IRAC MEETING April 29, 2005, 10:00 – 12:00, President’s Conference Room Attendance: Rebecca Tillberg, Darryl Kinney, Will Marmolejo, Janice Love, Jackie Ireland, Lawrence Bradford New member: Will Marmolejo Update on Student Survey, Spring 2005 - Rebecca Tillberg and Janice Love reported on the Spring 2005 survey. More than 3,000 students at LACC and more than 14,000 students district wide participated in the survey. The group reviewed a copy of the responses to the open ended questions. Results will be available in a few months. Feedback from the group: Exclude lower level ESL courses next survey. Provide some type of district wide comparison from the data. SGC Planning Committee: Vital Signs - Rebecca Tillberg reported that the Planning Subcommittee has begun to review the college priorities. The vital signs are being used to inform the discussions regarding the college priorities. USC Equity Scorecard – Janice Love reported on the status of the USC Equity Scorecard: Robert Rueda, USC professor, is facilitating the discussions with the Math department. The Math faculty has administered the LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory) surveys and reviewed the data. Next month each math faculty will interview two students. Darryl Kinney reported that Estela Bensimon would be speaking to the Learning Outcomes Committee regarding barriers to instructional change. Assessment and Placement (English) – Rebecca Tillberg and Janice Love reported on the process of revising the English placement test, mostly text changes to the placement report. The biggest change will be the addition of a new message to students scoring in the bottom one-third of English 20 placements. The message will instruct these students to get additional help in Learning Skills. Also, the English department is reviewing the scoring of the English Essay. An ongoing discussion including the English and Learning Skills department has begun regarding the appropriate curriculum for the students who score in the lowest range on the English placement test. Student Learning Outcomes – Assessment Taskforce - Darryl Kinney (Coordinator of the SLO program) reported on the progress of the SLO – Assessment Taskforce. The following documents were distributed: Job Description for Student Learning Outcomes – Assessment Taskforce, Core Competencies, and Student Learning Outcomes Matrix. The Student Learning Outcomes Matrix will be used by every course submitted to the curriculum committee. SLO is looking for volunteers for the committee. The group was asked to help identify recruits for the SLO – Assessment Taskforce. Each member will receive six hours of release time (if appropriate). Planning for Campus Climate Survey, Fall 2005 – The Research department is purchasing a new scanner and scanning software package from Scantron Corporation. The new system will allow for imaging scanning. The new software will allow for webbased surveys. This new scanning system will be available for campus wide applications. Training will be available for six people. Lawrence Bradford suggested that we review our needs for computer storage. Rebecca Tillberg lead a review of the Fall 2003 Campus Climate Survey in anticipation of the Fall 2005 survey. Los Angeles Harbor College Campus Climate Survey was distributed for contrast. A private company prepared this survey. Comments from the group: Like Harbor college survey because a large % of questions on LACC survey don’t apply to faculty. LACC – like the Importance vs. Satisfaction columns. Biggest issue for faculty is preparation of students for class, nothing on survey allows faculty to address this. Rebecca will solicit input regarding the survey with other committees. Program Review: Academic Affairs – The results from the Staff and Department chairs surveys were distributed. Accountability: AB1417 - Rebecca Tillberg presented a PowerPoint report on AB1417. The report on Web-based reporting (Cold Fusion, SAP-BW, and Class Tracks) will be delayed until the next meeting.