History 1301 American History, Inception to 1877 Fall, 2012 Instructor: Alisha Denton Loftin Office Hours: By Appointment Campus: West Loop Center, C252 Turnitin Course Name: HIST 1301 Sec 26259 TTh Phone: 918-809-8661 WL Email: alisha.loftin@hccs.edu Course #: 5421132 Section: 26259 Password: hithere Class Time: TuTh 8:00AM - 9:30AM Texts: Ayers, Edward L., et al. American Passages: A History of the United States, 4th edition. Boston: Wadsworth, 2010. Outside Readings, as required by the instructor History Monograph of the student’s choice. Must be approved by the instructor. Course Description and Goals: History 1301 is a survey of American History from inception to 1877. The study includes social, economic, and political aspects of American life and follows the development of the United States as a world power. The course is based on lectures, readings, films and class participation. This course is designed to improve the student’s skills in the following areas: critical thinking and reading, clear and concise writing and articulation, comprehension of primary and secondary sources. HIST 1301 is a 16-Week, 48-contact hour lecture course which fulfills three hours of the state-mandated six-hour history requirement. This course transfers as 3 hours of credit to most other colleges and universities. Program Learning Outcomes (PLO): 1. Students will evaluate historical developments in an essay. 2. Students will read primary source documents. 3. Students will analyze historical evidence by writing an analytical essay. 4. Students will identify proper academic, history databases. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s): 1. Discuss the Age of Exploration 2. Explain Colonization 3. Identify the causes and effects of the American Revolution 4. Explain the origins and impact of slavery 5. Analyze the formation of the Republic 6. Summarize the effects of Expansion and Innovation 7. Explain Nationalism and Sectionalism 8. Discuss the Civil War 9. Evaluate the effects of Reconstruction Course Grades: The final course grade is based on completion of the following: Exam I– 100 points Exam II – 100 points Exam III – 100 points Book Review – 100 points In-Class Essays/Homework Assignments – 20 points each Class Participation – 5 points each class day, (TBA) Exams: There will be three exams during the semester, Exam I will cover chapters 1 – 5, Exam II will cover chapters 6 – 12, and Exam III will cover chapters 13-16. The Final Exam will not be comprehensive. Exams will be worth 100 points each. Exam format will vary, and will be announced prior to each exam. Students can expect a combination of identification questions, short answer/fill in the blank, multiple choice and essays. Students must provide a bluebook for each exam. Information covered in the exams may come from any lecture, video, reading, discussion, or activity assigned or completed in class. Class participation: Class Participation points will be assigned at the end of some class periods. They will be awarded based upon each student’s valuable contribution to the class, via cogent questions, or constructive comments during class discussions or upon a brief in-class writing assignment. Five points are possible for each day class participation is recorded. Students are expected to come to class prepared—having read the appropriate readings for class. Book Review: Students may choose a history monograph over which to write their review. Instructor Approval is Necessary for All Book Review Monograph Choices. The book review will consist of a twopage, typed double-spaced paper, with no larger than a 12-point font. More information on how to write a book review will be forthcoming. In-Class Essays: Also known as Pop Quizzes. At the instructor’s discretion, pop-quizzes over materials pertinent to the day’s lecture will be administered at the beginning of class. Students may not make up pop quizzes for any reason. Therefore, it is in the student’s best interest to come to class on time and prepared, having read the assigned chapter in the textbook or the appropriate reading. Grades on written work (Book Review, Homework Assignments and In-class essays) will be based upon the following standards: Clear and concise presentation of thesis, evidence and analysis (content); organization; appropriate voice, tone and diction, Correct grammar, writing structure and spelling, and Turabian-style format. Assignment and Exam Evaluation Techniques: Grades for the class as well as on exams will be assigned on a 10-point curve of total points possible, as follows. 