
Houston Community College (HCC)/Southeast Campus
Public Speaking: 1315/CRN 52976
Instructor: Mrs. Pope
Course Location: FM 305
Office (n): (713) 718-7072
Office Location: Felix Morales 124
Office (d/h): T- 4:30pm.- 5:30pm
Teaching Methods: Hybrid/Performance
Text: A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking, 3rd Ed
Authors: O’Hair, Stewart, & Rubenstein
Students will have 50% face-to-face instruction and 50% electronic instruction.
Public Speaking is designed as an overview course of public speaking and
communication principles. Students will gain insight into how to listen and
communicate more effectively in a variety of settings, including culturally diverse
situations. Students will also develop skills in public speaking, including topic
development, research, organization of ideas, and presentations.
To become aware of the communication process and barriers that inhibit
effective communication;
To be able to use appropriate verbal, oral, and aural communication skills
to effectuate audience influence;
To be able to organize and present impromptu, storytelling, and group
To learn strategies in managing curb communication anxiety;
To learn to listen well and to critically analyze messages of other
This is a performance and skills course; therefore no student is eligible to “test
(Students will sign the Daily Attendance Roster at the beginning of the class).
1. All enrolled students are required to attend class, be on time, and remain
until dismissed. (Students, who habitually arrive late or leave early, will be
marked absent.)
2. Due to unforeseen events or emergencies, three excused absences will be
allowed for the semester. Students, who miss more than 4.5 hours (three
unexcused absences) of class, may be dropped. Absent students are
responsible for discovering what was missed and being prepared for the next
class. Refer to course calendar if absent.
3. Arrive to class no later than 15 minutes beyond the scheduled class time,
unless pre-approved by the instructor. Failure to comply will prevent you
from signing the Daily Attendance Roster, and reduce your status to absent.
4. Work schedules, lost keys, car trouble, parking trouble, or vacations are not
excused absences. However, if you know in advance that you will be absent,
please inform the instructor so that accommodations can be made prior to
your absence. Also understand that notifying the instructor does not excuse
the absence.
Measurement devices used to determine student mastery of learning outcomes may
1. Exams
2. Written, oral and online assignments
3. Class Exercises
The evaluation for each speech will be explained in advance before presenting in
class. Your speech grade includes not only the delivery of each speech, but also
the format, support, typed full-sentence outline and indications of acceptable
research using American Psychological Association (APA) format, and other
specifications provided by the instructor. Class participation includes your
contribution to class discussions and your attention as an audience member during
Students must be present at the beginning of class in order to give a presentation.
All necessary audio/visual aids must be set up ahead of time, and the preparation
work must be completed and turned in to the instructor at this time; this includes
having your name typed on your assignment and stapling multiple pages. Professional
attire and 3x5 or 5x7 note cards are required for formal presentations. As a
courtesy to other students, any disruption during students’ presentations will result
in twenty points deducted from your grade for that assignment. Disruptions include,
but are not limited to, talking, electronic noise, eating, writing, reading, or
leaving/entering the classroom during presentations.
Members have the right to remove a group member for irresponsible behavior.
Problems must be documented and both the group member and instructor must be
informed of the problem. It is essential that each group member take his or her
responsibility seriously. Procedures will be discussed in class as to how a group
member can be “voted off the island” – everyone needs to be aware that you cannot
pass this class without a group so it is imperative that you follow the rules and do
your share in order to avoid losing your group.
Speeches and Time Frames:
Impromptu Speech 1-3 minutes (informal-no outline required)
Storytelling Speech 1-5 minutes (informal-no outline required)
Group Speeches (Persuasive Speech) 20-30 minutes (professional attire/formaloutline required)
Disclaimer: Speeches are tentative and changes may be necessary depending on
the class size.
Class Work:
All work, oral, and written, must:
a. Fulfill assignments as instructed.
b. Meet standards of professionalism.
c. Contains the student’s name, class, date, instructor’s name and assignment
title (assignments, activities, and sentence outlines).
Keith Johnson
Speech 1315
August 27, 2011
Public Speaking, Ethics, and You
d. Be free of typos and errors.
e. Be of scholarly nature.
f. Save submitted work to a USB flash drive.
Classroom Deportment (not Department)
Deportment means the manner in which one conducts oneself.
Students must respect the rights of the other students in the class. The
exploration of controversial ideas is an essential component of this class. Students
who are not respectful will be asked to drop the class. When presentations are in
progress students arriving late are to stay outside until the presentation is
complete. Interrupting a presentation for any reason other than a severe
emergency is inconsiderate and will not be tolerated. Cell phones should be turned
off before coming to class. If a student interrupts two speeches for any reason
other than a severe emergency, the instructor will have a conference with him or
her (your speech grade will be lowered one letter grade).
