LOS ANGELES CI TY COL LEGE COLLEGE READINESS ACADEMY Please complete all the information on this application to the best of your knowledge. We look forward to helping you reach your goals in life. Student ID #: 88 -____________________ S TUDE NT I NFO RM ATI O N ___________________________________________ Last Name ____________________________________ __________ First Name Middle Initial Street Address __________________________________ Apt.# _______ City _____________________ Zip___________ D.O.B. /_______ / ________ Age _______ Cell Phone # ( Gender: ) __________________________ MALE FEMALE Home Phone # ( Veteran: Yes No ) ____________________________ Email Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ MARITAL STATUS: Single Married Separated Divorced Widowed Please select your ethnic identity below: Alaskan Native/American Indian Chicano/Latino/Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Multi-ethnic/racial Black/African-American Other ________________________________ Caucasian, White Referred by: CalWORKs Office Do you need preparation for When do you prefer to take classes Counseling Office G E D E x am Financial Aid Office Ba si c S k il ls Mornings EOP&S Other: ________ C AH S E E (High School Exit Exam) Afternoon Have you taken the placement test at LACC?............................... No Yes: Results: Math ___ Eng._____ Taken:____ Are you currently enrolled at LACC? ............................................. No Yes: Number of units Do you want to transition to a credit program? ............. No Yes: Would you like Tutoring? …............................................. No Yes: benefits? No Yes Do you need Financial Aid Assistance? ……………. No Yes Do you need child care? ................................................................. No Yes: Are/were you a foster youth? .......................................... Yes Are you receiving AFDC/TANF CalWORKs cash No Do you have a disability? .............................................................. No Yes: What Are you currently working? ……………………………..... Number of hours per week Pre assessment level: _________ Score:_________ Post assessment level:________ Score:_________ C oll ege Re adi n es s Pr og ram — L o s An gel es Cit y C oll eg e (Wilshire Center) 323 953-4000 ext. 2582 323-953-4013 fax 3020 Wilshire Blvd., CCW-254 Los Angeles, CA 90010 _ LOS ANGELES CI TY COL LEGE COLLEGE READINESS ACADEMY STUDENT SUCCESS AGREEMENT If accepted as a student in the LACC College Readiness Academy Program I agree to: Enroll and complete the semester. Attend a mandatory ORIENTATION. Orientation Date:_________________ Take a PRE ASSESSMENT TEST at the beginning of the semester. Assessment Date:_________________ Attend all WORKSHOPS, Online and On Site. Date of Workshop:________________ Meet with a Counselor to discuss Educational and Career goals at least twice a semester. Date with Counselor:______________ Complete 10 HOURS of tutoring per semester. Completion of Hours:______________ Take a POST ASSESSMENT TEST at the completion of the class. Assessment Date:_________________ Transition to the FYE program. Transition Date:____________________ Notify office staff if exiting the program. I will commit myself to the following: “Make my education a priority. Do my best to complete the entire school year. Take at least 2 classes per semester. Make a real effort not to miss any classes. Only drop a class after talking to my counselor. Complete my class assignments as required. Participate in occasional evening and Saturday programs.” Student Signature ________________________________________________ Date________________ C oll ege Re adi n es s Pr og ram — L o s An gel es Cit y C oll eg e (Wilshire Center) 323 953-4000 ext. 2582 323-953-4013 fax 3020 Wilshire Blvd., CCW-254 Los Angeles, CA 90010