Semest Fall Second Start 2015 er with Course PSYC 2301- 75809 Refere nce Numbe r (CRN) Instruc Jennifer Suarez tor contact inform ation (phone numbe r and email addres s) Office By phone or appointment only Locatio n and Please feel free to contact me about any problems or concerns that you may be Hours experiencing in this course. Do not wait until you have received a poor grade before asking for my assistance. Please remember to put “PSYC2301-CRN 75809” in the subject line and allow at least a 24-hour response time when communicating via email during weekdays and 48-hours on weekends. Course DE Locatio n/Time s Course Credit Hours 3.00 Semest Lecture Hours 3.00 er Laboratory Hours Credit Hours Total 48 Course Contac t Hours Course 12 weeks Length Type of Online Instruc tion various assigned readings from textbooks, peer-reviewed articles, books, original source seminal texts and other original source material, films, field trips, etc. Course PSYC 2301 is a survey course of the basic principles underlying human behavior. Descri Emphasis is placed on major areas of study in the field of psychology, such as ption: learning, memory, personality, health and stress, child and adult development, and psychological disorders. This course transfers as three (3) hours of credit to most other colleges and universities. Course PREREQUISITE(S): Prereq uisite(s PSYC 2301 requires college-level reading and writing skills. ) Research indicates that you are most likely to succeed if you have already taken and passed ENGL 1301. The minimum requirements for enrollment in PSYC 2301 and PSYC 2314 include placement in college-level reading (or take GUST 0342 as a corequisite) and placement in college-level writing (or take ENGL 0310/0349 as a co-requisite). If you have enrolled in this course without having satisfied these prerequisites, you are at higher risk of failure or withdrawal than students who have done so, and you should carefully read and consider the repeater policy notice that follows. Acade mic Discipli ne/CTE Progra m Learnin g Outco mes The goals of all psychology courses at Houston Community College are as follows: Upon completion of this course, students will be prepared to 1. Succeed in advanced psychology courses that include related content and are required for an undergraduate major in psychology1 2. Succeed in advanced psychology and psychology-related courses that include related content and are required in non-psychology majors such as nursing and education 3. Understand and evaluate psychological concepts that are covered in this course and are featured in news reports, self-help materials, and as a part of the process of seeking and engaging in psychotherapy Course Studen t Learnin g Outco mes (SLO): The student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate knowledge in multiple (8) areas of psychology including concepts, facts and theoretical perspec vcctives. 2. Define and identify the basic research and evaluation methods used in psychology, including the strengths and weaknesses of each method. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of and identify concepts related to personal development and the development and behavior of others. 4. Apply psychological concepts to the solution of current issues and problems including ethics, coping with stressful events, health and wellness, parenting, learning, memory, and /or evaluation of media presentations. Learnin g Objecti ves OBJECTIVES FOR SLO #1: Demonstrate knowledge in multiple (8) areas of psychology including concepts, facts and theoretical perspectives. CORE DOMAIN 1: THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY 1. Major schools of thought in psychology CORE DOMAIN 2: BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR 1. Components of the neuron 2. Components of the synapse 3. Action potential 4. Major neurotransmitters 5. Medulla 6. Cerebellum 7. Hypothalamus 8. Limbic system 9. Components of the cerebrum 10. Plasticity 11. Endocrine system CORE DOMAIN 3: LEARNING 1. Learning 2. Reinforcement 3. Punishment 4. Observational learning CORE DOMAIN 4: MEMORY 1. Characteristics of short-term memory 2. Characteristics of long-term memory CORE DOMAIN 5: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 1. Phases of prenatal development 2. Piaget's stages of cognitive development 3. Erikson's stages of psychosocial development 4. Alzheimer's disease CORE DOMAIN 6: STRESS AND HEALTH 1. General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) 2. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) CORE DOMAIN 7: PERSONALITY 1. Personality 2. Conscious, unconscious, preconscious mind 3. Id, ego, and superego 4. Freud's psychosexual stages 5. Big Five personality traits CORE DOMAIN 8: ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR AND THERAPIES 1. Phobias 2. Panic disorder 3. Obsessive-compulsive disorder 4. Dissociative identity disorder 5. Schizophrenia 6. Major subtypes of schizophrenia 7. Major depressive disorder 8. Bipolar disorder 9. Personality disorders OBJECTIVES FOR SLO#2: Define and identify the basic research and evaluation methods used in psychology, including the strengths and weaknesses of each method. CORE DOMAIN 1: THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY 1. Scientific method 2. Descriptive methods 3. Representative sample 4. Experimental method CORE DOMAIN 2: BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR 1. Methods of studying the brain CORE DOMAIN 3: LEARNING 1. Methods used by Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner CORE DOMAIN 4: MEMORY 1. Recall 2. Recognition CORE DOMAIN 6: STRESS AND HEALTH 1. Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) CORE DOMAIN 7: PERSONALITY 1. Objective tests (inventories) 2. Projective tests CORE DOMAIN 8: ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR AND THERAPIES 1. Purpose, organization, and content of the DSM-IV OBJECTIVE FOR SLO#3: Demonstrate knowledge of and identify concepts related to personal development and the development and behavior of others. CORE DOMAIN 1: THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY 1. Differences among the major theoretical perspectives in psychology CORE DOMAIN 2: BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR 1. Processes that occur when a neuron is activated 2. How neurotransmitters affect behavior 3. Functions of the frontal lobes 4. Difference between the central and peripheral nervous systems 5. Functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems 6. How the pituitary gland affects behavior 7. How the adrenal glands affect behavior CORE DOMAIN 3: LEARNING 1. How classical conditioning modifies an organism's responses to stimuli 2. How operant conditioning modifies an organism's responses to stimuli 3. Difference between positive and negative reinforcement 4. Factors that influence the effectiveness of punishment CORE DOMAIN 4: MEMORY 1. Information-processing approach to memory 2. Reconstructive memory 3. The function of schemas 4. Causes of forgetting CORE DOMAIN 5: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 1. Effects of teratogens and other negative factors on prenatal development 2. Relationship between contact comfort and attachment 3. Differences among the various patterns of attachment 4. Difference between the social learning and gender schema theory explanations of gender role development 5. Process of cognitive development as Piaget explained it 6. Proposed causes of Alzheimer's disease CORE DOMAIN 6: STRESS AND HEALTH 1. Effects of stress on the immune system 2. Effects of daily hassles on stress 3. Factors that influence individual's capacity for resisting the effects of stress CORE DOMAIN 7: PERSONALITY 1. Function of defense mechanisms in Freud's theory 2. Views of humanistic theorists regarding the personality 3. Bandura's concept of reciprocal determinism CORE DOMAIN 8: ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR AND THERAPIES 1. Criteria for abnormal behavior 2. Possible causes of schizophrenia 3. Symptoms of major depressive disorder. 4. Symptoms of Bipolar disorder OBJECTIVES FOR SLO#4: Apply psychological concepts to the solution of current issues and problems including ethics, coping with stressful events, health and wellness, parenting, learning, memory, and /or evaluation of media presentations. CORE DOMAIN 1: THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY Students will apply 1. Ethical standards for psychological research CORE DOMAIN 2: BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR Students will apply 1. Principles of behavior genetics CORE DOMAIN 3: LEARNING Students will apply 1. Principles of behavior modification CORE DOMAIN 4: MEMORY Students will apply 1. Techniques for improving memory CORE DOMAIN 5: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Students will apply 1. Effects of the authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive parenting styles on children's development CORE DOMAIN 6: STRESS AND HEALTH Students will apply 1. Difference between problem-focused and emotion-focused coping CORE DOMAIN 7: PERSONALITY Students will apply 1. Views of Abraham Maslow regarding self-actualization CORE DOMAIN 8: ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR AND THERAPIES Students will apply Difference between psychologists and psychiatrists Course Calend ar CLASS SCHEDULE Note: Students should consult the list of objectives in the learning modules to determine the page numbers they will actually need to read each week to prepare for the final. No tech support will be available during dates that HCCS is closed. Week 1 (9/21-9/27) DUE 9/27 @ 11:30 pm Review Syllabus Review Sample Discussion Posting Review Student Guide Review and PRINT Course Schedule Register for LearnSmart on CONNECT Complete Introduction Quiz Complete Introduction Discussion Read Chapter 1: What is Psychology? Review PowerPoint Complete LearnSmart Module Ch. 1 Complete Student Supplementary Handbook Ch. 1 Week 2 (9/28-10/4) DUE 10/4 @ 11:30 pm Read Chapter 2: Psychology's Scientific Method Review PowerPoint Complete LearnSmart Module Ch. 2 Complete Student Supplementary Handbook Ch. 2 Complete Discussion #1 Post 2 discussion responses Week 3 (10/5-10/11) DUE 10/11 @ 11:30 pm Complete Student Supplement Handbook (Ch. 1 & 2) BEFORE Quiz Complete Unit Quiz 1 Read Chapter 3: Biological Foundations of Behavior Review PowerPoint Complete LearnSmart Module Ch. 3 Complete Student Supplementary Handbook Ch. 3 ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ __ Week 4 (10/12-10/18) DUE 10/18 @ 11:30 pm Read Chapter 6: Learning Review PowerPoint Complete LearnSmart Module Ch. 6 Complete Student Supplementary Handbook Ch. 6 Complete Discussion #2 Post 2 discussion responses Week 5 (10/19-10/25)DUE 10/25 @ 11:30 pm Read Chapter 7: Memory Review PowerPoint Complete LearnSmart Module Ch. 7 Complete Student Supplementary Handbook Ch. 7 Complete Discussion #3 Post 2 discussion responses Week 6 (10/26-11/1) DUE 11/1 @ 11:30 pm Complete Student Supplement Handbook (Ch. 3, 6, 7) BEFORE Quiz Complete Unit Quiz 2 Read Chapter 9: Human Development Review PowerPoint Complete LearnSmart Module Ch. 9 Complete Student Supplementary Handbook Ch. 9 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Week 7 (11/2-11/8) DUE 11/8 @ 11:30 pm Read Chapter 10: Motivation & Emotion Review PowerPoint Complete LearnSmart Module Ch. 10 Complete Student Supplementary Handbook Ch. 10 Complete Discussion #4 Post 2 discussion responses (11/9- Last day to withdraw) Week 8 (11/9-11/15) DUE 11/15 @ 11:30 pm Read Chapter 12: Personality Review PowerPoint Complete LearnSmart Module Ch. 12 Complete Student Supplementary Handbook Ch. 12 Complete Student Supplement Handbook (Ch. 9, 10, & 12) BEFORE Quiz Complete Unit 3 Quiz ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Week 9 (11/16-11/22) DUE 11/22 @ 11:30 pm Read Chapter 15: Psychological Disorders Review PowerPoint Complete LearnSmart Module Ch. 15 Complete Student Supplementary Handbook Ch. 15 Complete Discussion #5 Post 2 discussion responses Week 10 (11/23-11/25) Due 11/25 @ 11:30 pm (WEDNESDAY Due Date) Read Chapter 16: Therapies & Chapter 17: Stress & Health Review PowerPoint Complete LearnSmart Module Ch. 16 & 17 Complete Student Supplementary Handbook Ch. 16 & 17 (11/26-11/29 Thanksgiving Holiday All Campuses Closed) Week 11 (11/30-12/2) DUE 12/2 @ 11:30 pm (WEDNESDAY Due Date) Complete Student Supplement Handbook (Ch. 15 & 16) BEFORE Quiz Complete Unit 4 Quiz Week 12 (12/4-12/6) SEE BELOW Take final exam at the specified location on one of the following dates: Friday 12/4: Central Campus - San Jacinto Building. 1300 Holman - 1st Floor Exam times: 4:00 PM -9:00 PM Last Admit 7:00pm Saturday 12/5: Spring Branch Campus - 1010 W. Sam Houston Pkwy N 1st floor (600 area) Exam times: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Last Admit 1:00pm Sunday 12/6: Eastside Campus - 6815 Rustic 3rd floor (Workforce Building) Exam times: 10:00 AM -3:00 PM Last Admit 1:00pm You can access testing center information by clicking here. Instruc Distance Education (100%) tional Method various assigned readings from textbooks, peer-reviewed articles, books, s original source seminal texts and other original source material, films, etc. Studen t Assign ments & Assess ments A. Unit Quizzes (30%): There are 4 Unit Quizzes. Unit Quizzes are taken online and must be completed by 11:30 pm on the scheduled due date. You will have 60 minutes to complete each quiz. Each quiz will consist of 30 multiple choice questions. (CORE COMPETENCIES: COMPUTER LITERACY, READING) B. LearnSmart Activities (30%): LearnSmart activities on CONNECT are included with your textbook purchase. These activities include a variety of video activities, interactive lessons, mini quizzes, etc. For each chapter, you must complete your LearnSmart module for full credit. Your CONNECT Course URL is: C. Discussions (20%): You will have 5 Discussion Postings grades. You are expected to complete each of these in order to help you connect the course material with your real life experiences. However, only your top 4 grades will be averaged for your final Discussion Posting grade. Discussion Postings Grades will be based on the following criteria: Content (60 pts): answering the question thoroughly AND supporting your experience with information from the text through MLA or APA citations of resources. The primary source of your response should be your personal experience. You must use a quote or information from the text to support your response. DO NOT quote definitions. Length (30 pts): 200 words for discussion posting & 2 responses at 100 words each Other (10 pts): grammar, punctuation, academic language Must be submitted by 11:30 pm on the scheduled due date. No late assignments will be accepted nor will assignments be accepted via email. Student assignments will be graded approximately 7 days after the due date. (allow extra time for holidays/campus closures) I would recommend you read the relevant information in the text. You do not have to agree with the information in the text, but if you do not agree, you must post your reasons or evidence. You should also read the postings of other students so that your posting does not simply repeat theirs or ignore information they have added to the discussion. You may not relate to EVERY question posed in the discussion forums. This is another reason why only your top 7 postings will count. Treat this as a class discussion where you are listening as well as talking. Despite the informality, keep in mind that this grade is the writing component of this course. APA or MLA citations within the text are required in order to receive full credit. I would also encourage you to participate early and often. No questions offered the final week of class. D. Departmental Final Exam (20%): The departmental final exam must be taken at a testing center on final exam weekend. The exam consists of 100 multiple choice items and has a 2 hour time limit. You will need to bring a picture ID with you to the testing center and arrive during the times listed on the schedule. This exam is based on the core objective/key concepts listed in your student supplement. The supplement is available on the instructor’s website at: Student Supplementary Handbook with Key Terms/Objectives for Final Exam. PLEASE NOTE: A minimum raw score of 50% correct