ENGL SS Thur night.doc

ENGL SS Thur night (ENGL 1302)
Instructor: Allen Reid
Professor : Allen Reid
Houston Community College
English 1302
Email reidallen98@yahoo.com
Phone: 713-718-7109
Course Description: ENGL 1302, Composition II, is a more extensive study of the
skills introduced in English 1301 with an emphasis on critical thinking, research
and documentation techniques, and literary and rhetorical analysis. Core
Curriculum Course.
Textbooks Literature for Composition
Format Requirements: All assignments must be composed on a word processor,
double spaced with one inch margins, and printed on only one side. The font
must be 12 any other size will not be accepted. Do not print your paper in any
other color except black. You will be shown MLA format, take notice because
serious points will be deducted for not following format. Do not use contractions.
What is a contraction? Here are some, to name a few: can’t (cannot) won’t (will
not) don’t (do not) they’re (they are). I have noticed that even in the textbooks
they use contraction often. However, they are not acceptable on papers in this
Analysis: We will be writing two papers with the word analysis in them: a literary
analysis and critical analysis. I have noticed from previous semesters that this
seems to confuse students. Let me start by giving the dictionary definition of this
word. The Oxford American College Dictionary defines analysis as a detailed
examination of the elements and structure of something, typically as a basis for
discussion or interpretation. The key word here is interpretation. Never give me
just a summary of the literary work we are reading or the summary of an essay
we are reading. Trust me, I have read them. I know what they are about already.
What I want is your interpretation of the literary work. Tell me what the work is
saying to you. And always quote from the text to back up your point. You must
always prove your point by providing example from the work that you are
analyzing. With a critical analysis you will analyze a critical essay. Read the
essay (more than one time) and find the thesis of the essay. Then analyze what
is being said, interpret that. Then discuss in your paper whether or not you agree
with what is being said. And like I said, always give examples from the work to
prove your point. But in both: the literary analysis and critical analysis you are
Late work: Late work will be deducted one letter grade for every class period it is
late. If you have proper documentation such as a doctor’s note or a speeding
ticket, I will accept your late work without deducting any points.
Always keep additional copies of your work until after the end of the
semester. Never hand in the only copy of an essay. If an essay is lost, even if it
is my fault, you are responsible for providing a new copy.
HCC attendance policy reminder: According to HCCS policy, a student who
misses 12.5% of class (approximately 6 hours of instruction time) may be
dropped from the class at the instructor’s discretion.
Make-up policies: Be prepared to produce documentation to justify absences.
Any late work accepted or make-up work assigned will be at the instructor’s
convenience and discretion.
Student handbook: Handbooks are available in the Registration Office.
Familiarize yourself with your rights and responsibilities as a student,
especially those pertaining to “student policies”, “grievances and complaints,”
“Discipline,” and “Scholastic Dishonesty.” Plagiarized papers will receive a “0.”
Disabilities: Any student with a documented disability who needs to arrange
reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Support (DDS)
Counselor at the beginning of each semester, (713)- 718-7218. Reasonable
accommodations will be made accordingly.
Educational Objectives
To understand and demonstrate writing and speaking process through invention,
organization, drafting, revision, editing, and presentation.
To understand the importance of specifying audience and purpose and to select
appropriate communication choices.
To understand and appropriately apply modes of expression (descriptive,
expositive, narrative, scientific, and responding.
To understand and apply basic principles of critical thinking, problem solving,
and technical proficiency in the development of exposition and argument.
To develop the ability to research and write a documented paper and give an oral
Mission statement: The purpose of the English department is to provide courses
that transfer to four year colleges; to introduce students to literature from diverse
traditions; to prepare students to write clear, communicative, well organized, and
detailed prose; and to develop student’s reading, writing and analytical skills.
15% 1st research paper
15% 2nd research paper
20% Literary analysis
30% In class work and papers
20% Class participation
1/15 go over the syllabus and the writing process.
1/17 1 Ch. 4 and read the Necklace. Have your first summary read to be
checked. These summaries are on sources that you are using for your research
paper. Summarize and respond. Also include the bibliography somewhere on the
paper. Also attach a copy of the pages you are referring and responding to in
your summary. These will be checked and credit will be given towards your
participation grade. Note also that these summaries must be turned in with your
research paper. Minus 5 points for every summary missing up to 15 points.
1/22 Ch. 5. Bring 2nd summary.
1/29 grammar lesson.
2/5 bring 3rd source. Ch. 9
2/7 . Continue with ch. 9 Your bibliography must be annotated. Minus 10 points if
it is not. If you have been doing your summaries, this part will be easy.
2/12 ch. 6
2/15 ch. 6 Narrative due
2/19 ch. 7
2/26 ch. 7
3/5 ch. 8
3/7 ch.8
3/19 ch. 9 1st research paper due
3/22 ch. 9
3/26 ch. 10
3/28 ch. 10
4/2 grammar lesson. Literary Analysis due
4/4 go over MLA format.
4/9 ch. 11
4/11 read Milton
4/16 read Milton
4/18 read Milton
4/23 work on group presentations
4/25 work on presentations
5/2 give presentations.
5/7 Milton Paper due
5/9 final exam