
English 1302 Spring 2013 Poetry Performance and Commentary Assignment
Doc Rowe
Here are the instructions for the poetry performance assignment:
Reserve one of the poems printed in Making Literature Matter, 5th ed. Choose a poem that
piques your interest or with which you feel a personal connection in some way. It could also be a
speech from Shakespeare’s Othello, a work with which I want you to be conversant. See 743-830.
Write a commentary of 400-500 words about why you think the work is significant or interesting
from your personal point of view. You will read this written work aloud after your performance
of the piece itself. Turn in a typed copy of your commentary to me just before performing your
poem and also submit an electronic copy of it to me as a Word document attached to an email
message. Name the word document last name first then first name, and then assignment
designation, as follows: SmytheJoan1302PP. In this case, I know that the assignment that is being
turned in is the commentary for the poetry performance.
In the subject line of your email message, when sending an electronic copy of your commentary,
indicate which class you are in and who you are. Do not leave the subject line blank. Include a
brief email message and sign your name. Use Standard Written English (SWE) in your email
message, not slang.
Be sure to do the following:
Look up any words you do not know the meaning or pronunciation of in your college dictionary.
Practice reading the work and reading your commentary aloud outside of class. Perhaps you can
team up with a class colleague or two to practice with, or a family member or friend.
Remember to read loudly but not too fast. Be sure to pronounce each word as clearly as possible.
If you are unsure how to pronounce any given word, consult a college dictionary or me.
In your commentary, emphasize why you are particularly interested in the selection. The
emphasis should be on your personal response and specific thoughts about specifics of the text
Include an academic heading and a title in your typed commentary, following the same format as
with Essay One.
Also, include a Work Cited page with your commentary. See example on reverse side.
Email address to which you should send your electronic copy:
English 1302 Spring 2013 Poetry Performance and Commentary Assignment
Doc Rowe
Work Cited
Cofer, Judith Ortiz. “Claims.” 1987. Making Literature Matter: An Anthology for Readers and
Writers. Ed. John Schilb and John Clifford. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2012. 435-6.
[Note that the date of original publication comes right after the title of the specific work. Use the
date given in the Acknowledgements section which can be found just before the index in the back
of MLM.]
Email address to which you should send your electronic copy: