HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Northwest College Department of Fine Arts Course Syllabus Fall 2014 Course: Public Speaking 1315 Course Location: HCC Northwest Campus 211 Day/Time: Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Type and Length of Instructions: Lecture and Performance/Regular Term – 16 Weeks Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH): 3 Credit Hours – 48 Contact Hours Instructor: Professor G. B. Thompson Email: gloria.thompson@hccs.edu Office Hours: By Appointment Course Description: Public Speaking introduces communication principles, styles, purposes, and dynamics of verbal and nonverbal interactions that are infused with research, composition, organization, and delivery of speech types appropriate for specific audiences and occasions. Textbook and Course Materials: •A • • • • • Pocket Guide to Public Speaking, 4th edition, by O’Hair, Stewart, and Rubenstein; Bedford St. Martin A supply of 8½ x 11 paper for written assignments Ballpoint pen (blue or black) and several #2 pencils or a good mechanical pencil with a clean eraser Approximately 4-5 scantrons A stapler and staples (no paper clipped or corner folded papers accepted) A supply of 3x5 or 4x6 index cards for presentations Methods of Instruction: • In-class lectures • Class discussions and culturally diverse learning activities to include selected classic and • • • contemporary films for analysis Participation presentations Group Collaboration Demonstrations/Self and Peer Evaluations HCC Policy Statement: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Support Services Office at his/her respective college at the beginning of each semester. Contact numbers are as follows: System: 713-188-5165; Central: 713-718-6164. Contact numbers for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services and Students Outside of the HCC District service areas include the following: Northwest: 713-718-5422; Northeast: 713-7188420; Southeast: 713-718-7218; and Southwest: 713-718-7909. If a student has any questions, please contact the Disability Counselor at his/her college or the District Disability Office at 713-718-5165 or the Southwest College Counselor, Dr. Becky Hauri, at 713-718-7909. Faculty is authorized to provide only the accommodation requested by the Disability Support Services Office. HCC Academic Honesty: Students’ behavior must be consistent with the “Student Disciplinary Rules” section of the HCCS Student Handbook. Therefore, students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Forms of “Scholastic Dishonesty” are prohibited by HCC and the rules of this class. Violations include but are not limited to plagiarism (the use of the ideas or words of another – word for word or in part and without crediting the source). In addition to plagiarism, other violations, such as collusion, fraud, deception, and cheating, will not be tolerated in this class and will incur severe disciplinary actions. HCC Attendance Policy: Students’ scheduled participation in speech-making, speech evaluations, class/group discussions, projects and other graded activities is a central feature of Public Speaking 1315. Therefore, attendance is mandatory for students on those days when they are scheduled to present, evaluate, test, and perform on other major activities that will be graded. Students will sign an attendance sheet upon arrival to class or before the beginning of class. Students who arrive late must notify the professor when class is dismissed, not during class. All enrolled students are required to attend class, be on time, and remain in class until dismissed. Students who habitually arrive late and/or leave early prior to dismissal will be marked absent. Students are responsible for discovering what they have missed during their absence to be prepared for the next class. Students are advised to contact their classmates for information missed. For unforeseen events or personal emergencies, absences are excused at the instructor’s discretion when proper documentation is presented. HCC Grading Scale: A = 100 – 90 . . . . . . 4 points per semester hour B = 80 – 80 . . . . . . 3 points per semester hour C = 79 – 70 . . . . . . 2 points per semester hour D = 69 – 60 . . . . . . 1 point per semester hour F = 59 - and below 0 point per semester hour • IP (In Progress) . . . . . . 0 points per semester hour • W (Withdraw) . . . . . . . 0 points per semester hour • I (Incomplete) . . . . . . . 0 points per semester hour • AUD (Audit) . . . . . . . . 0 points per semester hour 2 • An instructor reports “In Process” for students enrolled in certain developmental courses. Student must re-enroll to receive credit. Instructor’s Requirements: Students must attend classes, complete all assignments, and participate in class discussions and other in-class activities. They must be open to learning and have respect for their classmates. Instructor’s Grading Criteria: 15% Informative Speech 15% Special Occasion Speech 15% Persuasive Speech 10% Class Activities/Participation 10% Midterm 20% Symposium 15% Written Final Examination Instructor’s Grading Items: Tests Midterm Examination Final Examination Group Presentations Speeches Students’ Evaluations Self Evaluations Class Activities/Participation Scholarly Research 3 SPCH 1315 – PUBLIC SPEAKING 2014 FALL CALENDAR PROFESSOR G. B. THOMPSON Weeks 1 2 Tuesday 8/26 Introduction to Course and Semester Overview 9/2 Introductory Speeches Thursday 8/28 Speech Evaluation Criteria, Overview of Speech Types/Purposes, and Delivery Expectations 9/9 Public Speaking, the Speech, Speech Anxiety, Ethical Speech 9/11 APA Annotated Bibliography, Test 1 4 9/16 The Informative Speech, Research Citations, Oral Citations, and Supporting Materials 9/18 Library Orientation - Required 5 9/23 Introduction/Conclusion/Delivery Test 2 9/25 Outline/Organization and Written Exercise 6 9/30 Using Visuals, Annotated Bibliography Due for Informative Speech, and Coordinating Visuals 10/2 Communicating in Groups and Teams 10/7 Informative Speech Due – 4-6 Minutes, Full Sentence Outline and Works Cited Page 10/14 The Symposium – Theme, Coordination of Groups, and Planning/Organizing 10/21 Meetings – Member Contact, Set Agenda, Group Name, Logo, and Motto 10/9 Informative Speech Due – 4-6 Minutes, Full Sentence Outline and Works Cited Page 10/16 Midterm Group Topics 8 9 Speech Rubric Handouts 9/4 Speech Acquisition, Dialects and Commonly Mispronounced Words and Reasons Why 3 7 Chapters 10/23 Research/Gathering Information and Using the Interview 4 Appendix D Commonly Misproun. Words Handout Tues: Chaps. