1301, Dr. Breslin, Spring 2011 RW=Real Writing with readings. Fourth Edition. Susan Anker. WA=Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with readings. Fifth Edition. Ramage, Bean, and Johnson. Week 1 Tuesday 1-18/Wed1-19: Course Introduction. Diagnostic essay: Should human cloning be legalized? Discuss Ethos, Logos, and Pathos: argument approaches. HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: The policy statement Write: Initial and sign the last pages of the policy statement. Do: Order/Buy your books. FYI: Friday 1/21 is the last day to drop or add classes. Th. 1-20/Monday 1-24: Quiz over course rules at end of policy statement. Review the basics of the writing process and essay/paragraph/sentence structures. HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Blackboard – Handout on chapter three - Writing Basics. Write: Take notes on the power points. Do: Textbooks should be ordered and on the way to you. Week 2 Tu. 1-25/ Wed. 1-26: Quiz over reading. HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Blackboard - Grammar Power Points 1-3 & 15. Complete Handout of chapter 21. Write: Take notes on the power points and readings. Look at the assignment for Essay one and decide on a topic for your first essay. Create a thesis statement. Read the article I handed out and note the sections to which you can most relate. Just write on the handout. Th. 1-27: Class canceled. No class meeting. HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Blackboard - Grammar Power Points 1-3 & 15. Complete Handout of chapter 21. Write: Take notes on the power points and readings. Look at the assignment for Essay one and decide on a topic for your first essay. Create a thesis statement. Just write on the handout. Week 3 Mon. 1-31/Tu. 2-1: Reading Quiz over power points and handout. Discuss information read. Begin writing first essay. HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Blackboard - Grammar Power Points 4-7. Write: Take notes on the power points. Do: Bring your RW textbook to next class meeting! Wed. 2-2/Th. 2-3: Reading Quiz. Work on essay one. HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Blackboard - Grammar Power Points 8-10. Write: Take notes on the power points. Complete essay one. Do: Bring your RW textbook to next and ALL future class meetings! Week 4 Mon. 2-7/Tu. 2-8: Discuss handouts. Peer review essay one. HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Blackboard - Grammar Power Points 11-14. Write: Take notes on the power points. Complete essay one. Do: See a tutor with a revised draft of essay one AND a copy of the assignment. Wed. 2-9/Th. 2-10: Class canceled. Day off to see a tutor with your first essay. I recommend that you see a tutor more than once with this essay. Be sure to take your assignment with you to the tutor, and tell the tutor that the assignment purpose is an argument. I will be in our classroom to answer questions that you may have regarding your essay. I am not there to write it for you, but I will tell you if you are on the right track. You are not required to attend, but it is an option for you. HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Blackboard - Grammar Power Points 11-14. Also, note the Grading Criteria Link on our Learning Web. Write: Complete essay one. Edit, Edit, Edit. Have someone else read your essay; then have a tutor read your essay. Do: See a tutor with a revised draft of essay one. Bring an electronic copy to class, saved in a format that you can open in our classroom. You can email it to yourself if you like. Bring your books to class. Week 5 Mon. 2-14/Tu. 2-15: Open Lab: Quiz on Grammar Power Points 11-14. Review paragraphing, circle prepositions and linking verbs, and underline pronouns. Discuss power points, some handouts, and the course Grading Rubric. I will be in our classroom to answer questions that you may have regarding your essay. I am not there to write it for you, but I will tell you if you are on the right track. HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Polish essay one. Do: Bring folder with drafts in the left pocket, and the final draft on the right. The name of this assignment is Essay One. The final draft should have “Final Draft” written after the assignment title. Wed. 2-16/Th. 2-17: Essay one DUE. HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Week 6 Mon. 2-21/Tu. 2-22: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Wed. 2-23/Th. 2-24: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Week 7 Mon. 2-28/Tu. 3-1: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Wed. 3-2/Th. 3-3: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Week 8 Mon. 3-7/Tu. 3-8: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Wed. 3-9/Th. 3-10: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Week 9 Mon. 3-14/Tu. 3-15: Spring Break! YAY!! Wed. 3-16/Th. 3-17: Week 10 Mon. 3-21/Tu. 3-22: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Wed. 3-23/Th. 3-24: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Week 11 Mon. 3-28/Tu. 3-29: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Wed. 3-30/Th. 3-31: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Week 12 Mon. 4-4/Tu. 4-5: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Wed. 4-6/Th. 4-7: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Week 13 Mon. 4-11/Tu. 4-12: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Wed. 4-13/Th. 4-14: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Week 14 Mon. 4-18/Tu. 4-19: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Wed. 4-20/Th. 4-21: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Week 15 Mon. 4-25/Tu. 4-26: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Wed. 4-27: HOMEWORK (due next class meeting): Read: Write: Do: Th. 4-28/Mon. 5-2: Last Class Day!!