Student Application for Internships and Assistantships

2008 Undergraduate
Internships & Assistantships in
Natural Resource Management
For Students, applications should include:
 Application form
 Responses to the essay questions
 Resume
 Transcripts from all colleges and universities that you have attended
 Letter of recommendation
 Letter of support from the organization or professor you plan to work with
 A job description from the organization or professor describing the work you will be
doing for the duration of your internship/assistantship
 Projected budget justifying use of funds
For Professors (if this is an assistantship application), applications should include:
 Student application (see above)
 Curriculum Vitae
 Research project summary and responses to application questions
 Projected budget justifying use of funds.
Deadlines: Applications are due by Monday, April 14, 2008.
Please submit your application via email:
Or mail to:
Dr. Dreamal Worthen
College of Engineering Sciences, Technology and Agriculture
Florida A & M University
116 Perry Paige Building
Tallahassee, FL 32307
Telephone: 850-599-3440
Fax: 850-561-2966
2008 Undergraduate Internships & Assistantships in Natural Resource Management
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Applying for:
Funding Request:
Contact Information
Current Address:
Permanent Address:
Current: (____) ________________Permanent: (_____)____________________
Email Address:
Current College/University:
Department / Major:
GPA on a 4.0 scale:
Grade Level (junior, senior etc):
Expected Date of Graduation:
List any other Colleges or Universities you have attended: (name, location, dates of attendance)
How did you hear about the Florida A&M internship/assistantship program?
Advisor or Professor
Fellow Student
Posted Brochure
Web Search
 Newsletter Announcement
 Direct Mail Brochure
 Other __________________
Background Information
**Providing Information about your Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Background is Optional**
Race / Ethnicity: (Check all that apply)
Native American
Other _______________________________
Language(s) you learned to speak first:
English only
English and another language: ___________
Another language: ____________________
Have you participated in the Educational
Opportunity Program:
U.S. Military Service: (if applicable)
Parent’s gross annual income:
Your gross annual income:
 Yes
 No
2006 ___________________________
2005 ___________________________
Family size – Dependant Students
(include yourself, parents and other dependants)
2006 ___________________________
2005 ___________________________
Check the box if a single-parent family
Mother’s highest level of formal education
No high school
Some high school
High school graduate
Some college/university
Two-year college/university
Four-year college/university graduate
Postgraduate study
On active military duty
Veteran of US armed forces
Reserves or National Guard
(include your spouse’s income if married)
2006 ___________________________
2005 ___________________________
Family size – Independent Students
(include yourself, spouse and other dependants)
 2006 ___________________________
 2005 ___________________________
 Check the box if a single-parent family
Father’s highest level of formal education
No high school
Some high school
High school graduate
Some college/university
Two-year college/university
Four-year college/university graduate
Postgraduate study
If applying for an Assistantship:
Name of Professor:
University & Department:
Name of Research Project:
Professor Contact Information: Name: ___________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________
If applying for an Internship:
Name of Organization:
Type of Organization: (non-profit, government, business, other)
Name of project:
Supervisor Contact Information: Name: ____________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________
Please answer the following questions on an additional page:
 Why are you interested in participating in the Internship or Assistantship Program?
 What do you hope to gain from this experience?
 Describe any activities (i.e. sports, clubs, community service) you have participated
in during your college career and what skills and experiences you have gained from
your participation.
 Please describe any important aspects that you would like to share about your
schooling or your life that may not have been sufficiently addressed elsewhere in this
application, such as personal circumstances, family experiences, and opportunities
that were or were not available at your school or university.