Chapter 7 Cellular Respiration.doc

Chapter 7 Cellular Respiration
C6H12O6 + O2  CO2 + H2O + energy (used to
make ATP)
Anaerobic Glycolysis (no oxygen needed, no
mitochondria) but, Glycolysis is needed for
Glycolysis breaks glucose into two pieces,
releasing a modest amount of energy
The two pieces (2 pyruvates) store a lot of energy
that is not released in glycolysis
Respiration takes pyruvates, and breaks them
down into carbon dioxide
Glycolysis without respiration: two pathways
Pyruvate lactic acids (fatigue poisons)
Pyruvate ethanol
1) Glycolysis (little bit of net ATP; and some
NADH (used to make ATP in ETC))
2) Krebs Cycle (little bit more ATP made; lots
of NADH and some FADH2)
3) Electron Transport Chain (lots more ATP
made, using NADH and FADH2)
Metabolic pathways
Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids can all enter
aerobic respiration; however, they enter the
metabolic pathway at different entry points