Brief PowerPoint presentation I did on POMDPs.

What Are Partially Observable
Markov Decision Processes
and Why Might You Care?
Bob Wall
CS 536
• A special case of the Markov Decision Process
(MDP). In an MDP, the environ-ment is fully
observable, and with the Markov assumption for
the transition model, the optimal policy depends
only on the current state.
• For POMDPs, the environment is only partially
POMDP Implications
• Since current state is not necessarily known, agent
cannot execute the optimal policy for the state.
• A POMDP is defined by the following:
Set of states S, set of actions A, set of observations O
Transition model T(s, a, s’)
Reward model R(s)
Observation model O(s, o) – probability of observing
observation s in state o.
POMDP Implications (cont.)
• Optimal action depends not on current state but on
agent’s current belief state.
– Belief state is a probability distribution over all possible
• Given a belief state, if agent does an action a and
perceives observation o, new belief state is
– b’(s’) = α O(s’, o) Σ T(s, a, s’) b(s)
• Optimal policy π*(s) maps from belief states to
POMDP Solutions
• Solving POMDP on a physical state space is equivalent to solving an MDP on the belief state space
• However, state space is continuous and very highdimensional, so solutions are difficult to compute.
• Even finding approximately optimal solutions is
PSPACE-hard (i.e. really hard)
Why Study POMDPs?
• In spite of the difficulties, POMDPs are still very
– Many real-world problems and situations are not fully
observable, but the Markov assumption is often valid.
• Active area of research
– Google search on “POMDP” returns ~5000 results
– A number of current papers on the topic
Some Solution Techniques
• Most exact solution algorithms (value iteration,
policy iteration ) use dynamic programming
– These techniques transform from one value function
(the transition model in physical space, which is
piecewise linear and convex - PWLC) to another that
can be used in an MDP solution technique
– Dynamic programming algorithms: one-pass (1971),
exhaustive (1982), linear support (1988), witness
– Better method – incremental pruning (1996)
POMDPs at Work
• Pattern Recognition tasks
– SA-POMDP (Single-action POMDP) – only decision is
whether to change state or not
– Model constructed to recognize words within text to
which noise was added – i.e. individual letters within
the words were
– SA-POMDP outperformed a pattern recognizer based
on Hidden Markov Models, and exhibited better
immunity to noise
POMDPs at Work (cont.)
• Robotics
– Mission planning
– Robot Navigation
• POMDP used to control the movement of an autonomous robot
within a crowded environment
• Used to predict the motion of other objects within the robot’s
• Decompose state space into hierarchy, so individual POMDPs
have a computationally tractable task
POMDPs at Work (cont.)
• BATmobile – the Bayesian Autonomous
– Many different tasks make use of a number of
AI techniques
– POMDPs used for the actual driving control (as
opposed to higher level trip planning)
– To efficiently compute, uses approximation
BAT (cont.)
• Several different techniques combined:
– Dynamic Probabilistic Network (DPN) to maintain
current belief state
– Dynamic Decision Network (DDN) to perform
bounded lookahead
– Hand-coded explicit policy representations – i.e.
decision trees
– Supervised / reinforcement learning techniques to learn
policy decisions
BAT (cont.)
• The BAT has been constructed in a simulation
environment and has been demonstrated to
successfully handle a variety of driving problems,
such as passing slower vehicles, reacting to unsafe
drivers, avoiding stalled vehicles, and merging
into traffic.
• Tutorial on POMDPs:
• Additional pointers to articles on my web