Vocabulary Definitions Using Context Clues Assignment.doc

Vocabulary Definitions Using Context Clues
Look at the same ten vocabulary words used in meaningful sentences. Now write the letter of what you believe is the
best answer for each word. Write your answer beside your first answer.
1. Carolyn thought about how helpful her friend was when she had the flu, so now she wanted to reciprocate.
A. a decline in business B. to speak in detail C. to give in return D. to bring awareness to
2. The country was an oligarchy; the power was in the hands of two powerful leaders.
A. a type of live tree B. one person in power C. a democracy D. government by a few
3. The gilt on the handle of the medieval sword made the anthropologists believe it belonged to the royal family.
A. thin layer of gold B. thin layer of tin C. feeling happy D. the edge of a shelf
4. Anne couldn’t attend the meeting, so she gave Barbara her written proxy in case the club decided to vote.
A. far away B. next or nearest C. clever D. to act for another
5. The refugees were weak and gaunt after living almost a year with inadequate food.
A. thin and bony B. tall and thin C. heavy-set D. strong
6. Even though John had a broken arm, he was able to ambulate as he emerged from his wrecked car.
A. to move by force B. to move around C. to have ambition D. to own an ambulance
7. Loretta suffered from narcolepsy; she would fall asleep even when sitting straight up in a chair.
A. not able to sleep B. sleeping too much C. desire to steal D. fear of night
8. Janice and Maria happily recounted the jaunt they went on together when they were just teenagers.
A. a sad event B. a short pleasure trip C. a serious event D. difficult and stressful
9. The council was going to vote of whether or not to repeal the unpopular law.
A. to confirm B. to cancel C. to repeat D. to repay
10. The toddler’s parents were very indulgent as they gave in to his every whim.
A. lenient B. demanding C. excessive D. stingy