90% - over =A 80%-89%=B 70%-79%=C 60%-69%=D Under 59%-F Attendance Policy: Regular class attendance is not only important from the standpoint of learning, but also is required in order to be successful in this course. Students are held responsible for all materials covered during their absence and any changes made in the agenda. The student is responsible for withdrawal from the class; the instructor will not complete withdrawals To withdraw from the class, the student should initiate an official withdrawal through the counseling office; non-attendance DOES NOT constitute official withdrawal. Failure to withdraw may result in the student receiving a regular grade of “F” at the end of the semester. To request a change to Audit (A) or Incomplete (I), the student must be maintaining a passing grade. The student must initiate the change with the instructor and sign the audit or incomplete agreement. If the Incomplete is due to a circumstance that prevents the student from being able to sign the form him/herself, the instructor may make other arrangements. See the agenda for the last day to change to A or I or withdraw. Electronic Device Usage Students are strongly encouraged against the use of electronic devices during the class period. Texting, socialmedia activities and web surfing are not permitted during class time. The instructor encourages the use of pen and paper for taking notes during the class. Plagiarism, Academic Dishonesty, or Misconduct: Plagiarism is claiming, indicating, or implying that the ideas, sentences, or words of another writer are your own; it includes having another writer do work claimed to be your own, copying the work of another and presenting it as your own, or following the work of another as a guide to ideas and expression that are then presented as your own. The student should review the relevant sections of the Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook. A student guilty of plagiarism may receive a zero for the assignment and an “F” in the course. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned nor tolerated. Academic dishonesty is behavior in which a deliberately fraudulent misrepresentation is employed in an attempt to gain undeserved intellectual credit, either for oneself or for another. Academic misconduct is behavior that results in intellectual advantage obtained by violating specific standard, but without deliberate intent or use of fraudulent means. The student should review the relevant sections of the Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook. EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of researchbased questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. Tentative Schedule of Activities, Agenda and Course Outline: The instructor may change the assignment schedule AT ANY TIME by verbal or written notification in class or on Eagle Online. Chapter Outside Reedings (EReader unless otherwise specified) Aug 2731 Syllabus, Precolumbian America, Columbus, and the Age of Exploration 1 De las Casas, on The Learning Web No Class 9/3/12 - Labor Day, Book Review Book Selection Due Sept 3-7 VA, Spanish America 2&3 Sept 1014 Indian Wars, MA Colonies 4 MA "Ways, " pp83104 Sept 1721 The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening, Colonial Economics 5 Native Reactions, pp 153-163 War for Independence 5 Declaration of Independence Transformation of America, Washington and Adams, 6 Constitution and the Bill of Rights, pp214-229 Alien and Sedition Acts, p267, on LW War of 1812 ch 7 Second Great Awakening, Jefferson 8 Book Review Analysis Due Oct 29Nov 2 The American System, The Industrial Revolution, The War of American Invasion 9&10 11/2/12 Last Day to Withdraw Nov 5-9 Catch up Day, Exam 2 Nov 1216 Slavery Nov 1923 Nov 2630 2 3 4 5 6 Sept 2428 Oct 1-5 Oct 8-12 Catch up Day, Exam I 7 8 9 10 11 12 Oct 1519 Oct 2226 16 Dec 3-7 Dec 1014 Book Review Synopsis Due 11 Slave Ship pp144152 Book Review Rough Draft Due, Begin Peermark Period Reform movements, Bleeding KS, Civil War 12&13 Ain't I a Woman, p435, Declaration of Sentiment, pp385387 11/21/12 - No night class. No Class 11/22-23/12 Thanksgiving Civil War 14&15 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, pp469-473 Book Review Final Draft Due Reconstruction 16 13 14 15 Notes Topic 1 Dates Week # Tentative Schedule of Activities, Agenda and Course Outline: The instructor may change the assignment schedule AT ANY TIME by verbal or written notification in class or on Eagle Onlin Finals Week Instruction Ends Final Exams Course Contract I, _________________________ have read and understand the syllabus for course number HIST 1301 52331 and agree to abide by it, and the instructor’s policies while in the classroom for the duration of the class. ________________________ Signed __________________________ Date