Senate Minutes 11.19.15

Associated Student Government
Senate Meeting Minutes
Los Angeles City College | 2nd floor Conference Room | Student Union Building
Thursday, November 19th, 2015 |3:30 PM
Notice is hereby given that the Associated Student Government (ASG) of Los Angeles City College will convene their Senate Meeting at the place and time listed
above. The starting and ending times are approximate. This meeting is to be called under the authority of the California Government Code Section 54956. The
Board invites public testimony in conjunction with each item of business after formal discussion. The agenda is as follows:
Call to Order- 3:38PM
Roll Call:
PRESIDENT, Bryant Woodert, present
SENATOR, Owen Grissom, present
PARLIAMENTARIAN, Kazi Mahmood, absent
SENATOR, Jenné Henry, present
VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE, Sheldon Harvey, present
SENATOR, Scheick Toure, present
VICE PRESIDENT OF CLUBS, Saeed Hossaeini, arrived at
SENATOR, Arsen Shakhbazyan, present
SENATOR, Alyssia Hogue, present
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, Tristan Bantog, present
SENATOR, Mandie Dixon, arrived at 3:55PM
SENATOR, Lavel Berry, left at 5:11PM
SENATOR, Diego Mendez, arrived at 3:48PM
SENATOR, Murat Gabriel, absent
ADVISOR, Alen Andriassian, present
Approval of Minutes Meeting was recessed for 10 minutes until quorum was reached. Meeting called back to order at 3:46PM. Hossaeini
motioned to approve the minutes with necessary conditions. Motion passed.
Public Forum
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Board on issues not already appearing on the agenda. Each member will be limited to
a total of Three (3) minutes. (Limited to 20 minutes)
No issues brought forward.
Hossaeini motioned to allow Professor Nishimura 10 minutes to discuss the Student Equity plan. Motion passed. The plan is to affect the
disproportionately impacted students. The Equity funds have doubled from 1.1 million dollars to 2.2 million dollars. Funding will be spent
improving areas of access, course completion, basic skills completion, degree/certificate/ completion, and transfer. All funding would have to spent
within a 9 month period. Students can request for programs or items involving funding if it is brought up to the committee Compass. The Compass
committee will meet every 4th Monday at 12:30PM in AD 303.
Reports (Each member will be limited to a total of Five (5) minutes)
President’s Report Spoke with Vice-President Dr. al-Amin about negative check-off. Mandatory $1 fee for the printout must still be paid at
the Business Office despite students being able to pay their fees online. Negative check-off is currently working, but if a student is receiving
financial aid they are locked out of the system. Once it processes, it processes only one fee. Went to the Student Affairs Committee and
discussed contracts with Higher One. Many schools do not want Higher One, but the Board has not accepted student concerns regarding this
Officer Reports/Committee Reports Harvey: There was no funding requests this week, therefore there was no Finance meeting. Attended the
LACC Budget Meeting. In order to get a more accurate idea of the budget students must sign up for classes earlier and be full-time. Hogue:
The website has been updated with office hours. Please check the website to make sure it reflects current information. The newsletter will be
going out shortly. Currently awaiting access to the LACC ASG FaceBook account, but has access to other social media accounts. The textmessage system is up and running. Mendez: Came back from SSCCC conference. Urges everyone to make sure that they are doing their
assigned duties. All funding order requests must be submitted by December 3rd. Berry: Next week Support Staff will be clearing out old posters
left hanging around the campus. There will be a new Sherriff from the Veteran’s Department patrolling the campus. There will be a skyviewing event tonight in the quad. Dixon: There will be a Psychology Club movie showing tonight on the 3rd floor of the Student Union
tonight. Grissom: The sidewalk on Vermont will be closed. OSS requested that ASG help publicize awareness for visually impaired students.
The Braille Institute has requested we attend their banquet. Toure: A packet is available for students who did not attend the SSCCC conference.
NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka
CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student
Government (ASG) office located in the 2nd floor, Student Union Building in person or by phone at (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2475. You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Bryant Woodert, ASG President, in
person at his office in the Student Union Building, by calling (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2478, or via email:
Discussion Items (Each Discussion Item is limited to a total of Ten (10) minutes)
Henry: Sip-N-See 2.0 was a big success. Thank you to everyone who helped. Bantog: Please call “point of privilege ” so that the minutes can
accurately reflect times of leave. Oscar motioned to recess at 4:33PM for 10 minutes. Toure voted no. Motion passed. Meeting called back to
order at 4:44PM.
Advisor’s Report There were few problems with the representation that occurred at SSCCC conference. A lot of work was done properly at
the event.
Dream Center Dream Center would serve the AB540 students in Study Room D in the Student Union building in order to make them feel like
they are a part of the campus with the assistance of a counselor. Dixon: Believes that the Dream Center should be made indefinitely with no
particular stance on where the center should be set up. Woodert: Agrees that the Dream Center is beneficial to the campus but… Elias: Any
space for the center is better than the program having no set space. Oscar: Agrees that the center should be built, but not in Study Room D.
Setting up in Study Room D would take away from the students. There are other/better options on where to put the Dream Center.
Shakhbazyan: We should show whoever requested Study Room D that there are better options than that room. Hogue: There are better spaces
that the program can be placed. Putting the program in such a small place would set the program up for failure. Andriassian: The program
creates a safe place meaning that it would be a group of people who know each other’s issues and counselors trained in helping AB540
students. If the 1st floor space is given up then it is possible we may not get it back.
Holiday Party Will be on December 3rd at 5:30PM. Multiple areas of the Student Union building will be coming together. Oscar motioned to
suspend the rules of the day for 10 minutes. Motion passed. Mendez motioned to extend the meeting for an additional 2 minutes. There will be
a gift exchange with a minimum $20 value. There will be no stealing of items.
ASG Discount Cards ASG Discount cards need to sell out soon. Publicizing must be done in order to increase sales. Dixon instigated a
competition with the entire ASG. Andriassian will check out 100 discount cards and will be dispersed throughout the board through Woodert
and Oscar.
Senator Concerns Mendez: Urges everyone to make sure that they are doing their assigned duties. Hogue: Expects everyone to perform their
duties proficiently. Also, everyone should be making his or her own contributions on the ASG Newsletter. Dixon: We should plan giveaways
for the student body. Raffle giveaways should be planned to promote ASG membership. Dixon will chair an AD Hoc committee to promote
student membership benefits. Planning the meeting time for next semester’s schedule needs to begin soon.
Action Items (Each Action Item is limited to a total of Ten (10) minutes) 4:00pm
Reappointment of Parliamentarian No discussion. Mahmood officially resigns from office.
X. ANNOUNCEMENTS Harvey suggested that we adjourn the meeting in a moment of silence in honor of those who were murdered in the Paris attack. Elias commented that
the board seems disconnected. Programming Board has expressed that they feel disconnected with the ASG board. Hogue stated that if anyone needs help planning
events she is eager to help. Oscar stated that a member of the Programming board should be a part of the Ad Hoc committee for Spring semester giveaways and one
member should be at each Senate board meeting.
ADJOURNMENT Meeting is adjourned at 5:59PM.
NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka
CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student
Government (ASG) office located in the 2nd floor, Student Union Building in person or by phone at (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2475. You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Bryant Woodert, ASG President, in
person at his office in the Student Union Building, by calling (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2478, or via email: