REVIEW OF GRAMMAR • Wrighting good meens you got to follow all the ruls; like speling, good, propper, punctuashun and coreckt grammar. WHY THE FUSS? • CREDIBILITY: How can a person’s work be considered believable if that person is so ignorant as to be unable to write correctly? WHY THE FUSS? • ACCURACY: A misspelled word, a misplaced comma, or a missing verb can change, hide, or confuse the meaning of a sentence. WHY THE FUSS? • EFFICIENCY: A document that requires much effort to decipher simply will not be read. Likewise, the message of a speaker who is difficult to hear or follow will simply be ignored. In both cases, the effort is a waste. WHAT ARE THE CRITERIA? • Spelling – Use a spell checker or a dictionary – Use a proof reader • Punctuation – Use a ___________ MORE CRITERIA • Grammar and structure – Use a ___________ • Format – Use a ___________ PAGE FORMATTING • Use a cover sheet and NO PLASTIC COVERS! • Staple pages at upper left hand corner • Use FLUSH LEFT justification (ragged right) MORE PAGE FORMATTING • Double CHARACTER space between sentences • Double LINE space within paragraph • TRIPLE line space between paragraphs • Margins: L=1.5”; R, T, & B=1.0” STILL MORE FORMATTING: Page Numbers • “Front Matter” (title page, table of contents, abstract, acknowledgements, and preface) – the pages preceding the text- are numbered using lower case Roman numerals. STILL MORE FORMATTING: Page Numbers • The first page of text is page 1, but the page number is not printed. • Others are printed, centered at the bottom of the page preceded by your name, a comma, a space, Page, and the page number. SPELLING • Poor spelling reveals the writer’s ignorance for all the world (or the person[s] the writer is trying to convince/impress/educate) to see. • USE A SPELL CHECKER! SPELL CHECKERS • Can’t find properly spelled- but misusedwords (homonyms). For example, using the word “there” when you mean “their” is both a spelling error and an inappropriate word selection – a grammatical error! PUNCTUATION • Period Ends sentence and most abbreviations Decimal point URL & E-Mail delimiters PUNCTUATION (CONT.) • Question mark – Direct, but not indirect (rhetorical) questions – In parentheses to indicate uncertainty (?) PUNCTUATION (CONT.) • Exclamation point • Comma • Semicolon – As conjunctions with adverbs. – Separates independent clauses. – Separates items in a series that contain internal commas. PUNCTUATION (CONT.) • Colon – Following the salutation in a letter. – Following the date, to, from, and subject headers in a memorandum. – To separate a statement from its following amplifier. PUNCTUATION (CONT.) • Quotation marks – Periods & commas stay within. – Colons & semicolons stay outside. – Exclamation and question marks may be either in or out, depending whether it is a part of a quotation. PUNCTUATION (CONT.) • Quotation marks- cont. – Enclose titles of articles, book chapters, poems, and unpublished reports. PUNCTUATION (CONT.) • Use quotation marks to enclose verbatim phrases of less than fifty words. – Verbatim phrases of fifty or more words should be set off by indenting as an entire paragraph five spaces and using single line spacing. PUNCTUATION (CONT.) • Apostrophe • Ellipses – 3 dots (…), each separated by a character space. – Purpose? PUNCTUATION (CONT.) • • • • Italics Parentheses Brackets Dashes PUNCTUATION (CONT.) • • • • Hyphen Slash Capital v. lower-case letters Numbers GRAMMATICAL ERRORS • • • • • Sentence fragments Comma splice Fused sentence Choppy sentences Faulty coordination MORE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS • Faulty subordination Faulty agreement—subject & verb singular/plural • Dangling modifiers • Faulty parallelism MORE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS • Inappropriate word choices Words that sound similar (almost like homonyms), but have quite different meanings. Idea (a thought) vs. Ideal (a standard of perfection). DOCUMENTING SOURCES (CITATIONS) • The APA Manual is the standard for documentation formatting. • Language Skills Handbook (2nd edition), covers most of the bases. MORE YET ON SOURCE DOCUMENTATION • The primary factor in formatting citations and referencing is to be consistent. Nonetheless, the appropriate format should be used. THE END