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Thurs: Test 1, Chaps. 1-4 Appendix A Tues: Chaps. 8, 9, 11, and 23 Thurs. Library Meeting Tues: Chaps. 15 and 17 Thurs: Chaps. 12 and 14 Test 2 - Chaps. 8, 9 and 11 Tues. Chaps. 20 and 22 Thurs. Chaps. 23,27, and 28 Tues. Handouts Thurs. - Chaps. TBA Tues. and Thurs. Review Chaps. 17-19 and 27 and 28 10/28 Prepare Powerpoint for Rehearsal 10/30 Final Preparation Day for Symposium 11 Symposium Due/Submit Outline and Works Cited Symposium Due/Submit Outline and Works Cited 12 11/11 Symposium, Evaluation Due, Special Occasion Speaking 11/13 Persuasive Speaking 11/20 Library Research 15 11/18 Speech Preparation and Topic Selection 11/25 Final Review 12/2 Final Speech Due 16 Final Exam 10 13 14 11/27 Thanksgiving Holiday (No Class) 12/4 Final Speech Due 12/09 5 Tues. Test 3 – Chaps. 20, 22,23 and 27 and 28 Thurs. Time Groups Tues. Ch. 25 Handout Thurs. Ch. 24 Handout SPEECH COMMUNICATION COURSE INFORMATION Attendance Expectations 1. As this course emphasizes the development of discussion skills, the ability to work responsibly in a group, and the honing of critical thinking skills, participation in the class discussions and activities is crucial. 2. Attendance is expected of all students at all class meetings. This is necessary because you are responsible for (1) showing courteous behavior to each speaker as a member of the audience; (2) presenting your speaking assignments when scheduled; (3) participating in lectures and class discussions. 3. Attendance is imperative, both for you as a speaker and you as a listener. You are allowed two unexcused absences (You may not use one of these absences on the day a presentation, exam, daily grade, etc... is due) this attendance policy will be enforced. Extenuating Circumstances will be handled on an individual basis. 4. At the instructor’s discretion, you may be allowed to makeup ONE speech. This speech will be graded with a letter-grade penalty. 5. You cannot make up the symposium. This is a group assignment and may not be performed independent of a group. 6. Tardiness is distracting to the speakers. If you do arrive late and a speech is in progress, please wait in the hall until the speaker is finished. It is your responsibility to check with the instructor to be sure you are marked late instead of absent. Missing more than 15 minutes of a class will be considered an absence. 7. If you are unable to complete the course, YOU must withdraw from it. Withdrawal from a course is a formal procedure, which YOU must initiate. If you do not choose to drop then you will receive a grade of “F” for the course. It is your responsibility to drop if the need arises. 8. Students often drop a course when help is available that will enable them to continue and this proves to be unfortunate. Please discuss your plans with me if you feel the need to withdraw, and I will do all I can to work with you so you can successfully complete the course. 9. If you must be absent from class e-mail the instructor or make arrangements for a conference. NOTES FOR SPEECHES 10. It is the student’s responsibility to read the text and assignment requirements. All speeches are critiqued with a Speech Evaluation Form. Speech assignments are provided in class. 6 11. Students may only use 3x5 index cards at the lectern. Part of speech preparation and presentation is having your notes ready the day speeches are to be given, using the phrase or keyword (speaking) outline. 12. A full sentence speech outline and works cited page will be required for hardcopy submission before you begin speaking on the day you speak. 13. Every student must be prepared to speak on the first day that the speech is scheduled. If you are not prepared when called on to speak, you will receive a zero for the assignment. If you are absent when called on, a grade of zero will be recorded and you must set an appointment with the instructor within three days (weekends included) of your return to discuss the opportunity for makeup. If you have not discussed this with the instructor within the time period indicated, the zero stands. SYLLABUS The syllabus becomes the official policy and assignment instrument for the class and the student is responsible for meeting the requirements for class behavior as those requirements are detailed in the syllabus. GENERAL NOTES AND PROTOCOL 1. All speaking assignments must be successfully completed in order to receive a passing grade in the class. 2. All student work must be submitted in hardcopy. 3. Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated. You will be asked to provide an outline, a bibliography, and sources cited as part of each of your presentations. 4. All outlines, bibliographies, and sources cited must be typewritten or wordprocessed. Computers are available to students in designated areas. 5. Electronic devices (i.e. phones, iPods, cameras, recorders) are to be turned off before entering the classroom, and placed out of sight unless your professor has instructed their use in an assigned activity. Laptops are used by permission only. 6. Attend to personal business (phone calls, texting, food, personal functions, etc.) before class, after class, during break if provided. 7. Professional attire is required for selected speech presentations. You will be notified. 8. All students will respect the rights of others, including the right to freedom of religion, and freedom of thought. 9. Everyone will show respect to the professor and each other at all times. Disrespectful students will be asked to leave the classroom. 10. If tardy, enter quietly and take the first available seat. 11. Never walk in on another student who is giving a speech. 12. Wait at the door until his/her speech is finished. 13. Assignments are due upon arrival at the beginning of class. Late assignments (15 minutes after start time) will not be accepted. Never Enter Nor Exit When A Presentation Is In Progress. 7 Following Instructions: I cannot grade equitably if some students do not prepare work in the way it is assigned. Therefore, I deduct points (usually heavily) for failing to follow instructions on any graded assignment. If either instructions or how your work will be evaluated is not clear, please ask questions. Notice: This syllabus may be updated or modified throughout the semester. Please keep it close at hand and make changes as advised. EGL3 – Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student’s feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey or research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous result of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the semester. 8