All students are expected to exhibit professional, courteous behavior at all
times in the classroom:
a. All students must come prepared to class.
b. No gum, hats, caps, or “do rags”.
c. Revealing clothing is unacceptable and not permitted in class.
d. Refrain from bringing children to class.
e. Professional attire is required for speech presentations. (Refer to time
f. Disrespectful students will be asked to leave the classroom.
Please make every effort to attend class on time. If you must leave class
early, please notify the instructor before class begins.
All students will complete a written midterm and final. The midterm and final will
cover quizzes and text material. Everything is fair game for an exam question, so
take notes, read chapters, and study quizzes.
Refer to course calendar
All work is due on the assigned due dates (NO EXCEPTIONS!)
An incomplete will be allowed to students who have a minimum of 800 points and
become seriously ill or suffer tragedies that will prevent them from otherwise
completing the course. To receive an incomplete, the illness or tragedy must be
documented in a written memo. The memo must clearly show that the emergency
prevented the student from completing the remainder of the course work.
Violations of academic honesty, including but not limited to plagiarism, collusion,
deception, conflict of interest and theft are not tolerated and can lead to severe
penalties. Disciplinary actions are outlined in the Student Handbook. Don’t take
any chances with this; it’s simply not worth it. For more information, go to:
Students with Disabilities:
According to federal and college guidelines, any student with special needs bears
responsibility of notifying faculty accordingly. Official notification from Disabled
Student Services must be received to provide special consideration and
accommodations. Any student with a documented disability (e.g., physical, learning,
psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations
must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the
beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized to provide only the
accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services. Contact Jette Lott
at (7) 718-7218 for additional information.
In addition, please follow college policy relating to children on campus. Please
make arrangements for childcare outside the classrooms or labs.
The grading criterion for Public Speaking is based on points.
1100-1200 points=A
800-899 points=D
1000-1099 points=B
Below 800 points=F
900-999 points=C
Self Intro Speech (Partners)
Group Speech
Impromptu Speech
Storytelling Speech
Final Exam
Quizzes (8) 15 pts each quiz
Discussion Questions (8) 10 pts per part
Journal Entries (8) 10 pts per entry
Assignments/Activities (8) 35 pts per assignment/activity
Attendance (based on 15 days) 5pts each day
Total Points
E-mails: I will respond back to e-mails within 24 hours from Sunday-Thursday only.
Text: The text is required. If you don’t read (shame on you) any information, you
are only hurting yourself. However, you will have to type/define key terms.
Written work is not accepted, unless instructor notifies the class otherwise.
Teaching Strategies: The objectives of this course will be achieved through
lectures, individual and group experiences. Keep in mind, I will not cover all the
chapters in the text, but it is your responsibility for keeping up with your work and
reading assigned readings.
Extra Credit: Students will have an opportunity to earn anywhere from 10 to 50
extra points throughout the semester. Extra credit consists of class discussions
and activities, surveys, oral and written critiques, and staying after class to listen
to speeches.
Make-up/Late Policy: No makeup on quizzes, midterm exam, or final exam.
SPEECH MAKE-UP DAY: The “speech make-up day” is available to students who
cannot come to class on their due date and/or communicated with the instructor 24
hours in advance about an extenuating circumstance. Students will not be able to
make up the persuasive (group) speech if they do not show up on the due date.
Five points (impromptu) and fifteen points (storytelling) will be deducted from
make-up speeches. If students have questions about the group speech prior to the
due date, your instructor welcomes your questions and concerns. Feel free to call
or send e-mail.
Withdrawal Procedure: By attending one or more class periods, you must officially
withdraw from class should you decide to stop attending class. Otherwise, receive
the grade “F” as your final semester grade. Whether or not the instructor
withdraws you, you are fully responsible for withdrawing yourself if you no longer
desire to remain in this class. The letter grade “W” is no longer given by
instructors. November 3rd is the last day to drop classes.
Electronics: Cellular telephones must be put on vibrate when in the classroom. If
you cannot survive without your phone for 90 minutes, then please drop the course.
Those with camera phones may not take photographs of anyone without the
individual’s permission. Tape recorders are also disallowed. Exceptions may be made
at the instructor’s discretion.
NOTICE: Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face
significant tuition/ fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and
universities. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning
passing grades, confer with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about
your study habits, reading and writing homework, test-taking skills, attendance,
course participation, and opportunities or other assistance that might be available.
EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is
necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked
to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The
anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division
chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the
Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term.