromised. It may manifest itself through fruit bodies or wetwood. Rate of advancement affected by chemistry of hw and by growth rate • Saprots: normally associated with reduction plant vigor, decline of limbs in portion affected. Often triggered by traumatic event, wounds, or disease that increase gaseous phase. Advancement rate affected by response of plant and growth rate • Canker rots: some species, notably in the genera Phellinus, Inonotus, Fomitoporia and Fomitopsis can decay both the heartwood and sapwood 5- Can we predict size and shape of decay? • Partial decay of hw plus wound damage with fruit body. This is a very common situation: if wound small and healed, and tree healthy, this situation can persist without tree failure for a long time 5- Can we predict size and shape of decay? • Heartrot nicely positioned at the center of the stem with most of sapwood still functional. This is also a “low risk” situation 5- Can we predict size and shape of decay? • Heartrot nicely positioned at the center of the stem with most of sapwood still functional but root infection pathway is known. Risk of failure becomes high 5- Can we predict size and shape of decay? • Heartrot asymmetrical with respect to crosssection of stem, or encroaching sapwood. Risk of failure becomes high 6 Is there a saprot-heartrot combo? • As stated earlier, large trees have a high frequency of heartrot, so core of stem is often decayed and tree becomes a hollow cylinder • Mechanical injury or any disease affecting the cambial layer will cause damage allowing for gaseous phase to increase in the sapwood • When saprot fungi fruit, it means significant decay of sapwood has occurred • No heartwood and decayed sapwood=tree failure e.g. Sudden Oak Death Large oak with heartrot Saprot Heart rot Tree failure Saprot triggered SOD infection Heart rot 7 Aggressive decay agents • Some species can bypass the “walls” of defense put up by by the host, for instance canker rots • E.g. Ganoderma applanatum and G. resinaceum cause similar infection, but the latter can bypass the response of the host 8 Rate of decay varies among fungi • High rate: Coriolus, Lentinulus,Oudesmaniella, Panus, Polyporus, Pycnoporus, Xylobolus, Fomitopsis, Laetiporus, Stereum A complete Risk Assessment requires • Visual evaluation of physical structure of trees, including signs of decay: size, diameter, height:diameter ratio, size of canopy, wetwood, basidiomes, temperature of area • Physical location: neighboring trees, people and vehicular transit, property • Symptoms of disease or advanced decay such dieback, reduced growth rate, chlorotic foliage are very important. But also disease as a trigger of decay • Determination of fungi involved is important to predict risk: fungi that can spread from stem to butt, or from butt to roots, canker rots, aggressive species: these potentially help redflag the tree as a high risk tree Same fungus (Fomitiporia punctata), two locations Risk limited to branch Risk involving all tree Is it easy to ID decay fungi? • Fruiting can be ephemeral, tardive, only on some hosts • Fruitbodies can be very similar, you will miss all species that are not fruiting • DNA based assay at UCB is gold standard and is now free www.wooddecay.org By submitting samples you will help build up database, which will help to • Understand true role of decay species on various hosts, e.g. we have already determimed Hericium spp are important players even if they do not fruit, and they appear to go through an endophytic phase, Laetiporus sulphureus more important than previously thought • Identify fungal species associated with high frequency of failures Example 1: Eucalyptus Laetiporus sulphureus • If you see these two fungi fruiting, or if the DNA test from the root collar comes back positive for these two species: the risk a Eucalyptus will fall is imminent, independent of tree architecture. Tree has “no” roots Phellinus gilvus Example 2: Jack London Oak: serious issues, failure of entre tree not imminent Branch declining, significant saprot, but 50% diameter still healthy Portion had failed and Fomitiporia was IDed. Risk of failure of this limb is high: increase fenced area Healthy with presence of endophytic decay fungi (towards cottage) Base healthy, no decay agents identified Thank you! Submit your decay samples associated with failures, and be part of the solution www.wooddecay.org