Audio 3 Final Exam Mid-Term Review Sheet – Fall 2013 For the Mid-Term exam, you should know the following information: Brand names, model numbers, and recording applications of the microphones in the mic cabinet, as well as whether a mic is a dynamic or condenser Toft console: - types of input each channel can accept - EQ section How many bands of semi-parametric, shelving Range of frequencies for the EQ bands - Channel Aux section How many sends, mono, pre, post - How to set up for tracking to Pro Tools: Proper gain structure Using Submasters (aka groups/buses) Patching from the Direct Outs Using the DIGI003 Input assignment in Pro Tools Arming tracks to set and monitor Pro Tools input levels - How to set up a headphone mix: Turn up the Aux 5 and 6 Master (rotary) faders For channels on the Toft, set Aux 5 and 6 to pre, and turn up Aux 5 and 6 To monitor the stereo output of Pro Tools: Press "Tape" button for Submaster Monitor Inputs 1 and 2 Turn up Aux 5 for Submaster 1, and Aux 6 for Submaster 2 In the Isolation booth: plug XLR cable from jack A on the snake into a headphone box, plug headphones into the headphone box, turn up the volume on the headphone box. - Proper zeroing/normaling of the console Signal Flow: - Where are the Direct Outs of the Toft normaled to? - Where are the HD24 outputs normaled to? - How is the Toft connected to the DIGI003? - Be able to describe how the equipment in the studio is connected by reading the patchbay layout Pro Tools: - Edit modes and their applications Editing tools and their applications Types of tracks that can be created How to create tracks Grouping and suspending/unsuspending grouping of tracks Know the difference between: 1. using Sends and Buses to Aux tracks, and 2. Inserting an effect on a track. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? Know the difference between using the Audiosuite to render audio and using an insert to process audio in real time. Basic mute automation; basic volume automation Automation modes: off, read, write Signal Flow & Patchbay normalling: Aux 1 T. C. Electronic M-One XL #1 In L Aux 2 Yamana REV 500 In L Aux 3 Lexicon MPX 100 In Aux 4 Aux 5 & 6 T. C. Electronic M-One XL #2 In L Headphone Mix Send T. C. Electronic M-One XL #1 Out L & R Yamaha REV 500 Out L & R Lexicon MPX 100 Out L & R T. C. Electronic M-One XL #2 Out L & R FX Ret 1 L & R FX Ret 2 L & R FX Ret 3 L & R FX Ret 4 L & R Where are the Direct Outs of the Toft normaled to? Where are the HD24 outputs normaled to? Be able to describe how to patch inserts for compression and gating BONUS: Know the difference between fully normaled, half-normaled, and non-normalled Basic concepts of dynamic processing: Define compression, gating and the main parameters associated with each Concepts for routing signal in and out of Pro Tools for outboard processing: Use the DIGI 003 outputs 3-8 to send signal to external devices Note: You CANNOT use outputs 1 & 2 because they are already occupied for the Pro Tools Main Mix Output Use the DIGI 003 inputs 1-8 receive signal from external devices On tracks that you want signal to feed an external device, use the Sends and select the appropriate output. You will then have to patch the associated DIGI 003 output to the input of the desired external device. To get the signal back into Pro Tools, create an Aux Input track. Set its input assignment to match the associated DIGI 003 input. You will then have to patch the output of the external device into the correct input of the 003. FX processors: Know how to navigate through algorithm parameters on the M-One XL Know how to change algorithms Know how to find the main parameter of any algorithm Know how to change algorithm parameters Know the names of 4 routing configurations on the M-One Know how to change Program Types on the REV 500 If you the Input Select on the REV 500 is set to STEREO, and if you are only using Aux 2 to send input to the device, that you will ONLY get output from the L channel Know this: When using the Single Programs on the MPX 100, the 1st type of effect listed appears on Variations 1-8, and the 2nd type listed appears on Variations 9-16. Miscellaneous concepts: Know the standards I would expect for a rough mix (not covered) Be able to describe subtractive EQing Also, be sure to bring your quizzes, notes, and labs with you, as you may use them for the exam. You may use any textbooks during the final exam. You may use this sheet during the final exam. You may also use laptops, tablets, and/or phones for online resources. You may NOT use the above devices to communicate with one another or people outside of class. You may NOT leave the classroom once you have begun the exam. If you need to use the restroom, do it before entering the classroom. You may NOT speak to anyone in the room other than me UNLESS it is to say “Excuse me”, as the area around the equipment can sometimes be crowded during quizzes and tests. The Final Exam is Monday, Dec. 9 at 9AM. Also, be sure to bring your quizzes, notes, and labs with you, as you may use them for the exam.