must be earned on the final exam in order to have the possibility of passing this class. If you earn a 49% or lower on the final exam, you will automatically get an F regardless of all previous grades that you have earned in the class. If you earn a raw score of 50% or higher on the final exam, it does not guarantee a passing course grade. Your final exam score will be averaged in with the rest of the semester’s grades to determine your final grade, using the formula which appears above. MAKE-UP/LATE POLICY: I do NOT accept ANY late work or work submitted via email. Please plan for unexpected situations by working on weekly assignments early rather than the day they are due. In the case of computer malfunctions, you can go to any campus and use the computer labs or library computers to complete work. In the case of a missed quiz, your Departmental Final exam will count twice (once for the missed quiz and once for the final). The Departmental Final Exam can only be a substitute for one missed quiz. (CORE COMPETENCIES: Computer Literacy, Communication, Writing, Critical Thinking, Reading) HCC Policy Statement on Scholastic Dishonesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/ or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by instructors, department chairs, and/or instructional deans against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. “Scholastic Dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and collusion. “Cheating”includes: o Copying from another student’s work o Using unauthorized materials including electronic devices for tests, assignments, and classroom activities o Collaborating with another student during a test without authority o Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting or soliciting in whole or part the contents of an un-administered test o Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered o Unauthorized talking during tests, assignments, and classroom activities “Plagiarism” means using another person's words or ideas as one’s own without properly citing where and from whom you obtained the original work. “Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work submitted for credit. Other actions may constitute scholastic dishonesty. This is not an exhaustive list. Violation of Academic Scholastic Dishonesty and Grievance: Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may include a grade of “0” or “F” on the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or referral to the Dean of Student Services for further disciplinary action. Students who wish to appeal a grade penalty should refer to the Grade Appeal Process. HCC A = 100- 90 Gradin B = 89 - 80: g Scale C = 79 - 70: D = 69 - 60: 59 and below = F IP (In Progress) W(Withdrawn) I (Incomplete) AUD (Audit) 4 points per semester hour 3 points per semester hour 2 points per semester hour 1 point per semester hour 0 points per semester hour 0 points per semester hour 0 points per semester hour 0 points per semester hour 0 points per semester hour IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must reenroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. To compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA. See "Health Science Program/Discipline Requirements" for grading scale. Instruc Final Grade will be based on the following: tor Gradin 30%- Unit Quizzes (4) g Criteria 30%- LearnSmart Activities on CONNECT 20%- Average of top 4 discussion postings 20%- Departmental Final Exam __________ 100% Instruc Required Reading tional Materia King, L.A. (2013) The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View (3rd ls edition) New York: McGraw Hill. ISBN-13: 978-0078035401 ISBN-10: 0078035406 Edition: 3rd Required Supplements Student Supplementary Handbook with Key Terms/Objectives for Final Exam CONNECT access HCC Policy Statement: EGLSEvaluat ion for Greater Learnin g Studen t Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. Access Studen t Service s Policie s on their Web site: The Distance Education Student Handbook contains policies and procedures unique to the DE student. It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with the handbook's contents and part of the mandatory orientation. The handbook contains valuable information, answers, and resources, such as DE contacts, policies and procedures (how to drop, attendance requirements, etc.), student services (ADA, financial aid, degree planning, etc.), course information, testing procedures, technical support, and academic calendars. Refer to the DE Student Handbook by visiting this link: Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies Access DE Policie s on their Web site: Access CE Policie s on their Web site: Houston Community College is committed to providing an accessible and supportive environment for students with disabilities. In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Disability Support Service Office (DSSO) at each college of Houston Community College is responsible for arranging reasonable accommodations for all qualified students with a Studen documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, ts with hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must disabili contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college. It is ties: recommended that students meet with an ADA counselor at least 60 days prior to the beginning of each term. Faculty is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Ability Services Support Office