TEACHER EDUCATION TECA 1311 Educating Young Children PROGRAM REPORTS Chapter 1 of your textbook provides an overview of a variety of early childhood programs. For this assignment you will report on eight (8) programs that provide services, care, or schooling to young children. The list of Types of Early Childhood Programs is found on the homepage and will give you ideas about a variety of programs you might be interested in. You will visit these eight programs, observing for two hours at each site to obtain the information you need to write your eight reports. Each program report should be written in your own words using complete sentences. Reports deemed not of college-student quality will have points deducted. This assignment is required for completion of this course. Before you start your field experience assignment, make eight (8) copies of the “Field Experience Learning Agreement Form.” (You will need one form for each program that you visit.) Call each program you plan to visit and make an appointment. Identify yourself as a HCCS student and ask permission to observe in order to complete your program reports. Some of the information that you’ll need for your reports will be obtained by talking to a program administrator, and the rest of the information will be obtained by observing the program in action. You will be expected to visit each program for at least two (2) hours. Complete the form documenting your hours, and have someone from the program sign the form as documentation of your visit. This form must be submitted with each program report. As a professional courtesy, send a thank you note to the program contact person for allowing you to visit. Each program report should be written in your own words using complete sentences. Reports deemed not of collegestudent quality will have points deducted. Program report should be typed, double spaced with a minimum of 300 words. At the top of each report please put the following information. * Your name * The course title * Name of program * Program address and telephone number * Date of visit Format your report into these four sections using a minimum one paragraph for each section. Include the section title. Use the questions as a guide. DO NOT JUST ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Section One – Goals and Mission What is the goal or philosophy or mission statement of the program? Why are they doing what they are doing? How do they feel children learn best? What do they want children to know or be able to do at the end of the year? What are the support sources (financial or other) of the program? How do they handle discipline? Section Two – Families and Children What children and families are included in the program? Does the type of family or child differ due to the goals of the program? Section Three – Special Aspects of the Program What special aspects of the program would intrigue families? How do they market to families? How many staff members do they have? What is the level of training for the staff members? TECA 1303 – page Section Four – Summary How do you feel about the program and your observations? Are there any things that you found particularly interesting? Identify information from the any section of the textbook that you noticed in this program? Was there any thing that was absent or missing? Revision – 8/07 2