DFTG-1391 Quiz # ____: Piping Instruments Student:_____________________________________________ 1. Date______________ __________________ activate other devices by sending a control signal so as to maintain a specific level of a process parameter. 2. ____________ give light or sound signals when operating levels of process parameters are too high or too low. 3. The flow control element and seat in a valve is called ___________. 4. The main parts of a gate valve are the _____________, stem, trim, and packing. 5. The __________ of a gate valve is the long slender rod in a gate valve. 6. The bonnet of a gate valve provides __________________ for the gate or disk in a gate valve. 7. The flow control element in a gate valve comes in three basic ____________ of solid split, solid wedge, and parallel disk. 8. __________________ are used in piping systems to ensure smooth flow of fluid and maintain desired production levels. 9. Instruments sense, transmit, indicate, record, monitor or control flow rate, pressure and temperature, etc., called process ________________________. 10. An instrument can _______________ a change in a process parameter like temperature, etc. 11. Meters or gauges _________________ process parameters. 12. Indicators ________________ the level of process parameters. 13. ____________________ record the level of process parameters. 14. Rotating the hand wheel of gate valve ____________ it. 15. Butterfly valve can be used for _________________ service, on-off service and cooling tower water service. 16. Diaphram valves are used primarily for _________________, viscous, and throttling services. 17. The common types of actuators are pneumatic, electric and ___________________. 18. Pneumatic actuators are of three basic designs; namely ____________________, piston, and vane. 19. A check valve responds to fluid ___________ and gravity. 20. A check valve allows fluid flow in __________ direction only. 21. A relief valve is used for _______________ service. 22. Industrial air is used to operate mainly pneumatic __________________, controllers, and transducers. 23. Quarter-turn valves include _____________, ball, and butterfly valves. 24. Globe valves can have a flow control element of several designs such as plug, _____________, ball, and composition. 25. Depending on the _______________ of a globe valve, flow can be directed under, above or against the side of the flow control element. 26. An angle valve is a special type of a _____________ valve. 27. Pressure drop across a globe valve is ______________ than that of a gate valve. 28. The packing glands in a gate valve prevent fluid ______________ and are housed in the stuffing box.