Audio 4 Project 1 – Two-Track Editing Description You will take a mixed (2-track) song—any song—and make five edits. You must edit for a purpose rather than simply editing at random. Recommended Edit Concepts (Choose one of the following): 1. Radio Edit (shortening to about 3:30 for radio programming). 2. Changing The Story (rearranging verse elements to tell a different story. Must be within 30 seconds of the original.) 3. Extended Dance Mix (lengthening the song by repeating sections. Must be at least 5:00.) 4. Instrumental (editing the song to create an instrumental version. The biggest challenge here is finding a song that is suitable for this purpose. Must be at least 2:30.) You may use your own concept as long as there is a purpose behind the edits. Be prepared to explain your edit concept. You must turn in the following items: 1. An audio CD with the original and edited version of the song on separate tracks. 2. A data CD/DVD of your Pro Tools session directory. Make sure it includes everything, especially the original and edited version of the song on separate tracks. 3. Due Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2011 Grading I will rate your edits using the following criteria: 1. Technical skill - Your edits must be flawless (see notes below). 2. Musicality - Your edits should make musical sense (see notes below). Your grade will be calculated as follows: 1. Each edit is worth 10% of the grade. 2. The audio CD is worth 25% of your grade, and the Pro Tools session turned in on either CD or DVD is worth 25% of your grade. Notes: - Remember to make smooth and accurate edits by separating regions at zero crossings, and using appropriate fades as necessary. - Regarding musicality, be sure your edits preserve the song’s rhythmic consistency, and in most cases, the song’s time signature should remain constant. - The more audio files contained in your session, the more likely it is that you will need to burn your session folder to a DVD. For this project, a CD will probably suffice.